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The Great Hall erupted with the groans of the dozen students who had stayed behind. McGonagall had just announced that a certain bat-like Headmaster had just been pardoned by the Ministry.

While they weren't convinced he was on our side, I knew better and was overjoyed at the good news, which was then followed by more; he would not be returning to teach next year. Maybe I'm selfish for wanting that, after all he would be losing his home and job, but it meant we could be together. Of course, it would have been interesting to be in his class now that we've grown so close.

I was daydreaming about him disciplining me in detention when my friends knocked on the food filled table separating us, "you there, (y/n)?"

"Sorry, what?" I responded, mildly annoyed at their interruption.

"Is that the news you wanted to hear?" When I didn't answer, Fiona continued, "are you going to tell us what all this Snape business is about?"

I thought for a moment before deciding, "no, not yet." It was all well and good that we were in a position to be together openly, but I doubt Severus wanted that. I needed to talk to him about this, and figure out where we go from here.

I excused myself, making my way past the Quidditch Pitch as I had the last time I went to see him. 12 Grimmauld Place. Let's hope I still had the address right.

I was beginning to think I had the address wrong when my knocking wasn't met with the enthusiasm it had been last time, and I almost turned to leave when the door creaked open. It wasn't Severus, but an angry looking House Elf.

"Master Snape isn't expecting any more visitors today," he croaked.

My heart sank, and I suddenly felt embarrassed for showing up uninvited. And maybe for misreading Snape too...

After thanking the Elf, I turned to apparate back to my school. Before I could lift my wand, a hand grabbed my wrist, a little too tightly, and startled me. I turned back and was met with Severus' chest, as he stood towering over me on his doorsteps.

"I wasn't expecting you."

"So I've been told," I said, irritated, though I wasn't sure why.

He gave me a calculated look before dropping his hand to my lower back, and dragging me in his house.

Inside, I can hear voices coming from the kitchen. Lots of them. Which is why I was surprised when I realized it was our destination, and not some closet where he would hide me until the house was cleared out. I guess I was past the secondary school antics that suffocated my past realtionships. Severus was a man, and he was shamelessly guiding me down the hall, followed by the House Elf who now looked as embarrassed as I did.

He pushed the door open, and all heads turned on me. Some were familiar, some weren't. One, who I presumed was Kingsley Shacklebolt from the papers, started to open his mouth when Severus pulled out a chair and plopped me down on it. Everyone looked shocked, but too scared to speak up, and went hesitantly back to their discussion. They must have trusted him.

It was awkward at first, but they started to pick up the pace, and soon forgot that I was there. Except, I was. It didn't take long to figure out that this was a serious meeting, and these people must all be part of The Order that only an hour ago I didn't fully believe existed. But here they were, plotting to restore the wizarding world, and I was honored to witness it. I just couldnt believe my Professor, a Death Eater, was my ticket in.

Severus gave his input here and there, and I could see that they respected him. Even Harry Potter, who I was surprised to see here, though it made perfect sense.

After their meeting was through, they started piling out, some quicker than others. A red haired couple gave me a warm smile on their way out, and an old man that eerily resembled Dumbledore stopped to exchange whispered words with Severus.

With all of them out of the kitchen, having left me behind, I began helping the House Elf clear the table. He said something under his breath that sounded a little angry and ungrateful, but I pretended not to notice, desperate for the distraction.

When we had the kitchen nice and tidy, and the House Elf began shooing me away as he washed the last of the dishes, I set off to find Severus. He was shutting the door behind the last person, and turned back to face me, expressionless.

I wasn't sure what to say. Should I apologize? Should I have left with everyone else?

In a few long strides, Severus was in front of me, and lifting his hands to cup my face. He tilted my head back, and planted a determined kiss on my lips. The uncertainty drained from my body. I knew what we were. I knew what we wanted.

Severus slid his hands down to my waist and pushed me away, far too soon. His eyes were hungry, but his mind and body restrained.

"Why did you come here today?" he asked, pulling me back to reality.

"I-I just got the news you were pardoned and let go from Hogwarts. I wanted to see how you were doing."

He nodded, and gestured towards the chairs we sat on the last time I was here. He waited until we were both settled to respond with a simple, "I'm well."

Well, glad I came all the way and embarrassed myself in front of a table full of important people for that. Leave it to Snape to dodge talking about his feelings. But he had opened up before, and I needed it again. "Now that you won't be my Professor, do you think we can-"

He cut me off, diverting his eyes, "we can what, see each other? Is that what you want?"

I wasn't ready to admit defeat. It was now or never. "Yes. That's what I want."

His face gave no indication of his thoughts, so I waited patiently for an answer, heart pounding.

Abruptly, he stood up, and a smirk broke across his face. "Then let's go on a proper date."

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