33. Their manager is bullying you and he finds out

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It's the night of the guys' second album release party and to say that they're excited is an understatement. As you're all sitting in the dressing room waiting for your cue, none of them can seem to stop talking as their nervous chatter fills the room. You're sitting in a makeup chair in the corner having the finishing touches added to your face as you smooth down your dress.

"Are you sure it'll be fine?" You ask nervously and bite on your bottom lip as you fiddle with the short material. "You look great, Y/N. Nobody's gonna care and if they do they're pricks. You look like a million bucks, so enjoy yourself okay?" Your stylist reassures you and pats your shoulder softly. Feeling slightly more confident you smile at yourself in the mirror and nod slowly. "Okay, I look great? Are you 100% positive it's not too short?" You clarify and the girl behind you sighs. "It's barely above your knees Y/N, you can't see anything. I wear shorter things around my family anyway, you'll be fine. Now hop off and call Luke over, I need to fix his hair." You laugh and slip out of the chair and turn to give your friend a brief hug before wandering back to the guys and passing the message on to Luke.

"Damn Y/N, you look beautiful!" Ashton exclaims and pulls you into a soft kiss. Immediately you pull away and make a tutting sound. "No kissing, Ash. Do you know how long this took to make pretty? If you smudge anything I will personally kill you." Your threat is laced with humour and he laughs along with you. You're about to sit down when the door to the dressing room opens and their manager, Tracy, comes storming in. You tense and try to make yourself as small as possible so she won't notice you.

You and Tracy have a rather...complicated relationship to say the least. You've never been the best of friends but ever since you and Ashton became official her attitude towards you has been shockingly unprofessional. Snooty glances, sly comments and generally being a horrible person towards you haven't made you a massive fan of her.

"Aah, you all look amazing. So handsome and professional." Her honey-sweet voice drawls until her beady eyes land on your cowering figure. "And Y/N! What a lovely surprise. And what an interesting dress! Can I borrow you for a minute or so? Now." Her gaze hardens and the tone indicates there's no negotiating yourself out of this one. "Sure, Tracy." You reply with a forced politeness and follow her out the dressing room, shooting Ashton a look of distress to which he replies with a simple shrug of shoulders and sympathetic look.

As much as you love Ashton, one thing that annoys you about him is his obliviousness. He always looks for the best in people- which, normally, is a pretty admirable trait. However it's helped him to overlook the fact that this woman makes your life a living hell.

"What the hell do you think you're wearing? You look like a cheap slut!" Tracy exclaims the second the door creaks shut. You raise your eyebrows and place a hand on your hip. "Excuse me?" You ask, completely outraged. "I said you look like a slut. A fugly slut. An annoying slut piggybacking on her rich boyfriend's career to get to the top of the fame ladder. And honey, you can lose all the makeup on your face. We all know you have a rotten core." You gasp and feel tears prick at your eyes. Your hand reaches up and violently wipes them away.

"Tracy it's their album night. Can't you give it a rest for one night. Just one. Don't ruin this for us all." She moves closer and tilts her head at an angle, her pearly white teeth glinting. "Us? There is no us. Just the band and then you. The cheap slut in the revealing dress that she should really go change. Do you know that everything you do reflects on the band and the boys? You don't want them being regarded as the cheap trashy band, do you? Because that's the message you send out every time your face gets photographed." She hisses at you and you jump back, startled at her speech.

"You know what Tracy? Screw you! You're just an insecure loser trying to make it big in a world you have no chance in. Just admit you can't do it and try to be nice to people. Would that be so hard?" You ask and she sneers.

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