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I woke up with my head lying on Severus' lap, his cloak now draped over my body and one arm wrapped protectively around my waist. It was so intimate, in such an innocent way. I looked up at him, finding he was awake and watching me. I closed my eyes again and smiled, "good morning, Severus."

He didn't say it back, nor correct me for saying morning when it was so clearly the afternoon, and instead stroked my hair, welcoming me back to consciousness in the most gentle way possible.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?"

I sat right up, surprising him with a kiss. "I would love to."

It was still early in the afternoon, so he read more of Jane Eyre to me first, and from what I could tell he liked the book. It was a story of a young but capable girl who works as a governess for a man with an unfortunate past who is a bit of an asshole, to say the least. But she can't help but love him.

I fell in love with the story the moment I read it, but not because of the characters or plot, per say. It was because of the way it is written. It takes tragedy, loss, imperfect characters, and makes them beautiful. The Brontë sisters were true artists.

I chose it for Severus not only because the story reflected our lives, but because him and I can do the same with our story. We can make it beautiful, as imperfect as we are.

After a few chapters, Sev decided it was time to make our way to the restaurant, which was no more than a five minute walk away. This time we didn't speak, just held onto each others hands. Mine felt so small and safe in his.

When we arrived, I started to feel out of place as Severus told the Hostess his name and she directed us to the table he had reserved. It was in the back corner so we could have some privacy, but next to a window so I knew I wasn't being hidden. Perfect. I didn't know what to say, and just looked around at how classy the atmosphere of this place was. Dimly lit by chandeliers, calming classical music playing, and our table complete with flowers and wine glasses. Heck, even the tablecloth was fancy. I was glad I wore a dress today, I could have easily been under dressed. In fact, I think I still was.

I turned back to Severus, who was just watching me with a smirk, "I said a proper date, didn't I?"

We ordered our food, and he asked for a bottle of red wine for the table.  I finished my first glass before the food even arrived, and before I knew it I was filled with a warm tingly feeling. I hadn't had wine before, only some fire-whiskey that was snuck in for our famous (y/hh) dorm parties, but I liked this a whole lot more. Especially not having to down the drink before a prefect busted in and confiscated it.

"How did you know I'd say yes?" I asked him, curious about when he made these dinner plans.

"I didn't know. I just hoped."

I smiled at him, liking that answer, but I had more questions. "What would you be doing right now, had we not met that night in the Hospital Wing?"

He responded as smoothly as ever, "I'd be at my house, having supper alone."

"And what a sad scene that would be." I said, lifting my glass to cheers. "I'm glad we did. Meet, that is." He tapped his glass against mine, making a high pitched clang that echoed past the tables of the other whispering couples.

We finished the last few sips of the second bottle, and I turned to find the waitress, saying, "I think we should get one more of these."

Severus shook his head, "I'm not letting you get drunk, not on my watch."

I frowned, not wanting this feeling to fade. But I knew he was right, it would be irresponsible.

We finished our food, and Severus picked up his cloak and told me to wait while he went and settled the check. I was surprisingly thankful for the small portions that these types of restaurants have, something that until now I thought was a waste of money. But now I get it, the last thing I needed was to feel stuffed and weighed down right now. I wanted to dance, kiss my date, and drink more wine. I felt good. Light.

The sun had now set, and the air cooled. Sev draped his cloak around me as we stepped outside, and I wrapped my hands around his arm, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"We should have stopped after the first bottle. Can you walk all right?" He asked, growing concerned.

I smiled up at him, "you're so cute when you're worried." I booped his nose, and then filled with dread when I realized what I had done.

But to my surprise, he only smirked, "is that so?"

"The cutest," I said, matching his playfulness. "It almost makes me want to do something dangerous to watch you try and save me." I let go of him and walked on the curb, which wouldn't normally be a dangerous feat, but right now I could swear the ground was spinning. I stepped wrong and tripped, but Severus reached out and caught me instinctively.

"Don't you dare," he said using his stern teacher voice, not making the mistake of letting me leave his side again.

We made our way back to his house, safely. Instead of apparating me back to Hogwarts, he brought me inside, concluding it wouldn't be wise to send me back tipsy. He placed me on the sofa in his sitting room and poured me a glass of water.

"Drink this, or you'll regret it in the morning." He said, and I downed it quick, not realizing until I held it how thirsty I actually was.

He filled the room with the glow of candle-lit lamps before settling down beside me, putting his arm on the couch behind me. I never took Snape as an affectionate person, but I guess he felt the magnetic force between us too. I wanted to be touching him. Even this wasn't enough.

I put the drained glass down on the table and climbed onto his lap, facing him. He looked a little uncomfortable, or maybe confused, but his hands found my waist and drew me in closer. I wrapped my arms sloppily around his neck, pressing my lips to his. I heard him sigh as my tongue slipped between his parted lips, and his hands found their way under my dress, but went no higher than my thighs.

I started to want more, grinding a little on his lap, and he lifted me up with no effort at all, laying me gracefully on my back. He kissed my jawline, my neck, and pulled my dress down to kiss the top of my breasts. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he came back up to kiss me, more passionately than before. I reached my hand down between his legs, feeling his growing bulge, but he pulled away, leaving us both panting.

He sat at the end of the couch, placing my legs on his lap and running his rough fingers over them. "We shouldn't, not tonight."

I rested my head in defeat on the pillow, adjusting my dress to cover my legs. I knew he was right, and felt guilty for pushing him, but I was still disappointed. I didn't expect today's date to bring me here, but now that it had, I wanted all of him.

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