14. Times Square with Michael

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You gripped Michael's hand tightly as you dived through the giant crowd of people. Times Square on New Years Eve, now that was definitely one to cross off the bucket list! Not only that, but you were here with a boy. He wasn't just any boy, he was that boy. The one you'd been admiring from afar since you'd arrived in New York two weeks ago. You and Michael were staying in the same hotel whilst your families were both holidaying to the Big Apple. You'd spotted him in the lobby on the first day you'd arrived, and by day 6 you'd gotten up the courage to accidentally bump into him during the buffet breakfast. Luckily for you, Michael was friendly and had struck up conversation, giving you someone of your own age to hang out with. The two of you had instantly clicked and it had brought your families together too. Tonight was your last night before you both flew home and you'd both begged your parents to let you head to Times Square to watch the ball drop at midnight, and after lots of persuasion they'd agreed. Now you were running through a crowd of thousands, trying to get a good view for the ball drop. Finally you stopped, both of you out of breath and laughing. He still hadn't let go of your hand. You looked up, 20 seconds to go, you'd only just made it in time. You smiled at Michael, his cheeks were tinted with a slight red colour, obviously as a result of the freezing cold temperatures outside. You tugged at the edge of your coat and pinched your lip in between your teeth, two nervous habits you just couldn't seem to break. Everyone around you started chanting, there were ten seconds to go. Michael squeezed your hand tightly, and then intertwined the fingers of your other hand as well. You looked down, feeling embarrassed. Was he going to kiss you or not? Damn you wanted him so badly. Five seconds. You took a deep breath, turning towards the ball to watch it drop, when you felt Michaels hands untangle themselves from yours and he used them to push your body against his. Your faces were barely centimetres apart, and you stared up into his eyes. You watched as he tilted your chin up and leaned into you. You heard everyone scream "ONE" and felt Michaels lips crush yours, feeling warm in comparison to the crisp winter air. Everyone around you was celebrating and chanting, but all you could think about was the fact that you and Michael were connected in a more intimate way than ever before. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, this was rougher than you were used to, but you liked it. His kisses were hard and passionate, with a sense of urgency. Before you got too carried away, you both pulled back and Michaels face broke out into a grin! "Well that was fun!" He remarked, and you poked your tongue out at him. He leant back in and kissed you softly. You didn't think you could take much more of this cute shit without passing out. Michael seriously made you feel weak at the knees! "Happy New Year Baby," he whispered in your ear, before grabbing your hand and pulling you away from the claustrophobic crowd. You emerged into the streets of New York, laughing hysterically. What were you going to say when your parents asked you about the ball drop... You had been too busy kissing Michael to even realise that it was happening. You finally reached the door of your hotel room, your fingers still intertwined with Michaels. You thanked him for an amazing night and went to let go of his hand. Before you could open the door to your room, he pulled you back towards him, pressing his lips to yours once again. This time the kiss was different, it was more soft and romantic in comparison to the rough and urgent kisses you had shared earlier. You looked up into his eyes, feeling a wave of sadness rush over you. Tomorrow you would part ways, who knew if and when your paths would ever cross again. Before you could get too emotional, you placed one last kiss on Michaels mouth, and entered your room. As you sat down against the door, you wiped the tears from your eyes, with his taste still lingering on your lips. He was one hell of a holiday romance, if that was all it ended up being. But deep down, you knew you wanted more than that.

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