From Darkness Born

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Robin fills me in on all that happened. I look down at my side to double check. There's no wound and my skin is clean. My shirt, however, is soaked in blood.

I look at Robin again and blush. "Where's your shirt?" I ask.

He pales. "I completely forgot!" He chastises himself while running out of the Tardis. I glance at the Doctor before following him.

The first thing I see is the hunk of metal.

"Oh no! Cyborg!" I cry out in despair. But then I see Robin's face. He is smiling. I look harder.

Next to the pile of metal is a body. A completely human body. Cyborg is human again! In my sudden joy I almost don't realize he's naked. Almost. In embarrassment, I turn the other way. The Doctor laughs at my facial expression.

"I'll get him some clothes." He says, before walking back into the Tardis.

"Look." Robin says, still smiling. He directs me over to a different body lying unconscious. At first, I worry. Didn't they get all of the students out? Then I recognize the blond hair and pale skin. Beast Boy has his normal looks again. And, thankfully, he has clothes on.

"You healed them." Robin says into my ear.

"How?" I ask, leaning into his warm arms.

"When you..." He pauses. "....were emitted a wave of light. It looked a lot like your healing powers. When it touched me, I only felt warmth. But when it passes over the other two...."

He explains to me what happened and why he took his shirt off. "I feel so bad that I left them." he says.

"Don't be." I tell him seriously, before teasing him. "Besides, you were really worried for me." I smirk.

"Don't get a big head, now." Robin smiles.

The Doctor returns just as the other two start to wake up. Both of them seem disoriented before they realize their individual differences.

Cyborg squeals like a little girl when he sees his skin again. I almost turn around just so I can see his expression. Almost.

I hear the rustle of clothes and then a distinct 'zip'. When I turn around, Cyborg is wearing jeans, but no shirt.

It must be a shirtless holiday or something. Not that I'm complaining.

Beast Boy is strangely silent. He stands up and just looks at his hand.

"What's wrong, BB? We're human again!" Cyborg says with a laugh.

When Beast Boy speaks, his voice is the quietest that I have ever heard. "What if I don't have my powers anymore?"

Cyborg's face falls, and he glances at his old body before turning back to BB. "You won't know until you try. Besides, look at me. I haven't had powers all these years and I still kick butt. If you don't have them anymore I'll help you make a super suit or something."

"Or you can learn to use a weapon." Robin says pointedly at Cyborg.

Are BB and I the only ones with powers? That's weird. A team of superheroes consisting of two normal humans (one part machine, admittedly), an alien (whose powers were normal on her planet), a biologically mutated teenager, and a half-demon with psychic abilities. Not exactly the Justice League.

"Okay. Here we go." Beast Boy says. He gives us a nervous grin before transforming. To our surprise, he turns into a brown gorilla. Brown.

"Try something else!" I say excitedly.

He turns into something new-a bald eagle. And it's the right colors. No green.

"Beast Boy, this is amazing!" Robin exclaims.

"And you were worried." Cyborg teases. BB turns back into a human and positively beams.

"What are you going to do, Cyborg?" Robin asks.

"I'll rebuild the suit as a secondary exoskeleton." He replies, his eyes lighting up. "Now that I don't have to focus on creating a body, I can focus on increasing my strength and speed. And I can add more guns."

Everyone laughs.

We tell the boys what happened while they were out, and the Doctor pitches in a bit, too. I listen intently while he explains the Time Vortex.

"I let out a tiny fraction of it in order to heal you." He starts.

"How does time heal me?" I ask.

The Doctor struggles for the right words. "It's.....wibbly-wobbly......timey-whimey.......golden sparkles."

BB suppresses a snort. "You sprinkled her with pixie dust and she was suddenly better?"

"Yes! Well, sort of." The Doctor sighs. "Raven is definitely healed and isn't showing any negative effects yet. When I absorbed the Time Vortex, my molecules gave out and I was forced to regenerate. However, I believe that her atoms are much more resilient. The only side effects may be increased psychic power."

"I wouldn't say that's a bad thing, either." Robin says.

That conversation over, we start to wonder about what we should do next.

"I can take you back to your universe." The Doctor offers. "Well, maybe. My Tardis has been acting up lately. Any time that I try to go somewhere, she takes me to another set of heroes instead. I'm not quite certain how many more she wants me to find though." He frowns.

"That's okay." Robin says. "If you don't mind, I think we should go back to our house and talk about it. If we want to go with you, we'll pack our things. If we choose not to, then we'll come back to see you off."

"Okay." He says.

And then we hear heavy footfalls from the floor below us.

A// I lied.....NOW there's only one chapter left. This one was getting really long, and I couldn't resist the temptation of a cliffhanger. Don't expect too much, though. The next chapter will be me cleaning up the story and tying up any loose ends.

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