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Sorry if the drawings aren't too good and for my bad english.


Flash back.

Somewhere in the grand line there was a kingdom that had been in war for more than 2 years now, since the island was divided by 2 sides and being ruled by 2 different kings.

One day the greedy king that ruled the North part of the area contacted the World Government to help them with this situation.

Guard: Your highness!! The world government's reinforcements are here!!

A guard rush into the king's throne room gasping out of air and bowing to the king.

King: about time, how many they are?

Guard: well you see, it's only one kid.

King: what!?

Then you were entering the throne room in all black suit and a white tie with a desensitized look on your face.

Y/n: greetings, the Government has send me to solve the "issues" in your kingdom.

King: is this some kind of joke?

Y/n: the world government doesn't make mistakes they gave me strict orders to eliminate all the targets, your highness. I'll make sure to get rid of every single one of them in the name of justice.

Everyone in the giant room felt a cold sweat running down their backs when you said that without a single sign of emotion in your face. You looked like 9 or 10 years old but you looked like you have seen a lot of stuff in your short life.

King: (gulp) a-alright, you can go and kill all those bastards.

You then proceeded to go to the battleground using only your Rankyaku and Geppo to eliminate the targets, killing everyone in your way. You grabbed soldiers by their heads with your bare hands crushing their skulls dodging their bullets and breaking their nakes with your kiks.

2 days later and you had already eliminated everyone in the South part of the kingdom and the King was more than satisfied with the results.

King: Hahahaha, I underestimate you kid, but you could at least try not to make such a mess, get rid of all this death bodies will take days.

Y/n: your highness, may I ask a something. What was the conflict between the North and the South Kingdoms anyway?

King: Huh!? Well if you are so interested. I have always desired something that this people had but they refused to give it to me, so I decided to claimed by force. Years past and we ended up in a stalemate with no side making progress, so I made the decision to call the World Government to give me a hand. Speaking of which I will go claim my prize right now.

You follow the king and his subordinates to the other side of the island passing through all the death bodies and giant puddles of blood of the people you slaughter until you all arive at the castle and found the object that the king was referring to.

King: Here it is. I'm dying to know what this scriptures mean. Maybe they can guide me to a hidden treasure.

You looked at the big bject that had the shape of a square with what appeared to have acient scriptures writing all over it. You then approached to the huge square and it seemed to match the descriptions that your superiors gave you.

Y/n: this is it.

Everyone was looking at you with worried faces and were in guard at all times.

Y/n: so this is a poneglyph.

King: Huh! How did you know it's name?

Y/n: it doesn't matter ,you see the reason that the world government sent me here was to not let anyone get his hands on this artefacts. So I will take it with me.

[My Devil Child]Nico Robin x Male reader.Where stories live. Discover now