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I felt comfortable at Sev's house, almost like it was my own. He let me unpack my bag in his room, insisting he'd sleep on the couch. I was relieved by that, wanting the privacy, even though it made me feel guilty to put him out. I was still curious about the other bedroom, who's door stayed close and appeared to be out of service, if not off limits.

After settling in, Severus prepared lunch, and I suggested we have a picnic. He didn't answer, and I took that as a no, settling into the kitchen table until I saw him pack the sandwiches in glass containers. I jumped up from my seat and startled him with a tight hug, "thank you, Sev."

He began loading the food and drinks into a bag, asking me to grab a blanket, and I cut him off before he told me where they were. I rushed upstairs to the narrow door in the hallway and pulled a blanket from the linen closet that looked suitable for a picnic, though I'd bet all my galleons it had never been used for such. I returned to find Severus waiting by the front door and beamed at him, holding the blanket up victoriously.

He looked at me with pride, and I lead him out of the house, waiting as he locked the door. It brought up images of domestic life with him in my mind. We were both half bloods, which left us with a good understanding of the muggle world, only we could use magic to make it better. Our lives would never be normal. Not after what we've been through, and who we are. Magic coursed through our veins.

Neither of us decided on a destination, but instinctively we both marched to the tree he brought me to before, to read. The tree where he met his old love, Lily.

I laid the blanket at the base of the tree and kicked my shoes off before sitting on it. Severus kept his on, looking uncomfortable as he sat on the ground, crossing his legs. I reached for the bag me placed between us, unpacking the food. At the bottom, I found a bottle of wine and two glasses.

I lifted it out, grinning at him, "getting me drunk again?"

He grabbed it from my hand and poured it into the glasses. He takes his time and hands one to me as he says, in his sarcastic voice, "yes, that's been my plan all along."

I smile at him and hold the glass up, "well then, cheers!"

His glass taps mine, and we take a sip before diving into the food he packed. We talk, and talk, and talk, and soon our glasses our drained and we are moving onto dessert. Cupcakes.

"Did you bake these?" I said, picturing him in an apron, face spotted with flour.

"Supermarket," he replies, "I thought you would like them."

I take a bite, and before swallowing I found myself saying, "I do." He must be playing it down because there was no way these were the chemical cakes that are sold in the shops. He had to have made a special trip to a bakery. "Thank you."

He nods but keeps his eyes down, pouring more wine in each of our glasses. When the food is through, we lean against the trunk of the tree, which is wide enough to fit both our bodies, and sip our wine. The day is beautiful, clear skies and warm enough to sit out in a t-shirt. Not that Severus would ever do that. He was always covered from head to toe.

"Have you thought more about what you want to do?" I ask, but feel the need to add, "career wise, that is."

He looks into the sky, exhaling a deep breath, "there's nothing I want to do, and I'm quite limited now that I'm a known Death Eater."

I cringe at the word but nod, not wanting to give up, "well, what are you good at?"

"Potions. Healing. Legilimency. And of course, the dark arts, hurting people, and making enemies."

Now I sigh, and lean my head on his shoulder, "well, there must be something you can do. You're quite talented, even if your skill set is a little... peculiar."

He leaned his cheek against my head, "The only reason I was able to secure a teaching position at Hogwarts was because of Dumbledore, who took mercy on me. I'm unlikable. It would be foolish to think otherwise."

I wanted to argue, to tell him he was wrong, but I knew he wasn't. He was hard to like. Unapproachable, even. His demeanor was designed to be a repellent, and his scowl sealed the deal. As I got to know him, he was easy to love, but not everyone had that chance.

I took a minute to respond, trying and failing to think of a solution, "maybe there is a position where you won't have much contact with people, so you don't need to be liked."

"Perhaps," he responded, and consoled me when he saw my look lasting look of worry, "I'll find something."

"You will, I know it. Something you enjoy, too." I smiled up at him.

He raised the arm that was wrapped around my shoulder, and patted me on the head, "what about you, what will you do when you leave Hogwarts?"

"Uhh..." I knew I should have an answer, considering last year was meant to be my last, but I never was able to decide. "I'm just going where life takes me."

"I could always picture you as a professor alongside me."

I turned to him, shocked he thought about my future. I played it off jokingly, not sure how to feel, "alongside? I could steal the potions position right from under your nose if I wanted to."

"That you could, " he let out a small laugh and kissed my forehead. "But I thought herbology would be more to your liking."

"How did you know that?"

"I might have... asked around," he said, avoiding eye contact.

"You gossiped with the other teachers about me?!" I gasped. I was equally nervous about what they said and excited that he paid enough attention to me as to seek out information. I lifted myself into his lap, looking him in the face, "what did they say?"

"Nothing but praise," he assured, "Sprout said you had a knack for herbology. McGonagall said you were responsible. Flitwick said you picked up on charms quicker than others, that you were a natural."

I gaped at him, unable to believe they thought highly of me. I must have been daydreaming in their classes, just like I was him. Except for herbology. I found plants too intriguing to let my mind go elsewhere. He was right about herbology. It was my passion. I just couldn't see it as a career. I couldn't see plants as profit. It's more of an interest, a hobby. Teaching the subject wouldn't be okay, because I could pass on my enthusiasm to the next generation, but I couldn't see myself filling Sprouts shoes. I'm about as much a teacher as I am a muggle.

"I didn't mean anything by it, I was just curious to see how you were doing in your other subjects," Sev said, my silence must have made him uneasy. Like he was out of place for doing so.

But in reality, I was flattered, not creeped out at all. I touched his cheek, bring my face to his and kissing the side of his mouth, "you know, I found you interesting too."

He pulled me in for another kiss before commenting, "I can't imagine why."

I wished he wasn't so insecure, but he told me he was only ever in love with one woman, and she didn't love him back. Maybe he thought he would never find it again, or if he did, he wasn't deserving of it. So as shy as I am, I had to let him know he was worth loving.

I kissed his cheek, saying, "you are smart." Then his other cheek, saying, "and powerful."

I kissed his forehead, "the most powerful wizard I've ever known." Then his chin, "and the strongest man."

I kissed his lips now, drawing it out, "how could I not be interested?"

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