Tank vs Tyrant

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The group moved forward into the American Rainforest, the final area of the Safari zone for them to get closer to the town central.

"Well I hope that this place is going to be easy to get through. The other two weren't." Finley shuddered

"Third times the charm." Gregory responded

"I hope so."

This time, a herd of parasaurolophus was spotted, grazing in the fields.

"Good opportunity for me to do this." Jodie got out her camera and snapped a picture.

The journey was easy, they strolled through the area super easily and left the Safari zone.

"Well, we're almost at the town central now, just have to make it past the hardest part, the petting zoo." Finley chuckled

"I've got to visit Timothy again!" Tommy said. But he couldn't visit Timothy, because the T-Rex was staring right at them.


They all began running

"We can't go in the direction of the town central, it could destroy the buildings and kill Tony!" Jodie explained

"Fair enough, let's go near..." Finley got out his map. "The ankylosaur pen! It's right by here and we'll be safe there!"

The group ran towards the ankylosaurus enclosure, but they had obviously all escaped.

"Yikes.." Gregory looked behind, the T-Rex was still chasing them.

Finley was limping, and was quite a distance away.

The T-Rex was incredibly close to him.

"Oh no! I've got to go help him!" Tommy turned around but both Gregory and Jodie grabbed his arms. "Keep running forwards, as bad as it sounds we can't save him, and you will both die if you try to save him." Jodie sighed

"NO! Take me not him! I'm old I've lived my life!"

"You're not that old." Gregory said, "You have to stay with us, keep running we can get away." He pulled him closer and they all began running at a faster pace again.

"Well I tried."

"It's ok, just focus on running."

The Tyrannosaurus grabbed Finley by the leg, flung him upwards and swallowed him whole.

They noticed a lone ankylosaur up ahead.

"That's our escape." Gregory explained

They caught up to the anky and it turned around ready to swing its tail. The fight between it and the Rex had begun.

The trio made a turn and were back on their way to the town central.

Jodie had her hands on her face.

Gregory was staring at the floor.

Tommy didn't know what to do.

There was a silence for a while

"Well... this is a situation isn't it... we've lost Aidan, Finley and probably Oliver as well. And even though we barely knew them, it still hit us when they were killed." Tommy finally spoke.

There wasn't a response

"I appreciate the fact you two basically saved me there, I could've been a T-Rex meal for all I know."

"It's fine, I'd rather lose one than two." Gregory replied. "How close are we?"

"....we don't have the map." Tommy sighed. "Let's just follow where the signs are pointing."

"There we go, museum is that way!" Gregory pointed at a sign. "Let's get moving."

Back at the fight.

The ankylosaurus and the Rex were both circling around each other, not much action. Until the Rex attempted a bite at the ankys back, failing because of the armour.

The anky went for a swing and missed, it hit a nearby streetlight and it collapsed onto its head.

The ankylosaurus didn't feel much from it, but the Rex grabbed its tail whilst it hit the light with its gaping jaw and began to tug it, attempting to rip it off.

The anky wasn't having it and got itself into a position where it charged into the T-Rex's stomach and bashed it with its spiky back.

The T-Rex let out a cry but wasn't too hurt. It looked down on the ankylosaurus and was figuring what to do. As it was the ankylosaurus swung again, narrowly missing as the T-Rex ducked its head to bash the ankylosaurus over.

The T-Rex attempted to knock the Ankylosaurus over with its head but it failed as the anky was too sturdy.

Back at the trio they had just made it to the town central.

"Come on, let's head into the restaurant." Tommy attempted to open the door. "...it's locked."

"Why would he lock us out?" Gregory was agitated

"He probably saw what was going on and was too scared so he locked the door?" Jodie suggested

"Dinosaurs can't open doors. That's only in Jurassic park, which is incredibly inaccurate may I add." Gregory smirked and Jodie laughed.

"Will you two hush? I'm trying to spot him through the window!" Tommy was peaking through the window. "No sight of him.. well let's just smash the windows."

"No don't do it! You could injure yourself!" Jodie insisted. "Let's go see if any other building is open."

Back at the fight and there wasn't any telling on who was winning.

The Ankylosaurus tried a bash against the Rex again, but missed.

It was just miss after miss in the battle.

Then, the Rex grabbed onto the ankylosaurs body with its huge jaw and gripped on with its powerful bite force, tipped it over and it was game over for the tank.

The ankylosaurus was squirming about, and the T-Rex began to rip into its insides, it was like this Rex had an endless appetite the amount of times it would eat.

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