28. He introduces you to the other boys

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You found yourself wringing your hands nervously on Calum's couch, completely over thinking everything. You and Calum talked about telling his other band mates about your relationship - but you weren't expecting it to be so soon. Calum was currently showering at this time; which, knowing Calum, you knew would take hours and hours. Luckily, the boys were invited to turn up quite later on into the day, meaning you and Calum had all day to plan out what you were going to say to them. But just after that thought, there was a knock at the door. Since Calum was still in the shower, you were left to answer the door. As you swung it open, three grinning boys were standing in the doorway. You gasped, "Luke, Michael and Ashton?" You asked coyly, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. They all nodded, "(Y/N)? We've heard all about you.." Luke gushed, chuckling as your eyes shyly met the floor. You then stepped to the side to invite them into Calum's abode. "Our little Calum is smitten with you, babe," Michael added, making the other boys giggle. "He sure knows how to pick 'em," Ashton gushed, causing your heated cheeks to turn an even darker shade of crimson. They all seated themselves in the living room and stared at your fidgety frame. "Don't be shy, (Y/N) - we don't bite!" Ashton joked, amused at your bashful state. At this moment, Calum strolled in, a pair of basketball shorts hung low on his hips and his chest bare, still a little damp from being fresh from the shower. "Oh, hey guys. If you didn't know already; this is my beautiful girlfriend (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Luke, Michael and Ashton. I'm so glad you've all finally met," he grinned, plopping beside you and pulling you into his lap, your back pressed against his bare chest.


"Babe," you whispered, running your hands through his fluffy hair. "Hm?" He hummed against your neck, his lips grazing against the raw skin. You whimpered from the sudden lack of contact, but continued anyways, "Your friends might hear us. They don't know I'm here yet, do they?" You asked in a hushed voice. He lifted his head to look at you, his hazel eyes unsure. "No, they don't." You sighed, pressing your hands delicately to his hard chest and pushing him gently away from your body, which grew colder without his warm, built body sheltering you from the cool draft blowing through the Irwin household. "How are we going to tell them? I can't just walk in," you laughed dryly, jumping from the loud sound of one of the boys' laughs. "I don't know, they are beginning to notice something's up. I'm always smiling at my phone or rushing away to make quick calls to you, they know I have some sort of thing going on," Ashton whispered into your ear as he kissed the outer shell of it softly. Goosebumps rose on your skin, but you broke him away. "What're we going to do, Ash?" You asked, letting your fingers dance along his soft cheeks. "Ah, fuck it," he shrugged, scooping you up into his arms and jogging into the kitchen, where all the boys were seated. He then said nothing as he loomed over your body cradled into his chest, kissing you passionately. The boys silenced - probably confused by the situation they were witnessing. Once Ashton pulled away from your lips, he placed you onto the floor, "Guys, this is (Y/N). She is my stunning girlfriend and I just wanted to introduce her to you guys."


You checked the time on your phone; 16:59. You were due to leave your house before five in the afternoon, so you quickly headed out of your house and down the road to a small, empty park. As you sat down on a small park bench, you pulled your hood up over your head and sat scrolling through your phone. A few minutes later, your boyfriend Luke - also sporting a hoodie - was jogging softly over to your bench. It was best to keep your relationship this way; it was hidden from the press and hidden from your friends and Luke's band pals. Though, it was beginning to get harder and harder to hide. "Sorry about being a few minutes late, babe. Calum was getting suspicious about why I was going out on my own at five o' clock," Luke chuckled, snaking an arm around your waist and kissing your temple. You smiled softly, "It's fine. It wasn't so easy hiding it from my mother, either." Luke huffed and lifted his head that was previously resting on top of yours. "Maybe we should tell our family and friends soon. I don't want to hide in front of them anymore, (Y/N)." "I know, Luke. But-" You were cut off by sniggers in the bush behind you. Luke's eyes widened as he seemed to recognize the smirks and giggles. "Guys, get out here!" He grumbled, glaring at the red-faced boys emerging from the rustling bushes. "You were here the whole time, weren't you?" Luke asked, his eyes narrowing. They ignored Luke's scolds completely, their eyes meeting yours, "So your name is (Y/N). It's nice to see he chose a pretty girl," Calum gushed, causing you to turn shy instantly. "Dude, you are scaring my girlfriend," Luke scolded again, a playful glint to his tone.


 Michael was an observant and protective boyfriend, making sure the first time you met his best friends would make you feel as comfortable as possible. He kept you close by his side as his friends began chatting to you over pizza. "So, (Y/N).. how is Michael in bed?" Luke cheekily asked. You almost choked on your mouthful of food when you realized he was actually expecting an answer. "Uhm-Well, uh, I-" Michael's grip was tighter on your waist, "Dude, stop asking personal questions. (Y/N) was really nervous to meet you guys and you are making her feel uncomfortable," Michael jutted in protectively, kissing your flushed cheek. The other boys 'aw'ed and cooed teasing things to their best mate, making Michael also have his fair share of blushing. "I find you two really cute. You know, as a couple? Like, you are both made for each other!" Calum blurted out, shoving a few fries into his mouth afterwards. You couldn't hide the large smile curving onto your lips as Michael replied with, "I'm glad I found her, guys. And I'm glad that I could introduce her to you three. You are my best friends, so it's important for all four of you to get along to me." Michael turned to you, his green eyes filled with adoration and happiness, "I love you, (Y/N)," he admitted, not seeming to care that the other three were teasing him. He was too focused on you to notice.

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