Everyone vs Enel

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As you hold Robin in your arms, an incredible amount of rage builds up inside of you, and before you is the guy you can never forgive for what he has done.

As you hold Robin in your arms, an incredible amount of rage builds up inside of you, and before you is the guy you can never forgive for what he has done

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Your heart is racing, your blood is pumping like crazy, and you have your eyes lock on Enel.

Zoro: You'll pay for that!

Enraged at Enel, Zoro lunges straight at him; only to be knocked down again; you were so enraged that any sounds seemed like faint echoes.

You gently move Robin to the side letting her rest. Taking a closer look at her, her body had multiple burns but none are too serious. Incredibly, she is still alive after that.

You felt the strange movements from your chest again. You are relieved that she is alive for some reason. It has been like that for everyone in the crew since they found you. 

No, now is not the time to think about that, there is a much important matter at hand.

Enel: So? You were saying something about killing me?

You get on your feet and lock eyes with him.

Y/n: you heard me right.

You slowly walk towards him.

Enel: you are disposed to throw away your chance to join a perfect world just because I hurt that woman? *sigh* you blue-sea people are difficult to understand-

Before he could finish his none sensical rambling, you were already in front of his face, ready to punch the crap out of him.

But it is a useless attempt, your fist just goes right through him. He didn't even have to move from where he is at.


Enel: *Smirk* 10.000 Vari.

He aims at your head and released a high voltage of electricity. But Zoro managed to tackle you down.

You fall on your back but immediately get right back up.

Y/n: What the hell!?

Zoro: I just saved you! What do you mean, "what the hell"!? You would've died if I didn't interject! 

You were so mad at that moment that you forgot that you can't hurt Enel, so you got annoyed at Zoro for saving you. For a moment you both forget about the obvious danger man in front of you and started discussing.

Enel: It is not respectful to ignore a deity.

He got in position to attack but instead of running away, you run straight at him.

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