First Date

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I discovered, soon enough, that Severus' idea of a 'proper date' was having coffee at a bookshop in his hometown. It was simple. Nothing fancy, nothing expensive, and I loved him all the more for it. He wasn't showing me a manufactured side of him, blinded by superficial ideas of romance. He was showing me the real, raw Severus Snape. His vulnerability laid out on the table before us.

We ordered our coffees. His black, mine with a hint of french vanilla syrup. When they were made, we sat at a table in the corner, and traded the books we picked out for each other. It was his idea, and it took me forever to find one I deemed worthy of his time.

"Jane Eyre?" he questioned, after reading the synopsis.

"It's been my favorite book for years, muggles really do write the best novels." I explained, hoping he wouldn't judge it (or me) harshly before reading, assuming he read it at all.

He laughed, a light and playful one, like he was in on a joke I was not yet aware of. "Look at your book," he said, gesturing towards the one he placed in my hands.

"Wuthering Heights," I whispered, reading it over. I noticed the name of the author, and looked up at him. "But that's..."

"Yes, we both chose novels written by the Brontë sisters."

I got the joke now, and laughed with him.

We put our books down and drank our coffees, letting the conversation drift wherever felt right, and when the cardboard cups had been drained, he took me by the hand and we headed out. At first, I didn't think he had a destination in mind, and were just wondering with each other as company, but I soon found us on a set of doorstep yet again. All the houses here looked deserted, but not in a scary or depressing way. It was a somewhat beautiful and comforting village to walk through.

He unlocked the house with a muggle key, something I hadn't seen since I was last home, and we stepped inside. This house was plainer than the last, but brighter too. There was a cramped sitting room, one wall covered in leather-bound books, and a worn sofa. That's where Severus left me before going into the back.

I ran my finger over the spines of the dusty books, trying to adsorb as much information about Severus as I could before the night was through. Lots of these books were educational, covering all the Hogwart's subjects, and even some on the Dark Arts. I had always known that side of Snape existed, and might be a part of him forever, but I also knew he wasn't a bad man. If anything, he was a lonely one. And that's what I was here for.

He emerged from the back room, caring a tray of tea not so different from last time. Setting it on the table in front of us, he sat down beside me, so gently I couldn't even feel his side of the sofa sink. I continued to glance around, feeling slightly out of place, and sipped on the tea when he had failed to fill the silence. I guess it was my turn.

"So, this is where you grew up?"

He followed my glance, searching the room, "yes. Charming, isn't it?"

I nodded, hoping he wasn't being sarcastic, as he so often was. "It could use a little more life, but otherwise, I think it's a fine home."

He forced a smile, but I could tell he didn't feel the same, even before he opened his mouth. "It was never much of a home, but it served it's purpose."

"I can sympathize with that," I answered, having been in a similar situation myself.

He placed his hand on mind, and goosebumps shot up my arm, partly from nerves, but also because of how cold he was.

He leaned in to kiss me, and I closed my eyes in preparation, but it landed softly on my cheek. Unlike his hands, it was warm, and I melted under his lips. He inched down my neck and planted a few more kisses along my collarbone before pulling away.

"I want to... take thinks slow," he sighed.

I was half relieved, half frustrated. I nudged my face into his neck, and his arm wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me close. I could do slow, seeing as this was uncharted territory, but why did he want to?

I swear he could read my mind because he started to explain, "I've had my heart broken before, but I've never... been intimate with someone."

I sat up at an alarming rate, shocked. Was he trying to tell me he was a virgin?

I saw his glare return, but he had the courtesy to point it toward the bookshelf. I couldn't read him but I figured anyone in that situation would be slightly embarrassed, to say the least. Especially at his age. I thought the reassurance route was best. "So am I," I confessed, and leaned back into his shoulder.

His arm hesitated before wrapping back around me, but when it did, I felt only warmth this time.

We were making progress.

Our breathing slowed and we leaned back on the couch, holding one another. Severus and I, we understood one another beyond words, and his body touching mine so innocently was enough to know I was loved.

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