Victory and Goodbye.

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Enel: oh... you are the other voice that I heard... So you also have a death wish?

Sanji ignores Enel as he takes another one of his cigars.

Sanji: that half-dead guy over there happens to be one of our crew members... so you better let him go and I'll go easy on you.

Enel laughs and makes a sarcastic remark.

Enel: oh? That's a really funny joke. I can hardly breathe.

He said sarcastically.

Enel: now I'll pulverize you again for whatever you just did to the maxim.

Even though you are happy that Sanji is here you are also afraid that he might have the same fate as you or worse.

Y/n: is useless... you can't touch him... just leave me here...

You struggle to talk and feel yourself more drowsy but Sanji doesn't care about a word you have to say.

Sanji: Yeah, like hell I'm going to listen to you... just leave everything to me from now on.

He smiles as he smokes his cigarette.

Y/n: hehe... Whatever... you say...

You manage to muster something that resembles words as you slowly close your eyes and pass out.

It is dark, you don't know if you are just dreaming or maybe you just died but you can faintly hear the sound of a bell.

Could it be heaven? No... As nice as that sounds, it makes more sense for you to go to hell instead.

So, what is that sound?

You struggle a bit when opening your eyes but you manage to see a golden bell falling from the sky only for your eyes to close again and fall asleep.

Soon after you pass out again, you can hear some cheering in the background, laughter, and singing.

You slightly open your eyes and turn to your left to see what it is.

It is hard to make out what exactly is going on but you see what it looks like to be a bunch of silhouettes dancing and singing.

Not only that but you feel your head resting on something warm and soft. It is so comfortable and you wonder where you are.

You turn to your right and saw a familiar face looking down at you from above.

You turn to your right and saw a familiar face looking down at you from above

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Y/n: Shipwreck-san? you finally woke up.

Y/n: Nico Robin...What happened?

Robin: we won. If that's what you're asking.

???: Luffy! Everyone, look! He is awake!

You hear Chopper's voice from the distance.

You saw everyone around you partying around a campfire with the sky people.

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