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I returned to Hogwarts full of longing. I needed more Severus, it didn't even matter which one. The Severus who sat under the tree with me, reading my favourite book. The one who cooked food for me, asked about my well being, and looked out for my future. The one who taught me to cast a powerful defensive spell, not doubting my ability for one minute. Or the one who laid with me, both last night and this morning, with a sense of intimacy I had felt with no other.

Actually, that is the one I wish was with my right now. The one I wanted to get to know more.

But that was over, for now. I walked solemnly to my dormitory, and to my surprise, my friends were waiting there for me.

"(y/n)!" Amy said as I entered the room through the spiral staircase.

"Well, how was it?" Fiona didn't hesitate to inquire.

"It was..." I trailed off, unable to describe it- or perhaps, unwilling.

"You slept with him!" Fiona proclaimed, startling me. My smile must have betrayed me.

"Well..." I tried to explain.

Amy's eyes widened, but Fiona wasn't phased and only looking to know more details. She leaned toward me, "well what?"

"Well, yes. I did." I said, blushing and flopping back into my bed.

Amy was the first to respond, while Fiona smirked and nodded in approval. "You're official then?" She asked.

"I believe so," I answered. "Last night, after we... Well, he told me he loved me."

Fiona spoke up, "and what about you, do you love him?"

I nodded, but watching their overjoyed responses, I was so embarrassed that I buried my face deep into my silky pillow.

It was Amy who addressed me first, of course, "I'm happy for you."

I turned my head to the side, just enough to take a deep breath and speak semi-audibly, "thank you... I'm happy too."

Fiona made a few comments on how I was surpassing her in the boy department, playing at being jealous, but I knew it wasn't true. I might have Severus, but ever since third year, she has half a dozen admirers on a bad day.

Amy, on the other hand, had never had a boyfriend. She was happy for me, but wary. Severus was as good as an enemy, after all. We spent the last year insulting him, mocking him, even defying him every chance we had. He usurped Dumbledore, taught us the Dark Arts, and was a force of evil. A Death Eater.

For me to love him now was absurd. One could even say impossible.

And that;s what made my friend's acceptance unexpected, but very much appreciated. It showed they trusted me, and put my happiness first. I also knew they wouldn't stand by while Severus mistreated me in any way, and even though he was incapable of that, it was good to know my friends had my back. I'd like to think I'd have theirs too.

We goofed around in the dorm until the other (y/hh) filed in for bed and we had to settle down, which wasn't an easy feat. I felt happier than a niffler in a jewellery store.


From the moment I rose, I was counting the the minutes until I could see Severus again, but when the time came, I froze up.

"Well, what are you waiting for? " Fiona asked as she sat across from me, on her bed.

I rolled my eyes. If anything could get me out of bed, it was the accusation of being scared and weak. I didn't want anyone thinking that, least of all Snape. I didn't need him questioning why I was late when explaining it to my friends was complicated enough.

"Nothing, I'm going now," I responded, while getting up to zip my packed schoolbag. The truth was I wasn't nervous, per say. Not of Severus, at least. But this was my first time being in love, first time sleeping with someone- I didn't want to mess it us.

I set out feeling exceedingly anxious, but my stubbornness camouflaged as confidence, and I was able to make it to his doorsteps at my usual time.

He guided me to the sitting room and I took my seat in my usual spot as he prepared tea. Everything was going normal, that is, until he sat across from me saying, "I found a new position."

I scooched forward to the edge of my seat, almost spilling my teacup which was full to the brim, having yet to part from the saucer. "Where?" I asked eagerly. I didn't expect this so soon. By the way he made it sound, no one would be willing to hire him, regardless of his qualifications.

"St. Mungo's," he said, not looking up from his own tea.

"So you'll be helping people,'" I said, adding an optimistic twist on the news before I discovered his true feelings.

"Perhaps," he nodded. "But I could help so much more if I was trusted. I can do much more than brew simple potions."

I smiled because he was admitting to wanting to help others, and just that made me proud of him. But I knew he wanted more than mere charity. "There's a lot you can do, but this is a good place to start." I told him.

"You're right, of course." He started to sip his tea, and soon enough the cup was empty, his nerves welcoming a distraction. He looked at me thoughtfully, "I'll have to start from the bottom."

I placed my tea on the table, and walked over to him, setting his down too before sitting on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck while telling him "there's nothing wrong with that."

His hands found my waist almost immediately, and I reached down to undo his trousers. He's always wearing a similar outfit, but I can't complain. It suits him.

He reached up and pulled the back of my head down to him, as if he could read my mind. "No, there's nothing wrong," he says, "as long as my superiors are well mannered."

I smirk, "well, I can't promise anything," and reach down to bite his shoulder. He growls, pushing me away, but I cling to him like he's my last meal.

He stands, lifting me with him, and walks up the stairs towards his bedroom.

I get dropped on the bed while clinging to the back of his shirt, pulling him down with me.

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