You Are Mine

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"So, how did you get McGonagall to agree to that?" I asked the morning after hearing the good news. 

"Well," Sev started, searching through the messy bed sheets for my body, "I told her the truth."

I rolled over to face him better, "which is?"

"Do you need to be reminded?' he growled, groping my hip rougher than usual.

"Yes," I blurted out. Smooth.

Sev let out a low laugh, pushing me onto my back and climbing on top. His mouth met my neck, kissing and biting. 

"You are mine," he said possessively, moving down my body, leaving behind a trail of bruises. He teased my thighs, spending extra time kissing them, pushing me back down when I tried to sit up, holding me still as I squirmed. I wanted to have him under my control now, but he had me trapped here, frustrated. "And I am yours," he spoke, as if it were a promise, before finally give me what I wanted.


Sev was so generous this morning that I wanted to show him my appreciation. I wasn't confident enough to return the favour yet, so I settled on making him breakfast as he showered. He was taking so long I bet he was using that new shampoo I got him, lying and saying I had accidentally bought too much. 

I flipped the crepes while imagining his hair, soft and flowing. I bet it was curly when treated properly. how cute would that be? I turned around at a screeching sound and found him pulling out a chair at the table. He apologized, not meaning to startle me, but if I were being honest, I was less startled by his presence than the state of him.

His hair was not soft, not flowing, it hardly looked washed at all. He must have caught me looking for his hand raised to his head, "I tried the shampoo you left me. It smelled nice, but unfortunately, my hair cannot be cured.

"I walked over, flopping two crepes on his plate and sliding him the bowl of cream. Studying his scalp, I wondered if it was the outcome of a wickedly cruel curse. "Oh well," I said, "It's nice the way it is. It suits you."

He eyed me, not sure if he should be offended or offer a word of gratitude. I assured him, "in a good way. You look intimidating. Like you're above societies hygiene rules."

He pondered the idea for a moment and smirked, pulling me to him until I fell on his lap, "keep talking like that and you will regret it, I can promise you that."

I giggled in return, liking this newfound change in power. "well in that case, sometimes when you turn away fast, you look like you're about to transform into a bat and fly away."

"That's it," he said, biting my neck, squeezing my thigh. "if you think I'm so hideous, why did I find you in my bed this morning?"

"Must have been love potion," I said, shifting my body to pin him down now. "or maybe I just love you."

He grabbed my jaw and stopped my eyes when they faced his, "I hope you mean that."

I let out an unconscious sigh, weak at the way his lower lip quivered, "I do."

He kissed me, lifting me to the table, ripping off the shirt I had stolen from him. 

He groped my hip and found his way inside of me, already hard. I clung to the back of his shoulders as his warm breath gave me goosebumps. I love him. Of course I do.

He was right about me being his.

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