43. Jealousy

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You groan as you sit impatiently in the uncomfortable seat. Ashton and the guys had went out the venue to go say hi to a couple fans, and you didn't want to bother Ashton, clinging to his side while the fans try to talk to him so you decided to stay in the venue, alone. Or so you thought. You see a tall guy approach you with these big brown eyes and you just look away, not wanting to make conversation with anyone. "Hey Y/N!" He says smiling. You mummer a few curse words before turning, standing up to meet him, smiling. "Hey Liam!" He brings you in a hug and you hug back, not being rude. "What are you doing out here by yourself?" He says looking around to the empty arena. "Ashton and the guys went out to say hi to some fans." He nods and smiles. "You have um, something on your cheek." He says, pointing to your left cheek. "Where?" You lower your eyebrow trying to look at your cheek but fail miserably , you both end up laughing. He brings his hand up to your cheek and brush something off, making a disgusting face. "It was a bug." You shriek in disgust and he laughs. "Y/N!" You both turn around to see Ashton speed walking over to you. "I'll see you later Liam." He nods as you walk up to Ashton and Liam walks his own way. "What is i-" Ashton cuts you off by slamming his lips against yours, cupping your face. He pulls away. "What was that for?" You ask regaining your breathe. "You're mine and only mine." His says sternly, still cupping your face. You lightly smile, looking up to him. "Ashton Irwin if I would of know better I'd say you were jealous." Ashton nervously chuckles. "Why would I be jealous?" You smirk and take a hold of his hand. "Then I guess you don't mind if I go talk to Liam." He tightens his grip on your hand and you just laugh, kissing him again.


They guys all wanted to just stay inside and watch scary movies. You on the other hand would of much rather do anything else. You hated scary movies and the guys knew it. "You sure you want to watch it babe?" Calum asks, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You didn't want to ruin the guys night and make them change the movie so you just shook your head. Ashton puts the movie into the dvd player, going back to make popcorn. You were watching the trailers when some one gently pushed your back and scream "boo" making you nearly shit your pants, jummping up from the couch. You turn to see Ashton and cross your arms. "That wasn't funny!" You pout as the rest of the guys laugh. "Then why are we laughing?" Luke asks as he grabs a hold of his stomach, from laughing to hard. You grab a pillow and throw it at him. You take your seat next to Luke and Calum sitting on the edge of the couch. The movie begins. As the face pops up on the screen, you scream, landing on Luke's lap. All the guys besides Calum laugh who just clenches his jaw. "Come on Y/N, It wasn't that scary." Michael smiles, eating some more of his popcorn. You get off of Luke's lap and back in your seat. Another face pops up and you dig your face into Luke shoulder. "Oh god." Calum groans, vein popping out of his neck, getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen. "What's up with him?" Michael asks, taking some more popcorn. You shrug your shoulders, getting up from the couch and over to Calum. He sat on the Island table, drinking his water. You take the seat next to him. "Cal what's wrong?" "Oh nothing at all, I'm perfectly fine that my girlfriend is clinging against one of my best mates as I sit next to them." He takes another drink from his water. "Sorry Cal, I didn't really think of it, just it got kinda scary and I didn't really meant it." He looks up to you, lightly chuckling. "Yeah I know, I'm stupid for getting jealous over something little like that." You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing his face closer to yours. "It was actually pretty hot." He smirks as his lips are inches from yours. "Really?" "Mhhm." You attach you lips on his and go back watching the movie, taking a seat on his lap for the rest of it.


