The Research Man

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On the island Tony was in the security room watching the baryonyx camera whilst it was catching fish that had been released into its lake.

T.J later walked into the room. "We've got Tommy to come over, as well as a struthiomimus skull for the museum, he should know all about the North American Dinos of the Cretaceous."

"Great! Who've we got left to invite?"

"Well there's a scientist who's been researching the spinosaurus recently and wether it was amphibious or not, I think with his information and knowledge on spinosaurids we could have suchomimus, irritator and of course spinosaurus in the park. And he could judge our baryonyx as well."

"Well I think our baryonyx is perfect!" Tony stared at the computer that was showcasing the baryonyx. "I know lots about the baryonyx anyway. I've always had an obsession with them, probably because of my obsession with alligators and why I have so many of them at my reptile parks."

"We could still have someone to help us with a spinosaurus, that would get us a lot more visitors!"

"Very true. So, have you gotten someone to speak to him?"

"Ollie should be on the phone to them right now."

At the researchers office, in Calgary, Canada. He was on his lunch break when the phone rang, so he went to pick it up.

"Yello' This is Finley Latimer speaking."

"This is Oliver from Prehistoric Planet, we're willing to invite you over to our park for free if you help us on introducing spinosaurids and ancient amphibians into the park."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

"We're going to want your input on what you believe a spinosaurus would've looked like, we can use that input to make our creatures look as historically accurate as possible, and as a result, you get to go on the first trip with 3 other palaeontologists to visit our park."

"Is this like animatronics? Where is this park?"

"Oh it's on an island in the pacific, we've called it Prehistoric Planet, as that's the park name. And no, these aren't animatronics, these are real."

"And how come I haven't heard of this park?"

"It hasn't gotten big anywhere just yet because we've kept it secret, we don't want anyone finding out and it getting too big just yet.."

"I can't believe this isn't as popular as it should be! How come you haven't shared this elsewhere?."

"I can't say, but what I can say is that with your number I can send you images of the dinosaurs, want me to send them?"

"Ok then, sure."

Oliver sent the pictures of a stampeding gallimimus flock as well as grazing Stegosaurus' in the Safari zone.

Finley took a look.

"Uh-huh. How am I supposed to believe that this isn't CGI?"

"Our park owners a multi-millionaire, you can trust us."

"Well of course he's a multi millionaire otherwise he wouldn't of been able to afford the park, mhm ok then, welp, I'll give you all I know on the spinosaurus, going to send you some photos and sketches and information all stuff like that for you now.."

"Thank you ever so much for your input! once we've got the information you can go on a free trip to the park in 4 weeks, we'll take you there so you don't have to worry about flights. You'll have the experience of a life time, and one of the first to witness it as well!"

"Is this really trustworthy?"

"Trust me, have you ever heard of living Dinos? That's what the owner also owns. Tony Ainsworth."

"Ah ok, well, I shouldn't have too much to fear. I'll see you then maybe."


A day later, back into to the park Oliver walks into the security room

"Tony! we have information on the spinosaurus, take a look at this." Oliver showed the paragraph that Finley made about the spinosaurus as well as a few images of what it could've looked like."

"I still don't get why we couldn't of just looked this up." A security member said, watching the Safari dinosaurs move along on a camera.

"Because we need a professional, Nathan, not everything you see on the internet is true." T.J responded

"A nostril on the top of its head then eh? That sail looks remarkably different to what I thought it would've looked like as well!" Tony exclaimed

The sail of the spinosaurus was kind of like two sails, obviously it was one sail, but the sail sloped down and back up to make it look as if it was two sails.

"An amphibious tail as well I see." Tony looked at T.J "So how exactly are you going to make this?"

"With the power of magic!"

"No, seriously, it's been 5 years and I still don't know how you make dinosaurs!"

"It's a secret, I don't want the word spreading on how to make dinosaurs and them overrunning the earth."

"It's not like I'm going to tell anybody! I'm the owner of the park I NEED to know these things!"

"Well I want it to be known to only me! Like a special recipe!"

"This isn't a special recipe! It's a dinosaur maker! How do you make these things all by yourself anyway?"

".....I think I'm going to go and call the last palaeontologist we want, she's an expert on Ceratopsids and seeing that we have so many types of them in the park we could have her help us to make them more accurate! Gotta go!" T.J ran out of the room.

"Well that's quite suspicious." Tony looked at Oliver "What do you think he's doing to make those dinosaurs?"

"Hopefully nothing bad." Oliver nervously laughed.

"He shouldn't be trusted!" Nathan shouted from the back of the room.

"I think he's ok, for now anyway." Tony got out of his chair and started to exit the room "Well hopefully he has actually called that Jodie person. I'm off to the museum, going to check on the brachiosaurus skeleton and see how Wendy's doing."

Wendy is a worker for at the museum in the park.

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