Full moon.

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Robin: shiprecked-san! Is that...!

You take a look a what Robin was so surprised about and realized that you took a bite out of what it seems like a devil fruit.

Y/n: *Gulp*

Out of surprised you swallow and in the process the piece you take off is swallowed too.

Y/n: uh oh...

Suddenly you grab your stomach and put a hand on your mouth trying to not throw up.

You fall down to your knees and everyone gathered around you.

Luffy: (Y/n) What's wrong!!

Robin: shiprecked-san just ate a devil fruit.

Everyone's eyes pop out and jaws fall down. You looked like you were suffering.

Sanji: what's wrong?!

Ussop: his body must be changing or something.... Everyone step back we don't know what could happen!!!

Everyone did as what Ussop said even the wolves were hugging each other out of fear that you might explode or something.

Ussop: Be careful, maybe is transforming into a animal, becoming a element or becoming a demon himsel-

Y/n: *Burps*..... Ugh, that was disgusting.


Nami: what in the hell!!?

Sanji: Don't scare us like that!!!

Zoro: you are the ones who freaked out for no reason Hahahaha!

Nami punches him in the head.

Y/n: oh no....

Robin: are you feeling okay, shiprecked-san?

Y/n: yeah.

You stand back up.

Y/n: still, I didn't want to lose my ability to swim.

Nami: why did you ate it then?

Y/n: it looked like a normal fruit when I picked up from the leftovers basket.

Ussop: Hey (Y/n) are you feeling any different?

Y/n: mmm, It doesn't feel like it.

Zoro: well let's see what you can do.

Zoro said curious.

Luffy: maybe now you can shoot a beam out of your eyes!!

Luffy's eyes twinkle hoping that you got a aswome super power. You don't see the harm of it so you try to check out.

Y/n: I don't know, let me try.

You looked at Ussop.

Y/n: Beam.

Ussop: Hey don't look at me!!!

You follow him with your eyes as he hides behind Nami.

Y/n: Beam.

Nami: Hey!! Don't involve me in this!!!

Luffy: Hahaha you are really funny!

You stopped trying and Sanji approached to you.

Sanji: hey, can you turn invisible?

That was really specific.

Y/n: umm, maybe?

You close your eyes waiting for something to happen but is useless.

Y/n: not that either.

Sanji: *whew*.

[My Devil Child]Nico Robin x Male reader.Where stories live. Discover now