3. How he asks you out

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You walked into KFC with your two best friends. The smell of grilled chicken instantly wafted your way. You took a seat with your friends deciding what to get. (Y/B/F) and (Y/O/B/F) bickered over what to get. You brought your hands up slowly messaging your temples as a head ache started to kick in. 
“How bout we just get the variety box?” You spoke over them 
They happily agreed. You took a deep breath before getting up and grabbing your wallet. You loved your friends to death but sometimes they could be a handful. You slowly walked up to the counter with one person in front of you. The boy at the counter caught your eye. Brown curly hair with a dorky KFC cap on. But besides the stupid out fit he was beautiful. You walked up to the counter as he greeted with a smile. 
“Hey beautiful what could I get for you and your friends today?” He spoke looking over your shoulder and back to you 
“A variety box thanks” you smiled 
“How bout I make that on the house?” 
“That’s awfully nice of you” I paused and looked at his name tag “Ashton” 
“Please call me Ash” he grinned
“I have a feeling that your trying to hit on me Ash” you giggled
“I have a feeling that you should give me your phone number.” He chuckled 
You wrote your phone number down into his phone before joining your friends again. Your phone buzzed signaling that you had a text. 
‘I would ask if you wanted to go out tonight but I don’t know your name - Ash xx’ 
You smiled typing 
‘Its (Y/N) and I’d love to go out tonight :) xx’


You laid on the couch with your head on Calums chest. He twirled your hair between his fingers as Luke came back with the popcorn and handed it out. The butter wafted through the air as he handed a larger bowl to you and Cal. You always shared everything with him. Luke smiled at you both before speaking to Calum 
“I don’t know why you don’t ask her out” he poked Calum as he sat down. 
“Shut up Luke” calum warned 
“Well you do know he likes you (Y/N). I mean its obvious” Michael chuckled 
You laughed along with Michael. You didn’t reply though, not wanting to make things awkward. Calum shook his head in disapproval at the guys. You liked Cal so much. And him not liking you back kinda hurt. Ashton wiggled his eyebrows at you as he knew about your little crush on Cal. You sent him a glare. 
“Well you know what Cal? We can all see that your wrapped around her little finger. I mean look at you two now” Ash giggled 
“Ashton please stop” calum whined 
“Well you know what? If you don’t ask her out I’ve always got a cousin who likes her..” Ash trailed off as Calum groaned pulling you up by your hand. He pulled you out of the room of bickering boys. A giggle escaped your mouth as he let out a sigh of relief as the door closed. He looked down at his still feet before going red in the face. The next thing happened so fast that you couldn’t even predict it. He moved his hands to your face cupping it before crashing his lips onto yours. It felt like heaven as he rubbed his lips on yours. You pulled away looking confused
“I know you like me.. Ashton told me” he spoke 
“That little-” he cut you off before you could finish
“Please please please be my girlfriend” he asked sounding maybe a little too desperate 
You didn’t reply. You just kept his gaze. His brown eyes bored into yours. There were no second thoughts as you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him.


Your mum ushered you into the nice warm house that you were unfamiliar with. Your next door neighbors had invited your family over for a BBQ. You hated going to these things. Socializing wasn’t your skill. You were awkward and clumsy. The other Lady spoke to your parents before speaking to you. 
“My son is up stairs if you wanna go and meet him” 
Son? Yeah probably a 10 year old boy who played with Lego. Fun fun fun. Although it would be rude to say you didnt want to meet him. You nodded thanking her before walking up stairs to find a numorus amount of doors leading to rooms. The sweet sound of music filled your ears. Nickelback. You moved in the sound of the music that lead to a door. You brought your hand up to it knocking lightly. Once. Twice. Three times. You heard some rustling and then the music slowly turn down. The door opened revealing a boy much taller than you with coloured side swept hair. He was really cute. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. “Your mum said I could come up and meet you. I live next door” you shuffled your feet around awkwardly. He chuckled lightly before telling you to come in. You walked into his room standing and looking at your surroundings. He patted a spot on his bed next to him. You sat down before speaking “So you like nickelback uh..” you didn’t know his name “Michael. And yes I do” he smiled “do you?” He asked You smiled nodding. You two stayed up there for about another hour just chatting and talking about random things. It felt like you had known him forever. “Hey (Y/N), I’d really like to take you out sometime..” he smiled as your hear fluttered “I’d love that” 


 Another terrible subject. You walked out of Geography, swinging your bag over your shoulder. The sound of the reacher voice in your head made you cringe. He was so annoying and mean. He would get kids in trouble for no apparent reason. What an ass. You walked down the stairs and out to the quad where everyone sat to seat lunch. You walked over to your friends and sat with them. A bunch boys walked past you. They were in your class. They were nice and you guessed they were your friends. Luke smiled at you as he walked past with Calum and Michael. Soon after you saw Calum and Michael walk over. “Hey (Y/N)! Luke likes you and wants to take you on a date this weekend.” Michael smiled Your friends looked at you with a surprised expression. You smiled feeling your cheeks heat up immensely. “Tell him hes not getting an answer unless he tells me himself” you talked to the two boys in front of you They walked away leaving your friends nudging you and saying things like ‘someone has a crush on you’ or ‘(Y/N)’s getting some!’ You groaned at them. Soon after your little conversation Luke came over and took you away from your friends. “I’m kind of awkward with this stuff but wanna come out to dinner on Friday?” His face was red. You smiled at his embarrassed state. “I think that’d be great Luke” you moved closer to him Your lips brushed over his ear lightly as you spoke. “And… dont be afraid to talk to me. I’m not that scary” you whispered before walking away. Luke stood stunned by your last action as Michael and Calum came out from around the corner laughing.

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