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You and Nami look at the same direction at the edge of the island there was what appears to be a old house in the shore but it looked familiar.

Y/n: what the?

Suddenly a South bird flew right in in front of you two.

Nami: a South bird...?

Y/n: but...

You looked at the bird flying above you.

Y/n, Nami: it's gigantic!

You both said as the bird did his characteristic sound. You stood there for a moment until Nami remembered what were you doing there in the first place.

Nami: Uh! Let's continue we may not arrive on time.

Y/n: right!

Nami gets on your back to help her go down the tree back to the waver. You looked down at the sea cloud road and saw a boat coming down the road.

Nami: uh!?

You both look more closely to see who was on the boat.

Nami: uh!? Zoro~!! Robin~!! Conis~!!

Said Nami while waving at them, it seems that Zoro and the others finally catch up. You go down to the ship and everyone noticed how beat up you look.

Zoro: what the hell happened to you!!?

Y/n: we fought this native looking guy who could ski on trees.

Robin giggled but Zoro was baffled by your answer.

Zoro: are you for real?

Y/n: about what?

Zoro: whatever, you seem to be doing fine.

Y/n: yeah, I only need a little nap and I'll be fine by tomorro...* takes a step and fells to the ground* ouch.

Your legs stop responding for a moment which cause you to fell on your face.

Nami: yeah you are definitely Not fine so we need Chopper to fix you up

You all get back on track.

Conis: speaking of which, we should be getting closer to Kami's altar we just need to follow this path.

Nami: right! You stay here and rest.

She said to you.

Nami: and by the way, guys! When we get to the Merry I need to tell you something.

Robin: I really hope he hasn't get eating alive by wild animals.

Nami: don't say scary stuff like that!!!

Nami hop on the waver and you sit down on the deck of the boat with the others.

Zoro: you sure are okay?

Y/n: yeah, I only can't stand up right but aside from that I'm good.

You travel for like that for a little while and found the Merry.

Chopper then noticed Nami.

Chopper: uh? Nami!!!

He said cheerfully and waiving at her and Nami waved back.

Nami: Oi!! Chopper!!

Then Suu came out too and was happy to see Conis.

Conis: Suu!!

You all hop off the boat and Zoro help you wrapping you arm around him to get to the ship.

Chopper was hugging Nami while crying and snot running down his face.

[My Devil Child]Nico Robin x Male reader.Where stories live. Discover now