30. He finds your tattoo

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Written by: @acoldwindgreetstheair on tumblr


It was finally warming up. Spring was here and you didn't have to wear those heavy sweaters and long sleeves anymore. You were looking forward to getting some sun on your pale skin after the long winter. You had finished your final exams at school and you were ready to enjoy yourself. You were also excited because you worked your butt off during the winter to get that summer body you always wanted after having years of self-image issues. You finally felt comfortable enough in your own skin to wear bathing suits and tank tops and shorts. You were ready for those late summer nights with your best friends and, of course, your boyfriend, Ashton. You had big plans for this summer, and you were determined to make it the best one yet. You and your best friend even had a bucket list of things to complete before you both parted ways to go back to school in the fall. However, you had been exempted from a few things on that bucket list since you started dating Ashton in the fall. You and your best friend were going shopping for summer clothes today, since you had lost so much weight during the winter months. As you were getting ready to go out, you heard a knock on the door. Knowing that it was your best friend you just yelled, "It's open!" Soon enough, she popped her head in the bathroom where you were finishing up your mascara. "Heeeey pretty lady," your best friend said, walking into the bathroom. "Ready to go get some sexy summer clothes?" she asked with a slight smirk on her face. "Almost. Just let me grab a few things," you said, walking past her and out of the bathroom. "And I'm not looking for sexy clothes! I just want weather appropriate clothing!" you called over your shoulder to her. "Yeah okay, we'll see about that," your best friend said with a laugh. After grabbing your purse and your keys you were all ready to go. You guys drove to the mall and headed to your all-time favorite store. After picking out some cute summer outfits, you made your way to the dressing room to try them on, just as you removed your shirt, your phone buzzed, showing a snapchat from Ashton. You smiled, and opened it. "Can we hang out today? Miss you," it said, showing a pouty faced Ashton. You giggled and sent him one back, with a silly face saying, "When I'm done at the mall." You set your phone down and tried on the outfits you picked out, some being cute, some needing to go back on the racks. When you took off your last outfit, you heard your best friend yelling your name as she ran into the dressing room. "Y/N! Y/N! You need to try this dress on! It's so cute, and it's the last one, and it's in your size!" she said, knocking furiously on the door to your changing room. You laughed and opened the door slightly, taking the dress from her and closing it again. The dress really was cute, and you were glad she found it. After putting it on, you looked in the mirror and smiled immediately. It was the perfect fit. It was a pretty coral color, with criss-cross straps in the back. "Do you wanna see?" you called to your best friend. "Obviously," she said back with a touch of sass. As you stepped out of the dressing room, your friend's mouth dropped. "Holy shit Y/N, it's perfect. Ashton's gonna love you in that," she said with a wiggle of her eyebrows. "It also shows off your tattoos perfectly." At that, your face dropped a bit. Ashton didn't know about your tattoos, which were on both of your shoulder blades. You knew that once he saw them he would want the story, and you weren't sure if you were ready to tell him about your past yet. Your friend sensed your worry and said, "Don't worry girl. I know he'll love them, no matter what the story behind them," she said with a smile. She always knew the right thing to say. You smiled at her and took another look at the dress in the mirror, deciding it was too cute to let go. "I'm gonna get it," you said with a confident smile, and went back into the changing room to take it off. After you bought the dress, you and your friend spent another hour at the mall, just messing around and having a good time. When you were on your way home, you texted Ashton saying, "On my way home. Come over in 20?" He responded right away saying he'll be there. After your friend dropped you off, you thanked her and went to freshen up a little bit before Ashton got there. You plopped yourself on the couch and opened the book you had been reading. Soon enough, Ashton was knocking on the door to your apartment. Not bothering to wait for you to come open it, he just let himself in, knowing it would be open. "Babe?" he said, looking around for you. "On the couch," you said, eyes not leaving your book. He came and joined you on the couch, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a kiss to your cheek. You closed your book and turned to face him, your lips dangerously close to his. "Hi," you whispered. "Hi," he said back and pulled your closer so that he could kiss you properly. His lips were soft and they felt perfect on top of yours. He pulled away and rested his forehead on yours. "How was the mall?" he asked. "Good. I got some summer clothes. A really cute dress that I can't wait to wear," you said. "Can I see it? Will you go put it on for me?" Ashton asked, pressing another kiss to your lips. You hummed against his lips and mumbled a yes. "Good, I can't wait to see," he said, letting go of your waist so you could go change. You went into the bedroom and put on your new dress, falling in love with it all over again. "Ready?" you called to Ashton in the other room. "Yeah, lemme see babe," he said in response. You emerged from your bedroom and walked to where Ashton could see you. He let out a low whistle and stood up to walk over to where you were standing. "What do you think?" you asked him. "You look so beautiful. Wear that on our next date?" he asked. "If you want me to, yeah, I will," you said with a smile. He took a step closer to you and grabbed your hand. "Let me get a better look here," he said lifting your hand over your head and spinning you so that he could see the 360 view. You giggled as you met his gaze again. Except he had a look of confusion on his face. "Y/N?" he said. "Yeah, what's up?" you answered, knowing exactly what he was going to say. He turned you around and moved your hair over your shoulder, fingertips lightly ghosting over your tattoos. "I didn't know you had this," he said softly. "I like this quote," he added. "But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep," he read out loud. The first part of the quote was on your left shoulder and the second part on your right. "I got it last year," you said, knowing he was going to ask about the meaning. He turned you around and smiled at you. "Why don't you go change and then we can just chill?" he said. When you came back into your living room after changing, Ashton was sitting on your couch. You sat down and cuddled up to him, waiting for him to ask about your tattoo. The two of you stayed like this for a while, just sitting together, enjoying each other's company. "What does it mean?" he said after a while. "It's a reminder," you told him without hesitation. "Of what?" he asked. "That I'm not finished yet," you said in a voice barely above a whisper. A few tears slipped from your eyes and onto Ashton's shirt. He lifted your head from his chest and wiped your tears away. "Tell me about it darling," he said in a soothing voice, wrapping his arms around your waist. "A few years ago, I was having a really hard time with who I was and what I looked like. I was suicidal and self-harmed, and I just didn't really see the point in living anymore," you told him, looking down at your lap, feeling embarrassed you had to say this out loud. "But I don't understand," Ashton started with a shaky voice, and you could tell he was on the verge of tears. "I felt worthless," you said in a small voice. "You're perfect. Why would you ever think that about yourself?" he continued. "Because that's what I was told," you said, still looking down. "But, who would say that to you?" he inquired, his voice still shaky. You paused, not wanting to say it out loud. "My father," you finally said, letting go of all the tears you were holding in. "He said that to you?" Ashton asked you softly, and you could tell he was crying now. You nodded. "Every day of my life," you told him. "I had no idea," he said, pressing a soft kiss to your head. "It's okay," you replied. Immediately, Ashton started shaking his head at you. "No. It's not okay. No one should ever make you feel that way. Especially not someone who is supposed to care for you," he said. His strong arms pulled you onto his lap and he placed his hands on both sides of your face. You tried to avoid his eyes, not wanting to see them full of tears. "Look at me. I don't ever want you to feel like you're worthless. You mean everything to me, and I want my girl to be happy. You're absolutely perfect, just the way you are, and I love you so much."

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