35. "I think we need to talk"

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"I think we need to talk," you sighed, entering your best friend's bedroom cautiously. "There's nothing to talk about," Calum mumbled miserably. He rolled over on the bed, hiding his face from view. You sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out a comforting hand, but deciding not to touch Calum's shaking shoulders. "I told you how I felt about you, and you didn't feel the same," he said, sulking still, "There's nothing to talk about." "I never said I didn't feel the same," you pointed out patiently. Calum sniffled, sitting up slowly. He looked toward you, his bloodshot eyes filled with confusion. "You didn't even give me a chance to answer," you continued, chuckling at the way Calum had told you he liked you and then ran off. "Oh," Calum let out a watery chuckle, "I guess your face said it all." "Well, I do like you," you informed him, "So can we talk?" Calum grinned widely. "I guess we can talk," he laughed.


"I think we need to talk," Ashton said, still taking in the scene around him. "It's nothing to worry about," you assured him, looking up guiltily from where you on the floor. "Nothing to worry about?" Ashton repeated, "There are seven puppies in our apartment!" "You say that like it's a bad thing!" you joked, scratching behind the ears of the nearest pup. Ashton raised his eyebrows, clearly not amused. "I know it's not a permanent solution," you agreed with what his eyes were saying, "But they would've been put down!" Ashton's eyes softened, and he slowly came to sit beside you on the kitchen floor. "I guess it'll be fun to have them for a little while," he gave in, stifling a giggle as a puppy climbed into his lap, "But don't get attached." "Too late," you admitted, admiring the adorable animals surrounding you.


"I think we need to talk," you said, biting your lip nervously as you eyed your boyfriend. "No kidding," Michael chuckled humorlessly. "Can I sit?" you asked, gesturing to the seat beside Michael on the couch. He scooted away, allowing you to sit without touching him. "You weren't supposed to hear that," you admitted, as if that would help. "I realized that," he stated coldly. "It's not that I never want to get married!" you explained, already frustrated, "I just meant I'm not ready for marriage right now." "What you said was, 'It's not like I'm gonna marry him,'" Michael reminded you, looking down at his feet to hide the hurt in his eyes. "I know," you sighed, "But I didn't mean that. I just - I dunno. It was dumb." "I love you, you know," Michael informed you, finally looking at you. "I love you, too," you assured him, "I didn't mean it how it sounded. All I meant was we aren't gonna be married while you're on tour. I just meant my friends don't have to worry about me being in a long distance marriage." "Maybe they won't have to worry about you being in a long distance anything," Michael snapped, getting to his feet and moving to grab his jacket. "Michael!" you called, getting to your feet after him. "Just give me some time to calm down," he asked with pleading eyes. You hesitated, but nodded, and Michael was out the door.


"I think we need to talk," Luke said shakily, holding a pregnancy test up as he entered the bedroom. "I was waiting for the right time to tell you," you shared, smiling widely. "Is this real?" Luke questioned, hardly daring to believe it. You nodded, getting out of bed to go to your husband. Luke laughed jovially. He kissed your cheeks, your nose, and your lips. "We're gonna have a baby," he giggled, hugging you tightly against him. "I know," you laughed back, smiling up at him. He pecked your lips, unable to keep the smile off his face through the kiss. "We're gonna be parents!" he stated, his voice higher than usual due to the excitement. "I know," you said again, still grinning uncontrollably. "What a high," he joked, shaking his head. "I've been trying to keep this smile off my face all day," you informed him. Luke shook his head in disbelief. "You're pregnant," he said again in awe, looking at the pregnancy test. "Luke, you know I peed on that, right?" you questioned seriously. Luke dropped the little stick, muttering about how you should have lead with that.

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