2. Dinner Dates

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You nervously played with the hem of your dress as you sat on your front porch waiting for Ash to turn up. You met him two weeks ago when you were at the club. Needless to say you were charmed by him so neither less you took him home. This was going to be your 3rd date with him. And out of all honesty you were still nervous. You whipped your head up as you saw Ashton pull up in his car and walk out. You stood and walked over to him and hugged him. 
“Ready?” He asked 
“Yup” you popped the P 
You got into his car and sat in the leather seat. You looked at him in confusion. He hasn’t started the car yet. All he was doing was staring at you. 
“You look… Beautiful” he smiled and then started the car and pulled out 
You didn’t know where you were going but you did know that all that mattered was that you were with him. You soon found out where your destination was when he parked outside of a little Italian restaurant. You looked over at Ashton with a huge smile on your face. He grinned at you, happy with his choice of date. 
“I freakin love you!” You jumped up and hugged him 
Instantly regretting the words you turned away and looked at your feet. 
“I love you too” he smiled 
He put his hand under your chin and lightly placed his lips onto yours.


You sat at the table with Calum holding your hand for comfort. His mum, dad and Mali sat around the circular table. 
“So.. Calum talks a lot about you” Joy smiled at you
“I hope it’s all good things” you laughed quietly 
You instantly face palmed yourself. You just made yourself sound like a no good teen. Calum sensed your nerves and spoke. 
“Maybe you and Mali could go out some time and shop or what ever it is girls do” he suggested 
“I’d love to get to know my little brothers girlfriend” Mali sounded happy and eager 
“Cal tells us you like music to?” 
“I love music. It’s like.. my everything” you tried to keep calm and collected but inside you were shaking like a madman. You could feel the nerves shaking you up. That’s when you coughed on a bit of water that had gone down the wrong way. 
“Are you ok (Y/N)?” Joy asked 
“Yeah I’m just so darn nervous. You know wanting to make a good first impression” you decided to tell the truth
“Oh darling, don’t worry about that. Calum should be the one embarrassed because I have some photos here” she laughed 
Calum’s face immediately dropped and his eyes looked towards the small photos of him. He groaned and turned away. A laughed escaped your lips as she showed you one of him in a fairy costume. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.


“Yes that will be all thanks” Ashton finished ordering the meals for you guys 
He turned back to the table after the waitress had walked away and resumed talking. You were now engaged in a conversation with Luke. 
“I still can’t believe we got number 1! That’s crazy!” He beamed 
“Yeah! I can’t believe it either. I remember when you guys used to play at Michaels. You didn’t even have a bass for poor old Calum” you laughed 
You could feel Michaels hand growing closer and closer to your underwear. Every time he got bored he would do something like this. You coughed signalling for Mike to stop instead he moved his hand up your dress and over the lace of your underwear. A gasp escaped your lips as your face grew red and you became hot. 
“You alright there?” Michael smirked at you 
“Yeah. Bit my tongue that’s all” you hissed at him 
You death stared Michael who only smiled at you and talked to Ashton. All of the boys were completely oblivious to what was happening under the table. 
“I’m excusing myself so I can go to the bathroom” you got up and left only for Michael to trail after you.


“No peeking!” He chuckled as he guided you with your eyes closed through the house. 
“Ok ok. Open up” he finally said 
You smiled and slowly peeled your eyes open. The atmosphere was dim and lit by the many candles surrounding the white table. There had to be at least one goofy thing. Instead of a 5 star main course meal it was pizza. You giggled and shook your head lightly. It was beautiful. Luke pulled your chair out like a gentleman and then pushed it back in once you sat. 
“So…?” He asked 
“It amazing Luke. And the pizza was a lovely touch.” You nodded
“One more thing” he put a finger up and raced out of the room and then ran back in with a single rise in his hand. 
“I forgot” he panted 
He handed it out to you as you took it and smelled it. This was all you wanted in your life. To remain crazily and endlessly in deep love with Luke Hemmings. He noticed your smile and grinned and looked more satisfied with your reaction. 
“You like it then?” He asked 
“I love you” you giggled and stood 
He stood as you walked to him and draped your arms around his neck. He leaned down and pecked your lips before testing his forehead against yours and biting his lip as he held a smile back. 
“I love you too babe”

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