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Aidan ran ahead of everyone else.

"I am NOT running." Finley said to Jodie

"But we are!" Tommy chuckled and him and Gregory ran right past the two up to Aidan.
"What do ya have at this Safari place Aidan?"

"Gallimimus, Parasaurs, Corythosaurs, and some other surprises along the way, also the end of this Safari takes us to the theropod area! And that's going to be exciting!" Aidan responded

"Sounds good!" Gregory replied. "I better get my notes out for when we see those theropods!"

At the security area, Nathan had fallen asleep from watching the dilophosaurus camera, being too bored.

A few minutes later he had woken up, being unaware of where he was, causing him to freak out a little and accidentally flipping the power switch of the dilophosaurus paddock without realising it, meaning that the electricity in the dilophosaurus enclosure was now off.

At the dilophosaurus enclosure, a dragonfly landed on the fence.

Wanting to catch the dragon fly, one dilophosaurus decided to pounce at it, missing and getting its teeth on the fence.
And, thinking it caught the insect, started gnawing down on the fence, eventually snapping it, and running out of the enclosure, followed by the other 4 dilophosaurs in the paddock a few seconds later.

Back at the Safari area, everyone had caught up with each other and was ready to hop into the jeep.

The jeep had 5 seats, Aidan driving it obviously.

Once everyone was in, the jeep started moving and the Safari had started.

"Our first stop is Cretaceous North America" Aidan pointed at a lagoon type area, an area filled with tropical trees was seen in the background, like a rainforest. A flock of struthiomimus was saw emerging from the trees, as well as a group of Corythosaurus drinking from the clear water.

"I'm amazed every single time." Jodie got out her camera and began taking photos.

Styracosaurus were marching towards the water, for a drink.

An apatosaurus was reaching for the leaves in the trees

"Obviously we can't have too much in here, most of the dinosaurs can damage the cars so we have to have the moderately peaceful and harmless ones." Aidan explained

Jodie was writing about the styracosaurus

Tommy was writing about the other dinosaurs. "Come on, Apatosaurus wasn't a Cretaceous dinosaur! I thought this was the Cretaceous place!"

"Well there isn't many ones we could've fit in that wouldn't demolish the cars, so some apatosaurus were put in here instead!"

Meanwhile at the security room

3 dilophosaurs entered the room. After breaking through a window.

"AAAAGH!" Nathan screamed, and tried to call T.J but there wasn't an answer, he was messaging him repeatedly but still no answers. "HOW DID YOU GUYS GET IN HERE?" He looked down at the switch. "....that's my fault, that's all my fault."


The dilophosaurs were coming closer to him, hissing and showing their frills.

T.J. Read the message.


No reply.

"He's got to be coming, surely?"

Then, T.J was saw, coming closer to the building.


The Dilophosaurs were cornering Nathan about now, ready to dig into him.


But T.J didn't have a weapon, instead, he walked in and flicked all of the security switches off, meaning that the dinosaurs could escape any time they wanted too.

"See you Nathan, this island is mine now." T.J walked into the incubating room and locked himself in it, making sure that no one could know that he was in there.

He could hear the screams of Nathan from the outside, but he didn't care. He's just evil.

Back at the Safari and Aidan drove the jeep into the Asian Desert zone.

"This is one of my favourite areas." Aidan said.

In the area was dunes, an oasis and a few burrows made from the protoceratops.

A few gallimimus had gathered at the oasis, taking sips out of the water and making strange chattering sounds.

"We were originally meant to have oviraptors here, and then we realised that they'd just eat the eggs so we feed them chicken eggs instead in their own separate pen!"

"How much dinosaurs do you have here?" Gregory asked

"I don't even know myself, but Finley has the map, he can check what is there!"

Finley opened up the map. "A T-Rex? Of course a T-Rex I'm not surprised.. how do you keep these things from wanting to break out? They must be really hard to tame!"

"I just feed the herbivores, Oliver does all the hard stuff like that."

"I know Oliver! He was the one that brought me here! Well technically not but he was the one who told me-."

"Road block!"

A protoceratops was sleeping in the middle of the road, it's tail feathers sticking out and it's legs bundled under its stomach.

"Super cute!" Jodie got out her camera and started taking photos of it, getting out her notepad as well obviously.

"Well we're gonna have to move it!" Tommy hopped out of the Jeep "someone help me push him back into the sand?"

Finley hopped out of the car and helped Tommy move the protoceratops back into the sand.

However, it was woken up and scurried down a burrow.

"There he goes!"

One last destination was left on the Safari, the European plains, so off they went towards it.

As soon as they left the desert, a dilophosaurus ripped down the fence and started chasing the gallimimus, they began stampeding.

"You hear that?" Tommy looked behind him.

"They do that daily, one will start running if a protoceratops catches it taking their eggs so they start all stampeding!"

"...so oviraptors aren't allowed because they steal the eggs, but gallimimus are allowed and they also steal the eggs?"

"They try to."

The jeep had entered the next area, and after that it would be time for the theropods, but they were going to get a lot closer to the theropods than they thought they would.

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