six (rewrite)

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corbyn was currently sprawled across daniel's lap, asleep. after their altercation, daniel got both of them lunch, and then corbyn fell asleep on his own. usually he would be given a bottle and then put in his crib or playpen for a nap, but today was an exception. daniel was currently reading a random book that he'd found on his bookshelf, he owned a lot of them. he'd also read every single one at least once.

corbyn woke up and turned himself over, looking up at daniel from behind the book. the boy smiled, maybe daniel would want to read to him. he remembered when his mother used to read to him as a kid, it was his favorite part of the day.

"daniel?" corbyn questioned, not really wanting to bother him, he looked very invested in what he was reading.

daniel looked down at the boy and hummed, "yes, baby."

"would you, um, read to me?" corbyn asked while twiddling his thumbs, nervous to hear daniel's answer.

daniel smiled wide at the boy's question, "of course i'll read to you, love."

daniel helped corbyn sit up, and he began reading aloud for corbyn to hear. the boy really enjoyed daniel's voice, it was very soothing. he was happy that the elder said yes to doing this because when he would ask his own father he would be yelled at, sometimes even hit. the thought of his father scared him, but snuggling further into daniel's arms calmed him immediately. maybe being here wouldn't be so bad. the two had an actual good conversation about the book, and corbyn was content when they were finished.

"what would you like to do now, baby?" daniel asked the boy who was sat in his lap.

corbyn just shrugged, unsure of what he wanted to do. daniel laughed at the boy's unhelpful response, "that helps me a lot, love."

corbyn smiled softly at the elder's words. he looked out the window and got an idea, "can we go outside?"

daniel didn't know if that was a good idea, but the boy looked so happy at the thought of going out, "we can go on a little walk, but you have to promise to hold my hand the whole time."

corbyn nodded, not even giving a second thought to what daniel had said. the boy jumped out of daniel's lap, just excited to be able to breathe fresh air. corbyn didn't fight for a second when daniel changed his pants, or put his socks on, or put his shoes on. daniel held out his hand once the two were ready to go out. corbyn grabbed his hand, and realized how well they fit together. it was just a cute little thing that he'd noticed, it made him smile.

daniel walked slow as to not have a repeat of corbyn's first day here, but corbyn wasn't having it. "walk faster, daddy!" the boy exclaimed.

daniel was shocked at corbyn's words, not expecting him to call him daddy. corbyn looked equally as shocked once he'd realized what he said, "i-i'm sorry."

daniel cooed and brought the now upset boy into his arms, "no, corbyn, don't apologize. you did good."

corbyn leaned into the hug, and even hugged back. he was really taking a liking to daniel, he made corbyn happy. the younger boy kissed daniel's cheek and grabbed his hand again, ready to get outside. daniel's heart fluttered at corbyn's antics, he was happy that his baby seemed happy. this might not last long, so he'd have to enjoy it while it lasted.

once they got outside daniel reminded the boy of his earlier words, "you need to make sure you hold my hand, love. i don't want you to get lost."

daniel was just going to take corbyn for a walk around the garden outside of the school, and then they would go back inside. it was already nearing four p.m. because corbyn had slept for two hours, then they had read for two. the boy was ecstatic to be out here, looking at all of the plants that grew in the garden. they were so pretty, all different colors, and different sizes. corbyn's favorite flower happened to be a sunflower which there was many of. he just thought they were pretty, and he wanted daniel to admire them with him. the elder couldn't resist the boy's puppy eyes, so they admired the flowers for a while.

corbyn wasn't even upset when they had to go back in because daniel had promised to bring him out more often. it was like a reward for behaving, so maybe he would rather just listen to the rules. daniel treated him so kindly, and it was so much different than he had expected.

"i want to help make dinner," corbyn smiled cheekily at the elder.

"oh yeah? well then you can help." daniel got out a stool, so corbyn would be level with daniel.

daniel was making alfredo, since corbyn had told him he didn't like spaghetti. corbyn only poured the noodles into the pot, then got bored and just babbled to daniel the rest of the time. corbyn didn't fight daniel when he put him in the high chair, he was excited to eat. daniel's cooking was delicious, even though he'd only ate two things that the elder made. the two are their meals in a peaceful silence, now it was time for the hard part. it was now six o'clock, and corbyn needed a bath since he didn't get one last night.

"corbyn, baby?" daniel called out for the boy, once he'd finished putting their plates in the sink.

corbyn hummed in response, kicking his feet, ready to get out of the high chair.

daniel sighed, and pulled the boy out of his chair, "you need to get a bath, and before you freak out, i promise it will be quick."

corbyn shook his head, he didn't want daniel to give him a bath. he didn't want the elder to see what laid underneath his clothes. he hadn't realized that daniel had already seen all of the scars that he'd gotten over the years. daniel didn't think of him any other way because of them. he truly just felt bad for the boy, he didn't know what had gone on, but he could tell it was bad.

"it's alright, honey, you'll be okay," daniel soothed as he walked towards their bedroom.

"no, please, daniel! i can do it myself," the boy cried out when daniel began to undress him.

daniel rubbed the boy's stomach in a soothing manner, "it's okay, corbyn, you're okay."

warm, salty tears ran down his face as daniel lifted his shirt off. daniel cringed at the look of the younger's stomach and arms, but he didn't bring it up. corbyn was surprised when he realized the elder wasn't going to bring it up. he was still in a diaper as daniel brought him over to the bathroom. he cried into the elder's shoulder for a few moments, but soon calmed down at the sound of daniel's humming. he didn't know the song, but his voice was beautiful. daniel kept his word, he washed corbyn quickly, and got him redressed as soon as he was dry. daniel offered the boy the blanket that he'd used earlier, and corbyn happily took it.

he wrapped himself up in it and smiled up at daniel as he was stood back on his feet. he reached up, wanting daniel to pick him up. daniel picked him up and walked back to the living room. the two decided to watch a random cartoon that came on until it was time for daniel to put corbyn to sleep. he could tell the boy was getting tired because his eyes kept dropping shut and then quickly opening. daniel made the boy a bottle, so he could sleep better. corbyn didn't even realize what daniel was giving him, that's how tired he was. but he enjoyed it before he'd fallen into a deep slumber.


who even are they? posting two times in one week. wow. i haven't edited this, so if it's awful, then that's why😹. love you guys!


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