The Shadow

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I regained consciousness sometime the next day, still groggy from the events of the day, and night, before. I turned toward the man that comforted me last night as the memories started to flood my mind, only to find it empty.

But it must have been real, I couldn't have dreamt that.

I chugged some foul tasting skele-gro before pleading with Madam Pomfrey to allow me to go to the Great Hall for breakfast, knowing it was a lost cause. I'm to stay in bed and recover, long as it may take. The ache in my arm was ceasing, only a minor throbbing pain was left, but I knew there was more repairing to be done. Defeated, I returned to my bed, where I was left alone with my thoughts.

I fought death eaters, came inches from death, broke my arm, continued to defend the school, and won - but all that was static. My mind kept finding it's way back to when I cried in Snape's chest. The Headmaster that, only days ago, I helped chase out of this school.

What was he doing in the Hospital Wing, being treated by the same people he tortured and attacked? He was a death eater. He killed Dumbledore. He took over this school, and infected it with dark magic. But here he was, being treated by Madam Pomfrey, same as the rest of us. And even more curiously, letting a student bury her face in his chest to cry about everything that he himself was responsible for.

I felt sick. Betrayed. Foolish.

I confided in a stranger, it was my own fault. I should have been stronger. I should have gone back to bed. I should have run from him when I realized who he was...

But I didn't.

Wrong as it might be, he helped me get through the night.

What confused me the most was that he said, "we did win." What 'we' exactly? Him and I are not on the same side, and his lost. His leader died, yet somehow he didn't die with him. He was here. In Hogwarts. Comforting a student who a week ago, he would have punished-

I shuddered. I couldn't understand this if I tried. All I knew was I needed to see him again. I wished the bed beside me was still occupied, but it looks like Snape was released sometime in the night. I wonder where he had gone, no doubt the people in this castle would have killed him on sight.

I was feeling even more alone, until after supper, when visiting was permitted. My family stopped by after hearing I was hurt, long enough to make sure I was okay, but left shortly after that. My friends, however, stayed by my side until Madam Pomfrey chased them out.

My best friend Fiona jumped at the chance to fill me in, "Lavender Brown from Gryffindor died, so did Fred Weasley, and from Ravenclaw-"

I stopped her, "I really don't want to hear who died, at least not right now. Let me enjoy our victory for at least a day. Please."

She nodded and kept quiet for the rest of the visit, but I could tell it was eating her up. We had different ways of coping, and I know talking about it like it's a piece of gossip she read in the paper rather than something she lived through is what she needed, but I couldn't be there for her right now. I had too much on my mind, and if grief was added... well, let's just say I'd be shipped off to St. Mungos.

While I didn't want to hear about the battle, I did want updates on what was happening now.

"Well, McGonagall said we can stay as long as we like, but it's officially summer break. The seventh years are supposed to come back next year to try for our NEWTS."

Good news, I suppose, but there was something I cared about more. "What happened to Professor Snape?"

They looked puzzled. Amy tried to provide an answer, but it came out a question, "I suppose he either died or fled with the rest of the death eaters?"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, relieved. I still didn't know where he was, but it meant no one else did either. He must not have been arrested yet.

I would be able to find him.

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