From Darkness Born

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"It's the police. Finally. That took them forever. I'll answer all of their questions with the non-magical version. When you come back, teleport straight into the Tardis so that they don't see you." The Doctor tells us. He straightens his trench coat and walks to the stairwell.

With a nod to him, I motion for the guys to come in for a hug. Cyborg reaches down to touch the nearest piece of his armor.

My spirit animal quickly flies across town and we land in the house. When I open my eyes, I see Robin staring.

"What?" I ask.

"Your spirit form was white." he answers.

"Really?" I ask incredulously.

"It's done that only once before." Beast Boy says.

"When you beat Trigon." Cyborg finishes. His armor is in a pile at his feet.

I think for a moment, searching for a reason why I might have a sudden change in color.

"I feel loved." I mutter. The guys lean closer. "The monks once said that the heart shows most emotion. Emotion controls my powers. So if my heart changes its emotion, then my powers change too." I smile. "I've been shutting you guys out for so long, I didn't realize that it was possible for someone like me to be loved."

"When you sacrificed yourself during the Trigon battle, we were so upset. Something about our screams must have made you realize you were loved. You defeated Trigon so easily." Robin reasons. "I wonder if your powers are stronger this way, too."

"And just now, you had that whole battle after your newfound love with Robin." Cyborg continues his explanation.

"The Time Vortex might have done something, too." Robin adds, blushing.

"Or something blue." I say, looking at him pointedly.

"The TARDIS?" Beast Boy asks.

"No." I answer, still looking into Robin's eyes.

"Alright you two." Cyborg admonishes. "Let's get inside."

"Wait, we're going to pack and travel with the Doctor, right?" Beast Boy asks. His ears are down in a submissive position and his eyes make me think he transformed into a puppy.

"I don't see why not." Robin answers.

"What about the house?" I ask.

Silence reigns. It is possible we might never come back.

"Raven...." Beast Boy says slowly. The thoughtful time in his voice surprises me. "You always say your dad was 'an inter-dimensional demon', and you travel to Azarath sometimes. Didn't the Doctor say this was a different dimension? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you should be able to travel between the two."

Once again, silence reigns. Then Cy, Robin, and I start laughing.

"What?" Beast Boy asks.

"Nothing, BB." I laugh again. "Your thought process is flawless. It's just...." I finally gain control of my giggles. "We could have gone home this whole time!"

Robin wipes his eyes. "I guess we can save our pride and say we wanted to stay and save lives." Robin says.

"Yeah. Think of all of the people we saved today!" Cyborg says. "Besides, we have no way of knowing that The Master wouldn't have followed us."

"So we've established we can come back." Robin smiles. "Let's go pack."

The next hours finds us packing and then teleporting back to the Tardis. As the white light fades away, we find ourselves in the console room.

Cyborg drops his bag of metal parts with a clang before running to the console. Beast Boy stares at the ceiling, his eyes wide.

"It's so beautiful!" Cyborg runs a gentle hand over the buttons and levers.

"Are you sure we have the right box?" BB asks rhetorically.

A few chuckles come from behind us.

"I don't believe that you have been acquainted yet." The Doctor says. Behind him is the crowd of young adults and some children. He introduces each by name. "This is Link, his wife Midna, and his children Colin, Luc, and Maya. Lloyd is here with his friends Genis and Collette. Ike is here by himself. Not that that's a bad thing." The Doctor says. He receives all smiles. "And finally, Rose Tyler. My companion."

We all exchange greetings.

"I'm Raven." I say. Someone, I think Rose, asks me to also state my abilities. "I have psychic abilities including telekinesis and minimal telepathy. My control of time and inter-dimensional travel is shaky, but I am adept at projecting my soul. I have some healing powers too."

"I'm Cyborg. Except I just got turned human by Rae over here, so I might need a new name. I have a knack for all mechanics. Let me just say, this place is super cool." He pauses and turns to the Doctor. "You should have a chameleon circuit. The police box is kind of conspicuous."

"It's cool!" The Doctor insists. "Besides, I used to have one and it broke. Long story."

"Okay....well, I'm Beast Boy!" BB grins devilishly. "Maybe I should just show you my powers." He exhibits his new powers by turning into a parrot, a wolf, and a giraffe.

The little girl tugs on Link's arm. "Daddy, he can turn into a wolf like us!"

Robin waits for the conversations to die down, but his silence stretches for long after that. He looks at me, and I feel him try to reach out through our mind link. 'I want to change my name.' He says to me. 'And my color scheme. I'm kind of sick of red and green'.

'Okay Boy Wonder.' I tease him. The others are starting to get confused. 'We'll figure out your outfit later. For now, introduce yourself.'

"Hello everyone." Robin says, speaking out loud. "I don't really have powers, but I trained with another superhero for a lot of my life." He pauses again. "My name is Nightwing".

The Doctor speaks up again. "Everyone, meet the Teen Titans."

A//N: That's the end of this book! I can't believe that it's over. This is definitely my longest book so far. Thank you all for struggling to the end. :P The last few chapters felt kind of rushed...what do you think?

So I'm trying to decide what should be the fourth book in this Doctor Who series. I'm going to take your vote into account. The current options are:
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Soul Eater
Sword Art Online? Maybe?

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