fourteen (rewrite)

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it was nearing midnight as corbyn lay tucked in beneath his covers. he'd been contemplating to himself for over an hour about the decision he was soon to make. corbyn loved daniel with his whole heart, but being here wasn't what he wanted.

slowly, he'd crawled over the bars of the crib as he'd done many times in the past, and landed softly on his feet. the door to their room was cracked open slightly making it easier for corbyn to leave without so much as a noise. he walked into the living room noticing their mess from coloring earlier that day, neither were bothered to clean it up promising they would do it together in the morning. tears were brought to corbyn's eyes at the sweet memory. he would lose it all if he walked out that door right now.

he wanted to, he desperately wanted to, but something was holding him back. he would have no where to go, no one to stay with. he'd be all by himself before he could find someone to stay with or some way to get home. if he were to be sent back home he was sure his mother would ultimately send him back here. maybe that's because he belonged here, maybe it was because his mother didn't want him around. he knew the second option couldn't be true though.

the boy was conflicted, he could totally do this right now. he could also climb back into daniel's bed and go back to sleep. he'd made his decision as soon as the door had opened, he wasn't loud as to not draw attention to himself. he'd made it to the woods of the school when he'd seen a figure. corbyn was confused because no one was supposed to be out here at this time. maybe someone else was trying to run away?

"hello?" corbyn spoke quietly to whoever was there.

the figure didn't speak, so corbyn walked closer and closer until a hand reached out and grabbed his arm. he'd shrieked but his mouth was covered by someone's hand. he was taken deep into the woods, not even having an idea of where he was. the people that had taken him didn't do anything horrible to him. they'd scared him that night, scared him into a deep headspace, scared him into never wanting to leave again.

daniel had woken up with a yawn that morning, sitting up and looking over at the crib where his baby slept. there was no corbyn in the crib. there was no corbyn anywhere in their dorm, he'd checked more than once in every single nook and cranny of the place. his baby was no where to be found.

he cried, hot tears streamed down his cheeks, corbyn was gone. his baby, his love was gone and he needed to do something about it. he couldn't just lose the boy, he was daniel's life.

daniel had called the administration and alerted them that there was a missing little possibly still on campus. everyone set out in search of the boy.

little did they all know that all escapees were handled by their own team. the team of men consisted of people who were strong enough to deal with even the most disobedient littles, they would scare them a little and force them back into the mindset that they should be in. they'd never had any one attempt of a runaway actually making it out.

corbyn woke up in what he would call a bed made of leaves. the men who had taken him last night still surrounded him, slight smirks on their faces but no more emotion being shown. that night corbyn's resolve had been broken down so much to the point where he'd slipped into a really young headspace to deal with it. he was scared, he wanted to be back with his daddy. not these scary men, he wanted to go home.

tears flowed freely out of corbyn's eyes, accompanied by loud sobs. "hush, little one, you'll be home soon," someone spoke to him softly as they'd picked him up.

he felt dirty being in the hands of any of these men, they were mean. they didn't care that they had scared corbyn, they seemed pleased that they had.

daniel had been alerted to go to the edge of the woods, that his baby was in someone else's hands. he wasn't told who or what had happened to the boy. corbyn had come in a man's arms, one who was dressed in all black, and daniel now had an idea of what had happened. corbyn was sobbing in the man's arms and he'd whole heartedly screamed when he saw daniel.

"oh, sweet boy, never do that to daddy again, yeah? i love you, my baby," daniel sniffled himself at the boy's cries.

he never wanted his boy to be scared this badly, he hadn't been expecting his boy to be in complete distress when he'd gotten him back. corbyn wasn't even in the right headspace, he was terrified. terrified that his daddy would let him go back, terrified that daniel wouldn't want him anymore, and terrified that those men would come back for him.

once they'd reached the inside of their complex, daniel spoke to him, "you're alright now, baby. daddy isn't going to let anything happen to you ever again."

corbyn was still crying, unable to stop, but those words had helped a lot. he felt like daniel wasn't going to leave him, but help him through the trauma that he'd just experienced.

"hush, my love, you're okay now. you're safe with me," daniel cooed as he pet corbyn's hair.

corbyn's cries hadn't ceased for almost an hour, and daniel had begun to get worried about his boy. no matter what praises or kind words he said, nothing had worked. corbyn just couldn't calm down, he was stuck in a state of panic. daniel never resorted to using any sort of drug on his baby besides when he was told he needed too, but this seemed like the only way to calm the boy down. he fed him a bottle with sleeping medication in it, corbyn drank the bottle gratefully and was soon sleeping peacefully.

while the boy was asleep, daniel gave him a bath and got him swaddled up, so when he finally awoke he could feel safe and comfortable. daniel got a book ready and held the boy in his arms until he'd woken up, a panicked look on his face that slowly faded as he saw that he was home with his daddy.

"good morning, sleepyhead, i know that you're not feeling the best right now. i figured that we could read a book together, how does that sound?" daniel cooed softly as to not startle him with loud noises.

corbyn looked up at him blankly, no sense of a reaction. the boy was still so young that he didn't know how to respond to a question like that. daniel smiled down at his boy, and just began to read for the little. corbyn loved it, he could feel the hum of daniel's chest while he read, and the faint drum of his heartbeat. he was starting to feel himself again, starting to feel safe again.

"daddy?" corbyn mumbled quietly, barely loud enough to reach daniel's ears.

daniel looked down at the boy and smiled that beautiful smile of his, "hi, baby, daddy's here."

corbyn's heart felt mended at the words, he needed to hear it while he was coherent. before he'd been too much of a jumbled mess of sobs to hear anything daniel had said. corbyn tried his best to snuggle closer to daniel, but being swaddled up so tightly didn't make it an easy task.

"i'd like if we could have a talk about everything that happened once you are feeling up to it, baby, i know it's not going to be easy, but i'm here," daniel's voice had taken on a saddened tone, and corbyn already knew that he'd messed up.

it brought the boy back to tears thinking about everything that he had done, "oh no, baby, i'm not mad at you i promise. it's going to be okay, my love, we can get through this."

corbyn had felt so much pain in his heart from doing what he had done, and he could feel the pain in daniel's words when he spoke. corbyn knew the moment that he'd walked out the door that it wasn't a good idea, but he'd done it anyway. the two recharged together, and later they'd finally gotten to talk about what had happened and throughout the entire conversation daniel was nothing but understanding of corbyn's feelings. corbyn sat and listened to daniel and how it had made him feel afterwards, and the two wrote up some more rules. corbyn vowed to never leave his daddy's side again.


i bet you weren't expecting to see this ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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