Team work.

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You were blankly starting at the big snake in front of you while Chopper cried for help and Luffy's eyes sparkle in excitement.

Y/n: Look out!

The snake attack but everyone gets out of the way in time.

"That one was close"

Robin climbed on a tree avoiding get eaten and Zoro was trying to attack.

It keeps coming at you and at some point it bite down a tree and it melt it.

"We should be careful to not get close to that snakes mouth."

Zoro's Pov.

A random giant snake just appeared out of nowhere. I tried to slash it in half but is really fast and strong.

Dammit, finding that gold will be a pain in the ass. It's causing so much collateral damage, we need to attack at the same time.

Zoro: Luffy, (Y/n)! Let's attack at the same time!

Luffy: Got it!

Zoro: We can beat it with only the three of us!!

I look around but I saw that the new guy was not around.

"What!? Where did he go!?"

I keep looking but he is nowhere to be found.

Zoro: Forge it Luffy! Just everyone keep your distance.

Everyone listens to me expect for Luffy who is more like playing catch with the snake.

At some point we all split up. We got away from the snake but now everyone is lost.

I look around and the trees were really big, giant birds flying around and a lot of animal call's echoing in the forest.

And the worst thing is that I don't know how to go back.

Zoro: Dammit! I'm going to kill that when I find him. How could he possibly just leaves us like that?

"Whatever, I just need to follow South. Wherever that is"

Third person's Pov.

You jumped around trying to find a weakness or blind spot.

Since snakes have their eyes on their side they might not be able to see what is in front of their noses.

You take a risk and get close to it by jumping using moon walk.

"This will be over in two seconds"

You were about to use a tempest kick when you heard Zoro calling and Luffy you out.

You look at your right with the corner of your eye but immediately turn your gaze back at the snake.

The snake use that to open his mouth and eat you in mid air.

"I got distracted for just a second"

Sound effect:

But all of the sudden, as you thought that you got eaten, instead the snake just............... disappeared.

Y/n: ...huh?

Well more like you moved out of the way at the last moment.

You were still falling in mid air and land safely on the ground.

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