Desert Dinosaur Deathmatch

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Jodie pointed ahead of them. A pack of around 30 velociraptors, with more emerging from the protoceratops burrows

"Think of them as chickens, let's get moving." Finley was ready to leave

"We have to help the protoceratops! They'll get killed!"

"Well I don't know how we stand a chance against 40 murder turkeys that can tear off our hands." Finley was agitated "let's leave while we should."

"...I think I agree with that." Jodie looked at the army of blood thirsty raptors approaching their way. "RUN!"

"How fast are these?" Finley asked

"Faster than us, that's for sure."

A raptor leaped onto Finley's back, and was about to bite down into it when Jodie swatted it off with a slap.

The Protoceratops' began to leave their burrows and fought back against the raptors.

"I can't run much longer, and they're catching up. Let's turn back and fight." Jodie turned around

"Well if it's our only option..."

The protoceratops from earlier ran up to the two, and was ready to defend them.

"Well I guess we're his friends now."

He was taking on 3 raptors at a time, when 4 more raptors were approaching Finley and Jodie.

"We can take these." Finley grabbed one by the neck and it was struggling, trying to bite him. The other one let out a powerful bite on his leg.

"OW!" He dropped the raptor and it ran away.

Jodie was helplessly kicking at the other two. "GO AWAY!"

More raptors were flocking towards them, as their pack tactics on the protoceratops had paid off and they had killed most of them off.

The last remaining protoceratops, the one protecting them, looked behind themselves at Jodie and Finley for one last time and let out a cry as the raptors torn it apart.

Jodie dropped to the ground in sadness. Finley did as well, but not in sadness, his leg hurt from the bite.

"Come on, there's no way we're dying to these!" Finley looked down at the desert sand "I can't believe this."

"Neither can I."

The raptors were paused for a minute, as they were eating the protoceratops remains.

"Shouldn't we go while we can?" Jodie looked at Finley

"I'd go, but I kind of have a bad leg."

"I'll help you, let's go." Jodie got up and looked at the protoceratops that was being ravaged on for the last time. "Come on, get up." Jodie pulled Finley of the ground, and they turned around to get away. "DO WE EVER GET A BREAK?" She screamed

It was a Therizinosaurus, standing right in front of them.

"It's ok, that ones a herbivore right?" Finley asked

"Just because it's a herbivore doesn't mean it's friendly! Let's get out of here!" Jodie pulled Finley away and they started to run.

The Therizinosaur slashed at them with its long claws, barely missing but also tearing Finley's shirt a little. "Oh come on whys it always me?" He said, as Jodie pulled him into a burrow.

"Let's just sit here for a while, it should forget that we're here. It's probably just a little territorial, it should go after the raptors now.

Outside of the burrow was the raptors attacking the large herbivore. It slashed at some, decapitating them in the process of it, but others snuck from behind and brought it to the ground.

More raptors crept from the dunes. The gallimimus had already fled because of the allosaurus, so the raptors had no more dinosaurs to feed from, and some were still hungry, so there was only one option left.

Back at the plains, the iguanodon was heading towards the desert.

"Woohoo! We're going the right way!" Tommy was still holding on incredibly tight to the iguanodon.

Gregory was terrified that he'd fall off.

The compsognathus' were still on their tail, as well.

"When are we going to lose them?" Gregory asked

"I don't know, but as long as this dinosaur keeps going in this direction we'll get to the town central in no time! Just be ready to take a leap of faith!"

"....I don't like the sound of that."

The iguanodon had entered the desert, and noticed the dozens of velociraptors searching for humans, they noticed Tommy and Greg and were ready to attack.

The iguanodon was also ready to attack, and so were the compys, this was a three way battle between the humans and the iguanodon, the raptors and the compys and it had just begun.

Raptors were pouncing onto the iguanodon but were getting punched off by Greg and Tommy. "This is fun right?" Tommy said to Gregory "Sort of, but I'm also sort of terrified!"

The iguanodon was snapping skulls with its hands alone, not to mention the many tiny terrors they were slicing with their feet.

In the burrow, Finley and Jodie heard all the ruckus, so they decided to leave. "That's Greg and Tommy!" Jodie watched the battle from a far. "They're on an iguanodon!"

"How've they done that?" Finley left the burrow and sat down on the sandy ground. "Let's not get involved."

"They've got this anyway, there's no point in us not getting involved."

The iguanodon was destroying the battle. Tiny corpses flying left and right. The raptors pretty much devoured all of the compys, they were now extinct for good.

The rest of the raptors decided to retreat, after they realised they probably stood no chance against the thing that had just killed many of there brethren quite easily.

"Come on, this way!" Tommy commanded, but the iguanodon turned around and headed back into the plains. "Let's get off." Tommy and Gregory slid down from the iguanodons tail into the desert's sands.

"Well THAT was fun." Gregory smiled and they walked further into the desert.

"Gregory! Tommy!" Jodie waved and shouted at them from a distance.

"Well, time to reunite I guess, come on Greg let's go."


Gregory and Tommy ran over to the other two.

"So time to get moving again?" Gregory asked

"Yep." Finley got up, Gregory noticed his leg was injured. "I've got bandaids in my bag, if we can get in the hotel then you'll be fine."


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