Thats All 4

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T.J called the ceratopsian expert after finding the dinosaur company she works for in Texas.

Though not really any of the people who are
invited to the park are famous, T.J thought that it's good to give people who aren't famous people a chance of seeing dinosaurs in front of their eyes.

Also because there isn't much famous palaeontologists, like at all.

"Hello is this Jodie?"

"Is this T.J again?"

"Yep, but this time this isn't about the Triceratops fossil for the living Dino park in Cali. This for actual living Dinos."

"You mean like Prehistoric Planet?"

"Yep, I want your help about ceratopsians. I want you to come over to our park and rate our ceratopsian Dinos, seeing as we have so many of them!"

"Wow! I can't believe it! Almost as much as I can't believe that dinosaurs have actually been brought back to life, haha!"

"Well you're going to be picked up by a helicopter in a months time, I might be on it. I don't know yet. But I was the person who made sure that only the best of the best get invited."

"Well, thanks! I can't wait to go!

"3 other people are going to be with you, you are going to be the V.I.Ps, you'll get everything for free as long as you give your honest opinion and analyse most things on what you can see about the dinosaur. You've been assigned what dinosaurs you should be focusing on, some may be ceratopsians others won't be, but I know you're an expert on Asian dinosaurs so those are the ones you've been assigned to."

"This is a little too much to take in.... this is truly unbelievable! Thank you so much for inviting me! I'll do my best with the dinosaur analysis! I'll give you a few notes already on what I know about the protoceratops and trike right now!"

"It's fine, I know how much you know about them, that's why I want you to come over. Well, I'll see you in a month."

"Ok! See you then!"

The call ended.

"Well he wasn't hard to convince."

T.J walked back into the security room

"Well that's all 4." He said

"Cool." Nathan responded "Who's going to give them a tour?"

"I'm thinking Aidan, I need you to stay on security Nathan, well that's what Tony wants."

Just then Wendy and Tony walked into the room.

"How's the museum going on?" T.J asked

"It's going well, Brachiosaurus skeleton had been finished, and the struthiomimus skull is on display as well. We've also finished the notelops tank for the upstairs mini-aquarium. Have you got them ready?" Wendy replied

"Yep, I'll get them now."

T.J walked into the incubating room, where there was a medium sized tank filled with freshwater and a few baby notelops.

He scooped them up with a net and plonked them down into a bucket filled half-way with water.

He carried the bucket into the next room, where he gave the bucket to Wendy and she walked out of the security building to take the bucket into the museum.

Tony stayed in the room and sat back down to look at the baryonyx on the security camera.

"I don't know why people would want to see a prehistoric mackerel." Nathan snarled

"Well some palaeontologists will be amazed with it! Some that specialise in aquatic life will visit the park to see them!" Tony snapped back

"I'd be more interested in a T-Rex, anyone would be." Nathan groaned.

"Don't push it Nathan, you don't want to get fired do you? Oh never mind, I can't deal with this."

Tony left the building.

"Who hired you?" Nathan mimicked Tony, slouching down on his chair.

"I won't care if you mimic Tony, but if he catches you doing it you're going to get fired, and you don't want that happening do you?" T.J explained

"Well I wouldn't care too much, I just sit here all day monitoring the cameras and the gates and all boring stuff like that. There's no one else even here! They all get to work at the cafe and hotel!"

"Well I work here as well."

"But you make the dinosaurs as well! That's fun! At least I get to look at dinosaurs though."

"And as soon as the park opens, you'll have more workers helping you out!"

"Fair enough then, guess I'll just have to wait!"

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