five (rewrite)

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corbyn desperately wanted to call his mother. he had a lot of things he needed to clear up with her. but daniel was up his ass, and it was beginning to annoy him.

"okay, i understand you're trying to be a parent to me. but it's fucking annoying and i can't stand it!" corbyn yelled in daniel's face.

daniel had only been trying to get corbyn to do something with him. something to distract him from the fact that he didn't have his phone currently. corbyn's face was bright red and his fists clenched at his sides, he was so angry. but the problem was he barely knew why, daniel was only trying to help him out.

daniel grabbed corbyn's hands in his own, just so he wouldn't hurt himself or daniel, "corbyn-," the younger boy cut him off immediately, "no! don't try to give me another one of your stupid talks. it's dumb, i'm not a child, daniel!"

daniel nodded, corbyn needed time to calm down, he was clearly struggling with himself and being here. corbyn knew the rules, he knew not to yell, so daniel would just give him a timeout.

"alright, i think you need some time to think," daniel sighed as he gripped the boys arm and led him to a stool in the corner. "sit."

"i'm not a dog!" corbyn fought back against daniel.

daniel did not want to deal with this, but he knew it would only get better, "sit, corbyn."

a slight change of tone and corbyn sat down immediately. daniel smirked in victory, now he knew exactly how to get the boy to listen.

"you'll stay there for five minutes and then we will talk, understand?" daniel asked the now pouting boy. corbyn nodded his head lightly and crossed his arms over his chest.

daniel was treating him as if he was a child, which he definitely was not. he's not sure if he hates it though, it feels like he's protected. it's like a safety blanket over top of him, and he only just got here. why is he thinking like this? this is all weird, and corbyn should most definitely hate it. but daniel was so kind to him, he actually listened when there was a problem that corbyn had. he was sure that it would only get even better as their trust grew. corbyn really couldn't comprehend the feelings that were currently flowing through his body. they made him want to scream and cry, but also laugh and jump in joy. nothing made sense to him, and it was giving him a major headache.

daniel could sense the boys stress growing immensely as he sat with his own thoughts. but he needed to understand how he felt before he could speak to daniel. the elder couldn't know what was going on if the younger didn't even know. maybe he still wouldn't know, daniel would just have to help him work through his problems.

the timer that daniel set quickly went off, "come here, corbyn."

corbyn stood up and walked to daniel, his head hung shamefully. this was painfully embarrassing, he really was being treated like a child. daniel wrapped his arms around the skinny boy's waist and pulled him into his lap.

"are you ready to speak to me nicely?" daniel inquired as he laid himself back.

corbyn nodded, though he had no clue what to talk about, he didn't know what was wrong.

daniel acknowledged him and gave him his space to speak. "i-i don't know what to say."

corbyn's breathing was becoming heavier, daniel knew he was about to cry. "hey, baby, it's alright. don't cry, my love, we can just work this out together."

corbyn looked into daniel's eyes, and he felt relief wash over him. daniel wasn't lying to corbyn, they would work this out together. the mans eyes were stunning, a bright blue that twinkled with happiness. corbyn remembered when his eyes had that same twinkle. maybe with daniel it would come back. he couldn't get his hopes up that high though, things could always change. daniel could turn out to be just like corbyn's father, that thought made him shiver. he never wanted to see that man again.

"is it okay that i don't know?" corbyn asked abruptly.

"is it okay that you don't know what, my love?" daniel retaliated, truly not understanding what he meant.

corbyn sighed, "that i never know what to say, or what's wrong with me, or that i just don't know."

daniel laughed slightly, "of course it's okay that you don't know. things take time, especially with the issues you're dealing with."

the boy nodded and laid his head on daniel's chest. calming himself by the sound of the elder's heartbeat. "thank you."

"for what, honey," daniel questioned while rubbing corbyn's back.

"for just being here and listening," corbyn said back.

daniel smiled wide at that, corbyn was already taking a liking to him. this was a great thing to daniel. corbyn may not even realize how happy he just made daniel.

"you're welcome, my love. i'll always be here for you to talk to, but you can't flip out on me," daniel spoke softly, trying to make sure his words didn't hit a nerve.

corbyn sniffled, "i don't know how to not flip out."

"and that's alright, corbyn. we'll figure this out together. you're not alone anymore, i'm here and i always will be," daniel's words hit corbyn like a truck.

the boy began to cry, but not because he was sad, he was so happy. his emotions were all out of whack, he didn't know how to deal with them other than to cry. daniel pulled corbyn's body in further for a hug, "you're okay, love."

daniel could tell that the boy wasn't upset, there was no reason to be. he was overwhelmed at the thought of truly having someone take care of him. he needed it desperately for years, but no one ever gave it to him. he didn't blame corbyn's mother, though, because she believed everything was okay, and she loved corbyn dearly. that's exactly why she sent him here, so he could become who he once was again. daniel was ready to take on the challenge with corbyn, neither of them would be doing this alone.

"you're too nice to me," corbyn stated while leaning back to wipe his tears.

daniel chuckled, "i'm just being me, corbyn. everyone deserves for people to be nice to them."

"no, but you're nicer. you listen to me, you want to help me, you try your best to work out my problems. i don't understand why, you barely know me," corbyn was nodding along with his own statements.

"because i want to help you, corbyn. it's a choice that i made, you deserve to be helped," daniel said honestly, not a drop of dishonesty in his voice.

corbyn looked down, "but i'm so mean to you, and i don't ever care about what you say."

"you'll learn, corbyn. this all is a learning curve, you're allowed to be yourself. i know how hard it is to change, especially when you have such bad mental health issues so young. it's not your fault, just remember that," daniel spoke as he laid his head on top of corbyn's.


i know i promised this last week, but i just didn't have time to get it out. i apologize, i'm going to try my best to get more chapters with better quality out soon. i love you all💕.


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