Water 7

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The following morning, the Straw Hat crew searched the Going Merry for one of their missing crew members.

Ussop: He is not in the bathroom!

Chopper: nor in his bedroom!

Luffy: noph the kiphen!! (Nor the kitchen!!)

Luffy says with a mouth full of food, to which Ussop and Chopper respond angrily.

Ussop & Chopper: Look somewhere else that is not the kitchen!!!

Nami: would you guys give it up and come take a look at this?

Their navigator said while holding
up a piece of paper. It is the same letter you left for them.

Nami: I found this under his futon. Judging by what it says, it appears that he left willingly.

Luffy: what!? No way!!!

Sanji: what does it say?

Nami holds up the letter, and everyone listens attentively.

Nami: "I'm sorry to bail on you guys so abruptly. I know this is shocking, but it is for your own good, believe it or not. I'm grateful to everyone for what you have done for me these past few days, but please do not try to find me; move on your journey throughout the seas and keep looking forward without me. Please respect my decision." There is where it ends.

Ussop: Does it say anything else?

Nami: actually, it does: "Ps: It was me and Ussop who drew scribbles on Zoro's face while he was sleeping. I'm sorry for not telling you."

Zoro: I knew it!!!

He begins to chase down Ussop while Ussop just screams for his life. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew was still in disbelief.

Chopper: Why would (Y/n) suddenly leave?

Sanji: who knows?

Said Sanji while casually puffing out a cloud of smoke.

Luffy: Alright, let's go and find him!

All eyes then turn to Luffy, who wasn't satisfied with what the letter said.

Nami: Luffy, weren't you paying attention? He explicitly told us not to look for him.

Luffy: I don't care! (Y/n) is part of our crew, and I want him back!

Zoro: Eh!? What are you talking about?

The swordsman, on the other hand, was not so fond of Luffy's idea.

Zoro: Bringing back someone who abandoned the crew is absurd, not to mention that our ship is in critical condition; we will sink if we don't find a Shipwright right away.

Sanji: I hate to be on Mosshead's side, but it's true. He even specified to no look for him, so why bother?

Chopper: Sanji...

An atmosphere of somberness pervaded the room.

Robin: If I may intervene, I don't believe that shipwrecked-san left on his own accord.

Then Nico Robin came to the rescue.

Nami: Huh? What do you mean?

Robin: Just the night before, didn't any of you notice something strange about his behavior?

Ussop: Eh, to be honest, he always acts weird.

Robin: Yes, but this time it was different. He was more reserved and refused to eat. Something was troubling him, which happened after we left Sky Island.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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