Cretaceous Chase

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Oliver was shooting at the allosaurus, the bullets seemed to be doing nothing. "I've gotta call the security!" Oliver was calling Nathan, but obviously there was no answer.

He knew that there wasn't any escape, so he accepted his fate, but at a final attempt threw the gun at the allosaurus in an attempt to get it in its throat, failing as the allosaurus snapped the gun in two.

"I knew I should've fed them earlier." Were Oliver's last words as the allosaurus picked him up with its claws and tossed him into its jaws.

The allosaurus was on the hunt, these things were killing machines, and for some reason, were out for human blood.

Near the Safari zone, the 4 had just calmed down after a near death incident with the Allosaur.

"Well, I think we should head over to the restaurant, that's where Tony said that he'd be at." Tommy explained.

"Well I'm pretty sure that we all agree on that." Finley pulled out his map. "We've got a long way to go if we want to go there though."

"Can't we just take a Jeep?" Gregory asked "I can drive."

"Pretty sure we all can kid." Tommy laughed.

"So are we taking the Jeep?"

"Best option-."

Something felt uneasy, there was a sort of growling sound around the area.

"Oh no..." Jodie was super worried

A Tyrannosaur emerged from the trees. And stared down right at them.

"Running again?" Gregory was about to accept his fate but was pulled away by Jodie

"Just keep running!"

The T-Rex chased them into the European Plains

The polacanthus began to stampede.

"We have to get in the Jeep!" Finley insisted, but the Jeep was being raided by a pack of Deinonychus "How did they all get out?"

"Security must've went bust." Tommy responded. "It's probably a Dino infested island now."

The T-Rex was still, for some reason, locked onto the humans, maybe because they were an easier target, or maybe because of a whole other different reason.

"We should be able to escape if this is truly accurate." Gregory explained "we can get away."

They were a further distance ahead of the Rex, but the deinonychus were on the chase now. One tried to latch onto the Rex, but was flung towards the group and almost landed on them.

The Deino got back up, and was ready to pounce, but a polacanthus came out of nowhere and rammed it with its spiky back, dealing major damage to it and knocking it unconscious.

Jodie looked behind "that was close! We should go for the burrows in the desert, they can't get us there."

The remaining 5 deinos joined the T-Rex on the chase, but the T-Rex wasn't having them taking away its meal, so it head butted one, grabbed another one and flung it at the humans.

The other deinos stampeded away, thinking that the Rex was chasing them, but it wasn't, it was still locked onto the humans.

The group was approaching the Asian Desert area of the Safari, they just had to keep outrunning the Rex.

"Why does it want us so bad?" Jodie was terrified

"Maybe they aren't treated right here or somethin'?" Tommy was just as confused as everyone else. "That's why they hate humans?"

"How much longer until we get there? My legs are sore!" Gregory was slowing down.

"Just keep going forward, we'll get there eventually." Finley replied

But Gregory wasn't seen anymore.

"I'm going back, you two stay running." Tommy began to run back, looking for Gregory.

The Rex was gaining on him, Gregory was sitting on the ground, catching his breath.

"Gregory move! We have to go!" Tommy was pulling Gregory's hand, the Rex was getting closer, but something was getting closer to the Rex, it was the Allosaur.

The Allosaur rammed its head into the Rex, wanting the people for themselves. But the Rex fought back and a battle begun.

"Come on, let's go!"

"Theropods know not to mess with each other, this wouldn't of happened in real life, unless they were really hungry also because they lived in different time periods. Very peculiar.

No dinosaur was dealing too much damage onto another, they wanted the humans the most for some reason.

"Let's just go hide in the brush then." Tommy and Gregory walked over to the bushes and trees, near the edge of the plains, in there was a pool and a few dinosaurs.

"Let's just relax here for a while, we'll meet up with the others at the restaurant." Tommy said.

A compsognathus nipped at Gregory. "What was that for?" The Dino leaped, attempting to bite his face, but it was slapped out of the way and thrown into the ground. "Stop." It tried again. "Ok, that's it." Gregory kicked the cretin with full force into the pond, it drowned.

Multiple chattering noises were coming from the bushes. "Don't tell me we're about to get ambushed by compys!"

Around 50 compys jumped from the bushes and started latching onto Tommy and Gregory.

The first few were handled with pretty easily, being stomped on and thrown away, but the more that came the worse it got. They had to run away.


"Just follow me, ok?"

The compys were chasing them, and were very speedy as well.

"This is a little risky." Tommy hopped onto an iguanodon that was drinking from the pond, he pulled up Gregory and they were safe.

However, the compys did not stop to get them, they started climbing up the iguanodon, so they had to be grabbed and thrown into the water every time. The other ones were nipping at the iguanodons feet.

"Hurry up and get moving! We need to get out of here!" Tommy was attempting to shake the iguanodons head.

It was still drinking from the pond. "Hurry up!" he repeated.

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