Half Metal, Half Heart

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"Uh oh." I say, looking around the room. Beast Boy, in monkey form, is miraculously hanging from the ceiling. Below him is a tremendous mess, definitely stank ball worthy.

"What?" BB asks, still laughing.

"Robin wants this all cleaned up when he gets back."

BB's face falls immediately as he scans the room. He drops to the floor as I peek into Rob and Rae's room. It is wrecked, too, courtesy of a video game session earlier.

"We have a lot of work to do." BB says. I can only nod in reply.

---------------10 Min Later----------------

"Think fast!" BB shouts at my right hand, which catches the incoming projectile and takes it to the right spot. My left hand picks up the laundry and my head works on fixing the TV, which I hacked earlier. "Hey, Cy." BB calls from the other room. "Can you kick the bedspread back over here?"

It takes awhile, what with my legs not having eyes, but soon they have transferred the bedspread to that room. My head detached from the TV and crawls with its wires into the same room. BB smiles and picks the bedspread up.

"Thanks, Cy."

I blink. Did he just thank me? Politely? What the hell?

"You're welcome." I respond, looking around the room from my short level. It is immaculate, save the one bed that BB is making. I turn in the doorframe and look at my hand's progress. They're almost done, too. "You know, I think we'll make it." I remark.

"Really? How long does it take Robin to get across town and how long have we been cleaning?"

"With the two together, we should still have five minutes." My head tells him.

"Oh really?" A deep voice asks from the doorframe hidden from me. Beast Boy and I both give high pitched squeaks. "You guys did well. Don't worry." Robin says. his calves appear in my vision and he picks up my head. "Now let's get you back together."

Robin puts my head back on my shoulders, and I feel Raven and BB each grab a hand. With the team's help, I'm soon back together. I immediately hug Raven. "How's my big girl?"

"I'm good, Cyborg." Raven giggles, hugging me back. I exchange looks with the others, who both shrug. Rae steps back and slugs me across the chest playfully. "But I missed my boys all day."

I'm always surprised by Rachel Roth.

"So highschool was fun?" BB asks.

"Yeah, it was." Raven says, and she zones off staring at the floor. The guys and I exchange looks again.

"Rae?" Robin asks. She shakes her head and smiles at us.

"Sorry. I was just thinking."

"Obviously." I reply, a smirk on my face.

"Anyways, you guys did well cleaning up." Robin smiles. "It's nice to know that I hold that much power over you guys."

"I wouldn't call it power...." BB says hesitantly. ".....Or fear....." He adds at Robin's smirk.

"Yeah, Rob." I say loudly, swinging an arm over BB's shoulders. "I'd call it respect. We've been on your team for...." I cut off when Raven grimaces and steps backwards like she's been punched. Robin reacts quickly and helps her sit down.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Portal again." She says, clutching her head. "Really big this time."

"By 'big', do you mean that the person is eviller, or that there are more people?" BB asks. I laugh to myself about his bad grammar.

"More people." Raven answers.

"How many Rae?" Robin asks. He's kneeling in front of her, his hands gently on her knees. I create a reminder in my central matrix to ask him about that later.

"I....I don't know. Twenty? Thirty? They're still coming."

Just then, the first responder alert line that I hacked earlier goes off. No one else can hear it, so I tell them.

"Cyborg, Beast Boy, get ready to fight. I don't like the sound of this." Robin says, but he's watching Raven with concern.

BB and I change clothes quickly. Not for the familiarity, but for mobility. My clothes hinder movements, and BB needs his suit for smooth morphing. I reach under Robin's bed and grab his outfit and weapons. He frowns gently at the outfit, but seems to realize the hinderance of his current clothes and grabs it anyway.

"I'm gonna go change now. You probably should, too, just in case any classmates see you." Robin says to Raven, who looks better. I grab her clothing for her, too, and she smiles gratefully. As Robin walks into the bathroom, I usher BB into our room so that she can change.

I shut the door right as the sirens start. And boy, are they loud.

"They must have everyone out there." BB remarks in a slightly raised voice. I nod in agreement. Thinking of something quickly, I put the "Do not disturb" sign on our knob outside, then lock and bolt our door. Raven and Robin both enter our room, and BB slips by them to do the same thing I did to their door.

"Window?" I ask. Robin nods. Raven tucks her hair back and pulls up her hood. In our old world, she rarely used it in fights, but here, she is taking every precaution to not be recognized. BB comes back in, smiling like an idiot.

"What's the stupid face for?" Raven teases him.

"I get to morph guys!!!" He breaks out into a wider grin before opening the window, morphing into a bird, and flying out. He hovers there as I crawl out. Then he morphs into a larger bird and I grab his legs.

"Head for the noise. We'll be right behind you." Robin calls out. BB sets out for downtown, the source of the cacophony.

"What do you think it is?" BB asks by morphing only his head back to normal.

"I don't know." I respond, glancing up at my display screen on my arm.

"Guys..." Raven seems nervous as she catches up. Robin is crouched on one of her purple disc thingies.

"Oh no." BB says, before turning his head back into a bird. I look forward just as we round a building and can finally see the newcomers.

"It's them." Robin says. "All of our enemies."

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