15. Mr. Hemmings One Shot

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Luke pulls the blindfold tightly around your eyes, pressing his lips to your forehead and jumping into the drivers seat. He was taking you on a surprise date. It was one of those things the two of you did to keep your relationship interesting, and it was definitely working. The essence of surprise was always refreshing, and knowing that Luke had spent time thinking about what you'd enjoy and planning the whole day out made you feel special. You drive for a while, feeling completely disorientated, when the car stops. You hear the passenger door open, and you feel Luke's fingers intertwine with yours. He undoes your seatbelt and helps you out of the car, before gently taking off your blindfold. It takes your eyes a second to adjust to the light, but the first thing you see is Luke staring down at you with his big blue eyes and messy blonde hair. "Jesus, you are so beautiful." You blush, as you still can't comprehend the idea that this boy is yours. He is perfect, the perfect boyfriend, and together, you are the perfect two. You've been together for so long now, you can't imagine life without his cute good morning texts, your scheduled date nights and your weekly celebrations of the time you've spent together. The selfies which you take together are one of your favourite parts of your relationship. Ever since you first started dating, Luke insisted you take a photo every day you spend together. You decided to put them in a scrapbook, so it contains all the memories of the wonderful times the two of you have had. Every so often, Luke will find your scrapbook and write cute messages under random photos, so when you're having a rough day, you can flick through it and feel better again. You are still staring into his eyes, and he shakes his head at you. "Aren't you even going to look at where I've taken you?!" He whines. You look up at the sign above the two of you. Bowling. You are shocking at bowling. This was not something the two of you had ever done together as you always protested. You groan and sigh, this was not exactly what you had in mind for your cute date, but Luke winks and pulls you inside. He makes you arrange the lane and shoes, as he doesn't like talking to people who he doesn't know very well. You know that Luke is one of the most awkward people on this planet, it's just not a side of him you see very often, as you are so comfortable with each other. You sit down at the lane whilst he sorts out all the technical stuff and then takes his first go. He gets a strike. Wonderful, this is just going to be even more embarrassing for you now. "Your turn gorgeous" He says, handing you a ball. He's never seen you bowl before, and even though you tell him how bad you are, you're not sure if he realises quite how bad. You walk up to the lane, and throw the ball. It goes straight into the gutter. Oops. He laughs and tells you to try again, it was just an unlucky shot, but the same thing happens again. Luke gets another strike. For your next turn, he puts up the barriers to stop you from getting a gutterball, but you manage to knock over a grand total of one pin in your whole turn. This happens for another two rounds before Luke comes up with you. He stands behind you, with one arm around your waist and the other on the ball which you're holding. He helps you throw the ball, and you knock over five pins. This is the best you have ever done so you jump up and down squealing, and Luke pulls you into a hug and tells you how proud he is of you. You continue to play like this, actually enjoying bowling for once, as it gives you an excuse to get close to your extremely attractive boyfriend. You finish the game, with Luke beating you, obviously. Once you've returned your shoes, he tells you that the date isn't quite over yet. You hop back in his car and he drives you to a secluded beach the two of you used to go to all the time when you first started dating. It was actually the place you shared your first kiss. He gets a picnic basket and blanket out of the boot and lays it down on the sand. You share some little sandwiches and crisps, watching the sunset. Once it's dark, he lights some candles and tells you he has one more surprise for you. Luke wraps you up in the blanket and returns to the car to get something else. He comes back, guitar in hand. Luke had the voice of an angel, literally. Every time he sings, you fall for him all over again. He strums a few notes and then begins to sing. Lego House. You love it when he sings this, as it really showcases his voice and his talent. You don't lose eye contact the whole song, and as he sings the last lines, he leans forward and whispers them to you, "I will love you better now." He kisses you softly, and you both lie back and watch the stars. You fall asleep with your head rested on his shoulder, listening to the waves crash softly on the beach. You really have got yourself the perfect guy.

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