25. You surprise him on tour

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It had been six months since Ashton left for tour and you were both devastated, it was hard to be away from each other considering the fact that you were inseparable. You were just about to go to bed when your phone rang. Expecting it to be Ash, you were surprised to see Michael's name pop up. "Hello?" You ask, confused but happy to hear his voice. "Hey Y/N, I know this is really random and out of the blue but could you get a few weeks off so you can come see Ashton? He's been really down lately and I know that seeing you would make it better," Michael explains. "Sure!" You answer, knowing that you'll be able to get some time off work. Within a week you were already on a plane to Europe to meet the boys. Michael collected you at the airport and hurried you into the car which took you to the hotel. "He's in room 23A, here's the key card," Michael says, pulling a key card out of his pocket. Smiling, you thank him as you let yourself in. You walk into the room and you see Ashton laying on the bed, his eyes closed with earphones in as he taps to the beat. Sneaking up behind him, you pounce on him, causing both you and him to fall off the bed. "Y/N? How?! Why?!" Ashton questions, but you simply answer with a kiss. All questions can be answered later, right now you just wanted to enjoy each others company.


Today was the day that you were going to surprise Calum on his ROWYSO Tour. You and Luke had it all planned out for weeks, it was so hard keeping it from him because he always looked so sad. Once you arrive in Europe, you met Luke at the airport. Hugging him, you both make your way to the arena where you would surprise Calum. You would wait for the show to start, and once it did you would make sure you were right at the front. Luke would be sure to call you up on stage during Rejects so Calum could see you; it was foolproof. You had to hide out of sight from the other boys for the rest of the day. This meant waiting in either the bathroom or the bus for hours at ends, but it would all be worth it. The show had started and you forgot how good the boys were live. Once it got to Rejects, you started to get excited again, the butterflies in your stomach were out of control. "Okay Michael, since you suck at the guitar, lets get someone else to replace you!" You hear Luke shout over the screaming crowd. His eyes instantly fall on you and as you make your way on stage, you see all the boys faces light up. Michael hugs you and so does Ashton but Calum tackles you, flooring you. Laughing, you manage to get yourself up but as you do you are embraced by Calum who is whispering how much he missed you and loves you, before kissing you as thousands of phones go off in the background, but you couldn't care less.


You and Luke being apart was the worst, so bad that you decided that you couldn't do it anymore so you arranged with the boys to surprise him on tour! It was a last minute thing, so not all of the details were finalized but you knew that you would be fine. You arrived at your local airport, only to be greeted by hundreds of the 5SOS Fam. Making your way inbetween the cameras and fans, you smile for a few pictures before boarding your plane. Checking your phone, you see that you are the second trending topic in the world. Crap. Luke would know that you were on your way now. Blocking out the world around you, you plug in your earphones and relax. Arriving in America, you grab your bag and carry on before leaving security and making your way to the main part of the airport. Luckily, your plane landed early so the airport was practically empty. Except for the tall, blonde and blue eyed boy stood awkwardly on his phone. Confused, you make your way to him and jump at him from behind, taking him by surprise. "Y/N!" He exclaims, catching you. "What are you doing here?" You question, your cheeks hurting from smiling. "I saw the tweets so I thought that I'd surprise you!" He replies, grinning. You smile back at him, before kissing him.


"But Y/NNN, I miss you...," Michael says. "I know Mikey, I miss you too," You reply, looking at him through a grainy Skype video. "Y/N, I have to go, the shows about to start. I love you, call you later!" Michael says, hanging up, leaving you feeling empty and alone. You couldn't do this anymore. Packing a bag quickly, you grab your credit card, passport and a few more essentials before leaving the house. Fast forward twenty four hours and you've arrived at Michael's hotel and you're arguing with the front desk. "I'm telling you, I am Michael Clifford's girlfriend!" You exclaim. "If I had a dollar for every time I heard this, I wouldn't have to work here! Now, do I have to call security?" The receptionist says. Cursing under your breath, you're about to call Michael when you hear his voice behind you. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asks, running to you, engulfing you in a hug before kissing you. "I missed you so I though that I would surprise you!" You reply, smirking at the receptionist who looked embarrassed. "I love you," Michael simply says, kissing you once more.

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