Your best friend came in town and you haven't seen him in a long time and you wanted to spend alone time with him. "Jake!" You screech as you get up from the tiny table at the mall, running up to him to hug him, getting annoyed looks from people around. "Y/N! I've missed you so much!" He says, hugging you tightly. You sit at the tiny table, eating the food you both got. "How are you and your boyfriend?" You ask him, and a big goofy smile appears on his face. "Amazing, we moved in together, I love him so much." You smile. "Aw that's amazing!" "Yeah what about your boy toy?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrow, causing you to laugh. "Perfect, he came from tour and had a day out with the guys." You both spend the rest of the day shopping and going into expensive stores and trying on the ridiculous clothing, posing as if you were on a run way until you got kicked out. You phone goes off, signaling you had a text. You take it out. Lukeey: Get home, now, we have to talk. You groan as you shove your phone back into your pocket. "Jake I have too go, baby mama drama." You joke and he laughs, hugging you once more. "Bye Y/N! Don't be a stranger!" You smile and wave him off as you walk out the mall, carrying the little amount of bags you had to your car. It was a quiet ride home as you got there Luke's car was parked outside and you just think of the possible things he could want to talk about. You fish your items out as you get into the house, throwing the items on the couch. "Babe?" You ask through the house. You sit on the couch, taking your shoes off. Luke comes out from the hall, knuckles bruised and cut, his face red. "Luke what's wrong!" You ask, getting up to examine his hands. He pulls back, taking his phone out. "WHAT IS THIS!" He shouts showing you the phone, a picture of you and Jake hugging. You laugh lightly. "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Y/N ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?" You shook your head. "Luke, I would never do that to you, you know." He shakes his head. "WHO IS THIS THEN?" His muscles tensing up. "Jake he-" "WHO IS JAKE? HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN HIM? WHY DON'T I KNOW HIM?" "Luk-" "WHAT WERE YOU DOING? WHY WERE YOU WITH HIM?" "Lu-" "WHY WERE YOU HUGGING HIM?" "LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST SHUT UP SO I CAN TELL YOU." You shout back, shaking your head. He crosses his arms as he stares at you. "That's Jake, remember from high school?" Luke lower his eyebrows at you, confused. "I don't know any Jake, the only Jake I know is gay Ja- oh." He shuts up as you nod your head, crossing your arms. "I'm sorry Y/N I just thought I had lost you, I didn't know what I'd do without you." You wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "I would never leave you Luke, I love you too much, come on lets go get you cleaned up." You take a hold of his hand, taking him to the bathroom to clean up his cuts.


Michael was away from tour and you missed him so much. You talked everyday and skype'd every chance he got. You sat on your laptop watching movies on Netflix when it sudden paused and Michael's face popped up. You quickly fixed your self to look presentable, clicking answer. "Mikey!" You call as you see his face. He smile widely. "Babe, I've missed you so much, I just want to be with you." He sighs, shaking his head. You sigh, crossing your legs. "I know baby, soon enough. Tour is almost over and we get to cuddle together all we want." You smile and a smirk appears on his face. "Can we do more than cuddle?" You laugh lightly. "But of course." He smiles. "You look hot babe. I love the green hair." You smirk back to him. He smiles as he touches a piece of his hair. "Thanks I was worried if you'd like it or not." "I'd like it even if your bald, but don't go bald." the both of you laugh as you hear a knock on your door. "Come in!" You call and you brother comes in, shirtless. "Hey Y/N. Food is done." You nod your head. "Okay I'll go in a bit, I'm on skype." He nods his head and leave and Michael looks at you, angry. "Who the fuck was that?" You look taken back as you raise you eyebrows. "I would appreciate it if you don't curse about him." You both exchange look. "Sorry was i interrupting something? Should I let you go so you can go finish having sex?" "What the fuck Michael that's my brother!" You groan and a flush of pink rises to his cheek. "I'm so sorry babe, I just thought-" "You'd actually think I'd cheat on you? Really Michael?" He brings his hands to his face. "No, I'm sorry, I just panicked okay? It's like you seeing a shirtless girl in my room. You'd get jealous if you didn't know too." You nodded your head. "There better not be any fucking shirtless girl there or I'll fly out there and rip your balls out." He laughs as he raises his arms. "See!" You laugh shaking your head. "Okay babe I'll call you back in a bit, I have to eat." He nods his head and smiles. "I love you Y/N." "Love you too Mikey."

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