Battle of Hogwarts

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(y/n) = your name
(y/hh) = your hogwarts house


The battle was won.

After all these years, Voldemort had fallen.

The atmosphere surrounding the school was settling down, but growing mournful. We won, but we were not without loss. Lovers, friends, and family were reuniting. For the fortunate half, it was to celebrate their victory. For others, it was over the body of someone they cared about. Someone who sacrificed their life for the freedom and equality of the wizarding world, and though it hadn't reached there yet, the muggle world too. The same world that has never been kind to us yet benefits now, from our victory.

Everyone who survived was left stunned, exhausted- but the light in their eyes hadn't gone out. Some made their way to the Great Hall, the heart of the school having remained intact, and there they lifted their glasses to each other in celebration.

I, on the other hand, was headed for the Hospital Wing where Madam Pomfrey was frantically attempting to treat all the wounded. My arm had been broken after being flung from the stairs by a death eater. I tried to play hero and failed.

The beds were already taken, unsurprisingly, and Madam Pomfrey had a few helping hands inquire about our injuries to rank us by severity. My broken arm was not a priority I suppose, because I was sent back out to the hall to wait for my turn. It made me wonder what the rest of them were dealing with, as this was causing me excruciating pain. There were no doubt an abundance of curses being shot around today.

I held it together for a few hours until I was called back in. Night had fallen and the room was somewhat cleared now, the more extreme cases being sent to St. Mungo's. I was guided to a bed near the back, a bottle of skele-gro shoved in my good hand.

"Drink up, and you should be good to leave in two days."

Two days to heal a broken bone? I was almost overcome with self pity until I remembered that it could have been worse. If it hadn't been for Professor Lupin paralyzing the death eater before his next curse, I could be-

No. There's no point dwelling on what could have been. I got off with little more than a scratch, and if she said i needed to stay here for two days, then that's what I'll do. But I made a mental note to track down and thank Professor Lupin the first chance I get. He quite literally saved my life tonight.

As I laid back in the bed, I drifted off to sleep faster than I ever have before, knowing the school I called home had been defended.

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