The Boy Wonder

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A//N: So.......this chapter actually turned out kind of gruesome....I don't really know what dark part of me this came from, but.....oh well! :) There'll be another author's note at the end to clear up any confusion.


As the bright light fills the hallway, my worry disappears momentarily. This is Raven's magic. When it is this color, she is usually healing something. Right? I definitely don't feel any negative effects.

Until Cyborg starts screaming. I squint against the bright light in time to see his arms fall off and his artificial eye pop out. I have no way to held him.

"Cyborg!" I shout. On my other side, Beast Boy starts convulsing.

My world is falling apart.

With tears in my eyes, I turn to Beast Boy and hold him down. He starts screaming. I am afraid that in his convulsions he will bite his tongue off, so I quickly take my shirt off and stuff as much of it in his mouth as I can.

Cyborg is still screaming, even as his chest component falls away from his head.

Then, silence. Beast Boy stops convulsing. The light is gone.

I take my shirt out of BB's mouth, but refuse to look at him. I climb to my feet, ignore the pile of metal to my left, and walk into the classroom.

The Master is on the ground, unconscious. The Doctor is leaning against the blue box, looking at his hands in awe. And Raven....oh, Raven.....

"Raven!" The cry wrenches itself out of my mouth. I drop to my knees beside her lifeless body and press my hands to the wound in her side. The blood beneath my fingers isn't moving at all.

The Doctor startles at my scream. He walks over to examine her.

"She's not dead yet." He tells me. "I can save her."

I look at him skeptically.

"Trust me. I'm The Doctor." He says, looking me straight in the eye. Then he walks over to the blue box.

I grip Raven under her knees and shoulders before lifting her up. She is perfectly limp in my arms, and I have to hold back my emotions in order to see straight.

The Doctor holds the doors open wide for me as I carry her in.

"It's bigger on the inside". I say. The words slip out of my mouth.

The Doctor doesn't even reply as he walks inside.

The large interior hosts a room easily as large as the classroom outside. Doors lead off in various directions as well. In the center of the room stands a large console. The Doctor crouches in front of it and opens a hatch. Golden light flows out of it and slowly makes its way to Raven.

"It seeks out the weakest form." The Doctor says, and offers no further explanation.

One of the doors creaks open, and a crowd of people step through. Only three people step close to us though. The other six stay behind. Of the three, there is a blond woman, a man wearing green, and a man wearing red.

"Holy...." Red says. Very eloquent.

"Is she okay?" Green asks, his brow furrowed in concern.

Blond speaks up in a panicked voice. "Doctor! Why are you using the time vortex again? After last time..."

The Doctor closes the hatch with a snap. The remaining golden light seeps into Raven's body. With shock, I watch the bullet wound start to disappear.

"To answer your question, Rose, I am using it to save this girl's life. She can take its power better than either of us could. She is part demon and already has minimal control of time." The Doctor pauses. "I think she'll be okay."

I take a deep, shaky breath before addressing the Doctor. "How do you know about her powers?"

"After my class, she would tell me a little about her. I only got bits and pieces though, because she still has to rush to her next class. She's the one that told me the Master was here." His eyes widen, and he turns to the men in red and green. "Link, Lloyd, could you tie him up and bring him in here?"

The two men nod and walk past me into the classroom. I notice that they each have swords and light armor like medieval times.

"Control of time, huh?" I ask after they leave. The Doctor chuckles and turns back to the others.

"You all should go back to your rooms. There's no danger, and I don't want to overwhelm our friend here."

They nod and leave. After some hesitation, Rose follows them.

Red and Green, or I guess Lloyd and Link, return with The Master. With the Doctor's direction, they take a different door into the inner workings of the Tardis.

Raven groans from my arms. My heart races in joy. Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me with a lazy smile on her face.

"You look happy." Her dry voice remarks. She closes her eyes again. "Ugh. I wonder if this is what hangovers feel like."

I laugh and bury my face in the crook of her neck.

"Alright, alright." She laughs. "Let me down."

I oblige with a smirk. Her eyes widen as she takes in where she is.

"Is this...?" She asks.

"My Tardis." The Doctor finishes for her.


A//N: explanations.

So, if you don't already know it, this is actually Book Three of a series of various fandoms connected by Doctor Who. This one is by far the most connected with the others, and I know it is confusing. So here's a list of the additional characters who will not receive any further explanation:

Doctor Who characters
*The Doctor- in all 3 books so far.
*Rose Tyler- "the blond" in all 3 books so far. The Doctor's companion
*The Master- the villain that is only in this story.

The Legend of Zelda characters
*Link-"the man wearing green" medieval-age hero from the first book.
*Midna-(not specified in this chapter)-Link's wife
*Colin-(not specified in this chapter)-other young adult swordsman
*Luc&Maya-(not specified) Link's children

Tales of Symphonia characters
*Lloyd-"the man wearing red" medieval-age hero from the second book.
*Colette-(not specified) Lloyd's girlfriend.
*Genis-(not specified) Lloyd's best friend

Message or comment if you have any other questions. I hate to be confusing, especially in my writing.

One more chapter to go! (I think).

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