twelve (rewrite)

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little tw: mentions of being/getting sick.

corbyn's eyes blinked open and honestly he wished they hadn't. his eyes were blurry, his head ached right between his eyes, and his stomach was in knots. the boy curled up into a tight ball hoping that would do something to make him feel better. daniel wasn't in the room, probably off in the kitchen making breakfast for the two of them. the pain began to be too much to handle.

little tears leaked out of his eyes and he called for his daddy, "daddy!" the boy had croaked out.

daniel came rushing in, his instinct was thinking the boy was in some sort of danger, but he wasn't, "what's wrong, my sweet boy?"

corbyn held out his hands to daniel, and the elder cooed softly at his baby. automatically picking the boy up out of his crib, he was slightly worried because something had brought the boy to tears. corbyn laid his head on daniel's shoulder and breathed out heavily.

a gentle hand ran through the boy's soft hair, and a kiss was pressed to his temple, "what's wrong, baby?"

"don't feel good," corbyn sniffled.

daniel frowned, corbyn had never cried when he was sick, "can you tell me what doesn't feel good?"

daniel knew he had to get all of the information out of the boy before he slipped further into his headspace. most littles used their headspace to cope with feeling so bad.

"my tummy, and my head. really bad, daddy," corbyn cried out as the pain became sharp again.

"gonna be sick," corbyn told daniel when he felt a wave of nausea roll over him.

daniel was quick to escort them to the bathroom where he'd let corbyn out of his arms next to the toilet. the poor boy wrenched out everything that had been in his stomach until he was pale and out of breath. he laid his arm on the toilet seat before resting his head on top of it. daniel cringed, that was gross, but what else could he do? if the boy got sick again he would at least be next to the toilet.

and a few minutes later the same thing happened again, this time corbyn looked ten times worse than he had previously. there was sweat beading on his forehead, and that sickly pale color had somehow become even paler.

daniel rubbed the boy's back in a soothing manner, "gotta let it all out, honey. i'm right here okay? you're gonna be okay."

corbyn thought he was done that time, so he let the brunette swaddle him up in his favorite gray blanket, and lay him down on daniel's bed.

"i'm just going to make a quick phone call, baby, i'll be right back. yell for me if you need anything," daniel spoke softly, brushing a few pieces of hair from corbyn's face as he nodded. daniel then stepped out the door and got to his phone call.

it didn't last very long, and daniel was back in the room quickly. he rushed to the boy's side, and saw the haze that formed over his eyes. he was definitely deep in his headspace now, that's why he'd called the doctor that tended to all littles at the school. he did at home visits, and then he'd be on his way.

"we're going to get you checked out, honey, i hope you're okay," daniel spoke to corbyn who was clearly out of it.

as a response he'd lifted his shaky hand and wrapped his little fingers around daniel's pointer finger. a little sign of affection like that completely melted daniel's heart, he felt so bad for his boy. "i love you, sweet boy."

a little smile cracked across the blonds face before going back to a frown. corbyn was so young that he couldn't even speak, that did not seem like a good sign.

the doctor soon arrived after daniel stayed by corbyn's side and cooed at him. the check up was quick, thankfully, because as soon as the doctor neared corbyn he'd broke out into tears. daniel had him in his lap the whole time, kissing his hair every time his cries had increased in volume.

"he's definitely got a stomach bug, i'll prescribe some antibiotics, and he should be back to normal within a few days. make sure he drinks a lot of water, and takes some advil for the headache," the doctor spoke, daniel thanked him appreciatively before the man walked himself out.

"alright, baby, time to get you some medicine," daniel whispered to himself as he entered the bathroom.

his medicine cabinet was completely stocked with everything he thought he'd ever need for corbyn and himself. he pulled out a bottle of liquid ibuprofen, he didn't have advil, but this was second best. daniel poured some of the pink liquid into the little cup and held it up to corbyn's lips, "open up for me, love."

corbyn's lips parted slightly and he allowed daniel to spill the liquid into his mouth before he swallowed it. he was hoping in his mind that this would somehow cure all of his symptoms, and that he'd feel better. he laid his head upon daniel's shoulder again, as the taller male wrapped him back up in his blanket. he held the shivering boy's body close to his own as he sat them in the rocking chair. he wanted to coax corbyn back into sleeping, so he rocked slowly, humming a random tune, and to his surprise corbyn was asleep within two minutes.

he cooed at the boy, and stayed in the chair until he heard a knock at the door. he kept a tight hold on the boy as he went to answer the door, it was someone delivering corbyn's medicine. he thanked them before closing the door and shaking corbyn awake. the boy whined at this, but daniel hushed him.

"it's alright, baby boy, you just need to take your medicine, and you can go back to sleep," daniel smiled down at the boy, the small pill already in hand.

"open up," daniel spoke in a soft tone as to not make the boy's headache worse if it was still present.

the little pill sat on corbyn's tongue until he was given water to wash it down. "good boy!"

corbyn smiled and held onto his daddy just a little tighter. the elder grabbed a book from his bedside table once they were back in the bedroom. he opened it and began to read to the boy, knowing that it calmed him, and again the boy was asleep.

that's what corbyn did a lot when he was sick, sleep. then he'd wake up, daniel would give him his medicine, lots of water and food, most of which he'd sadly thrown up. daniel was stressed, but happy when he'd heard his baby talk again.

"daddy," he'd whined out.

daniel's wide smile was hard to hide, "daddy's here, baby, how are you feeling?"

"better," he'd whispered.

the boy was still sick, but he was definitely getting better. the pale color of his skin had finally began to regain its color, the slight rosiness of his cheeks beginning to return. he was still pretty deep in headspace, daniel could tell by his limited vocabulary.

when corbyn was better he'd beamed at his daddy and wrapped his arms tight around him, "thank you for taking care of me, daddy. i love you."

"it was my pleasure, baby, i'm just glad you're feeling better now. i love you, honey."

they'd snuggled up close for the remainder of the day, happy to be with each other.


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