26. Brother's best friend

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You had meet Luke early on, you were Calum's twin sister and spent most of your time with him, when he started the whole band thing you spent more time with him, you wanted to get as much time as you could because you knew they were going to be big. What you didn't count on was falling in love with his best friend, Luke. You and Luke had secretly started dating. You knew Calum would be mad if he found out but you really liked Luke and from what you could tell Luke really liked you too, if you weren't together you would be texting non stop. One night Calum had gone out with a couple of old friends so you invited Luke over. You were cuddling together on the sofa. "What if he comes back?" Luke asked worryingly. You shrugged. "Then he'll have to put up with the fact that I like his best friend." You both laughed and stared into each others eyes before kissing, which turned into a make out session on the sofa, you didn't hear the front door open but the next thing you knew Calum was pulling Luke away from you. "Luke!" He yelled standing in front of you. "Calum! Don't hurt him!" You screamed trying to push past your brother. "Why?!" "Because he's my boyfriend." Calum turned to you and then again at Luke. "Hurt her and I'll hurt you."


Michael had asked you out on dates before, you had always said no because of Ashton but one day you just decided to do it. "Fine Michael I will go on one date with you." Which made him smile and jump around the room for ten minutes. You had no idea that one date with Michael would turn into a million more dates and then him finally asking you out. But Michael decided to ask Ashton if he could first. "Look Ash, I know she's you're little sister and everything but I promise I will look after her with my life, she's the most amazing person I have ever met!" It took some begging but Ashton finally said yes and Michael asked you out a week later during one of their concerts. "Guys I'd like to bring my sister out." Ashton said standing up and walking to the side of the stage, he dragged you out on stage and sat you down on a stool they had put in the middle of the stage. "Someone very close to me as something very important to ask you." You frowned and then Michael joined you at your side. "Y/N Irwin, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while, but I wanted to make sure Ash was okay with it, Y/N Irwin will you be my girlfriend?" You of course said yes.


You and Ashton had always been close friends, you were older then Luke so you meet Ashton before him, but when he stuck up for Luke that was it for you, you loved him. He didn't know that you loved him but you did, you had fallen for him and hard. Luke was studying for a test when Ashton had come over. "He's upstairs studying." He nodded and sat down. "Ashton do you want a d-" Before you could finished he pulled you into his lap and kissed you. "I've been wanting to do that for a very long time." You giggled as he put his hands on your hips. "I know this is going to sound really drastic but I think I'm in love with you." He said pushing some hair behind your ear. "Ever since I met you I thought you were amazing and that kiss just proved that you're the one for me and now I want you to say something so I don't sound like a strange person." You giggled again and kissed him. "I love you to Ashton, ever since you stuck up for Luke I just..I knew then that you were perfect for me," You were both kissing again when Luke walked into the living room. "Erm, guys?!" You pulled apart and blushed hiding in Ashton neck. "Sorry man."


"Get the door Y/N!" Michael yelled from the kitchen. You paused your game and jumped up to answer the door. You opened it to see all of the boys. Calum was staring at you and you moved away letting them in. Calum had always had a crush on you but you never knew. They all rushed into the living room but Calum waited behind for you. "Cal..what's wrong?" He grabbed your hand and walked you upstairs. "Calum where are you taking me?" He pushed you into the bathroom and kissed you, your eyes widened and then closed, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you letting him know it was okay. He smirked into the kiss and then pulled away. "Whoa." He said pushing his hands through his hair. "That was-" He started. "Amazing." You giggled finishing the sentence.

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