27. He's getting married and it's not to you

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"Well?" Calum had just told you that he was going to be getting married in a few months. You nodded. "well what?" He chuckled softly and shook his head sitting down next to you on the sofa. "Well what do you think of me and Keeley getting married?" You forced out a fake smile, the love of your life was telling you he was getting married to someone. "I think it's fantastic." You lied, you were continuing to fake smile and his real smile grew. "Perfect! She wants you to be one of her bridesmaids." You nodded still continuing the fake smile. It's not that you didn't like her, she was an amazing person. She even recycles, it's just she was the one taking the heart of the one you loved. "What's wrong?" You shook your head. "Nothing." He shook his head. "You know I can tell, now tell me." You took a deep breath and looked straight ahead at the wall. "Well the guy I've been in love with for six years has just told me he's getting married." His hand that was previously on your knee had now moved. "Y-You love me?" You nodded and he stood up. "You're only just telling me this?!" You stood up. "I'm sorry I was scared!" You just walked away.


"Go on it'll be fun." He said pushing you into the changing room with a wedding dress. You were out with Ashton the day before his wedding and he was telling you to try on dresses. You slipped on the dress and the women helped you do it up. You stepped out of the changing room. Ashton looked at you with wide eyes. "You look beautiful." You blushed and looked into the mirror. You twirled around and smiled. "Stunning." The women said holding your shoulders gently. "He's a lucky guy." You looked down. You weren't marrying him, as much as you wish you were, but you weren't. You sighed and looked at Ashton. "Another." He said handing you a puffy princess dress. You walked back into the changing room and changed into the dress. When you came out Ashton was standing there with a stupid grin on his face. You smiled and looked in the mirror. You put your hands on the dress. "It's a perfect dress for you." Ashton said putting his hands on your waist. You felt your stomach do flips. You nodded. You turned to look into his eyes and he smiled looking down at your lips. You smiled and looked at his. "You're just so beautiful." He said leaning in and kissing you. After a couple of seconds of kissing he pulled back and stood there with wide eyes. "Shit." He said quickly. You ran into the changing room and changed back into your normal clothes. You walked out and Ashton was pacing back and forth. "I shouldn't have done that." You looked down and muttered. "I wanted that for a long time." He snapped his head to look at you. Shit. "I'm Getting married tomorrow!" He yelled before walking out of the shop.


You sat down in the middle of Liz and Jack, Ben was next to Jack talking to you all. Liz, Jack and Ben had known for a while you were in love with Luke. They were always telling you to tell him before it got too late, but this was it, it was already too late. You looked up at the front and Luke was stood there in his suit, he looked so perfect. Jack was looking at you. You sent a fake smile at him and Liz hugged you. "It'll be okay." She whispered into your ear. . You watched Luke pace back and forth. Jack hugged you and Ben smiled at you. "You need to tell him." You shook your head. "I cant tell him I love him on the day of his wedding." You looked down at your hand. "No tell him what you saw the other day." You bit your lip and walked up to him. The wedding hadn't started yet. Jasmine was still getting ready. "Luke I need to tell you something about Jasmine." He nodded. "She was out with Fred the other day and they were kissing." He frowned and looked around the room. "I forgive her." You rolled your eyes and sat down again. "What did he say?" Ben asked. "He forgives her." You whispered back to him. The music started playing and Jasmine started walking down the aisle. The time came for the vicar to say "Does anybody have any reason why these too should not be man and wife speak now or forever hold your will." You kept looking down until Ben shot up. "We do!" He yelled pulling me up. "She's cheated on him since the start and Y/N is in love with him!" Luke looked at you and You were trying to sit back down. "S-s-she what?" Luke stuttered out.


You were shopping with your best friend Michael. He was getting his suit and then you were going to get your dress. As much as his girlfriend didn't want you at their wedding Michael insisted you went. But you had to sit in the back so she couldn't see you. You were sat on your phone waiting for Michael to come out of the changing room to show you his suit. You were busy typing when he cleared his throat. "What do you think?" You smiled looking at him. He looked amazing. "You look great." You stuttered out. He smiled and looked in the mirror. "I cant wait till she is finally Mrs Cifford." You nodded and looked down. You loved Michael ever since Year 10 When he stopped some boy beating you up. You snapped out of your daydream when Michael walked away. You needed to tell him how you felt. You couldn't let him marry that witch. You sighed and bit your lip. "Mikey?" You asked softly. "Yeah?" He replied in the changing room. "There's something I need to tell you, I feel horrible for hiding it all this time and for telling you today and I understand if you don't ever wanna see me again okay..." You took a deep breath and carried on before he could comment on what you just said. "I love you Michael and I always have." He stepped out of the changing room eyes wide. You looked down and waited for him to say something. "Leave." Was the only word he said. You nodded and turned around leaving him. You took in a deep breath and held in the tears.

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