Enter: Enel

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Level 6: Impel down

Crocodile was being escorted to lowest level of the greatest prison in the world.

Where even the prisoners think that it doesn't exist.

The guards put him in his own jail cell and chained his arms with sea prism atone.

Crocodile: Hah hah hah

Guard: What are you laughing at?

Said the guard as he closed the cell.

Crocodile: I can't help but laugh. It seems that the world government see me like a big treat, that they decided to put me on the lowest level of hell.

He continues to laugh.

Guard: hmph, let see how much you enjoy being forgotten by the world.

The guard leaves leaving him alone.

???: .... *Sigh*

Crocodile: hmm?

Something or someone caught crocodile's attention, it was a shadowy figure in front of his jail cell.

Crocodile:... What?

He decided to talk to him or her.

???: uh?... You are talking to me?

Judging by the his voice, he could tell it was a man. His body seems to be chained fro all places only leaving his head out to breath.

Crocodile: Yeah, What? Am I annoying you?

???: no, is not that... I was hoping that a cute girl would be sent down here... There isn't much to do as you can see.

Crocodile: really...? You don't recognize me, do you?

???: no... I'm not that caught up with what's happening upstairs.

Crocodile then started to tell his story of how he became a warlord, and how his plan to find pluton was ruined by a pirate with a straw hat.

Normally he wouldn't just casually have a conversation with somebody but just like the mysterious figure said: there isn't much to do.

???: that really sucks.

Crocodile: what about you?

The shadowy figure stay silent for a moment.

???: ... Because I wanted to...

Crocodile stood silent, if he was making a joke it wasn't that funny.

???: Haha, sorry. I wasn't being that specific. I... I don't want to bring attention or anything... I just wanted to live a peaceful life...

Back to you.

After walking for some time, you and Robin finally arrived.

Y/n: we found it.

Robin: the lost ruins of Shandora.

Robin:  the lost ruins of Shandora

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