three (rewrite)

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tw: mentions of food/slight eating disorder. this chapter does not contribute to the plot too much, so if this topic is uncomfortable for you i highly recommend you skip it!

it had only been half past nine when corbyn had fallen asleep in his chair at the kitchen table. he was drained from his tiresome day, daniel couldn't blame the boy. usually he would go to sleep earlier than that though, it was time to get the boy on a good schedule.

daniel cooed at the young boy as he picked him up out of the wooden chair. a light dusty blush coated his cheeks, his lashes fell onto his cheeks beautifully, and his hair covered his forehead completely. daniel couldn't believe that this was his baby. he finally had what he needed in life. the elder rubbed corbyn's stomach as he whimpered in his sleep, the touch immediately soothing him. daniel smiled absentmindedly at corbyn as he changed him into a rocket ship dotted onesie, the boy would not like this, but it had to be done. daniel needed to make sure he rested, knowing tomorrow would not be easy.


corbyn awoke with a whine, his head was killing him. he looked to his surroundings, seeing bars, that was strange. he knew he was no longer at home, but why wasn't he in a normal bed? the room was normal, a normal bed sitting in the middle of it. oh god, he was in a crib, for babies! the boy began desperately trying to escape his wooden prison, but to no avail. he fell back with a huff.

"what's got my baby so pouty, hm?" daniel asked as he walked into the room.

corbyn looked up at the taller male, "get me out of here."

"that is not how we ask, now is it, darling," daniel crooned.

corbyn rolled his eyes, this man was annoying, "get me out, please."

daniel lost his smile, "don't be rude, ask nicely."

"no," corbyn crossed his arms over his chest.

"have it your way then, i'll be here when you get over yourself," daniel declared, not trying to be too mean.

corbyn glared at the elder, but daniel thought he looked adorable. corbyn sighed and stood back up, once again trying to climb over the tall bars.

"no, no, baby, you're going to hurt yourself," daniel rushed to corbyn when he almost fell over the bars.

"i'm not a little kid, don't treat me like one," corbyn pushed his foot against the crib to see if the bars would fall.

daniel chuckled, "i can't treat you like an adult if you're acting like a little kid, corbyn."

corbyn was angry at the statement, he wasn't acting like a little kid! he was acting like an adult who was forced into a crib, anyone would act like that if they were in his position.

he began banging his fists against the cool wooden bars of the crib, "fuck you!"

"corbyn, look at me," daniel's voice had taken on a more stern tone, corbyn gulped and looked up.

for the first time in corbyn's short life, he felt intimidated. sure he had been slightly intimidated by daniel's size, but that was nothing compared to this. he felt tiny, just because of the look daniel was giving him. that was so unlike him, he hated it. he hated a lot of things.

"i know you're upset right now, but yelling and hurting yourself is not going to change the situation. do you understand?"

corbyn sat there, just looking at daniel, "corbyn, i asked you a question and i expect an answer," daniel never broke eye contact with the boy.

"y-yes, i understand," corbyn stuttered, a blush rising to his cheeks.

daniel smiled a toothy smile, "good, are you ready to ask me nicely to be let out?"

corbyn nodded, looking down, "can you please let me out?"

"of course," daniel pulled the boy out of his crib.

corbyn whined, about to ask to be let out of daniel's arms, but he was shushed.

"you're really annoying, you know that," corbyn stated bluntly, he was aggravated.

"that's not very nice-," corbyn didn't want to hear it, "i'm not very nice, daniel."

daniel began to strap him into his high chair, "i believe differently."

"well you shouldn't," corbyn then realized what was happening, "wait, no, let me out!"

daniel had turned his back to the boy, focusing on whatever was on the stove, "no, corbyn, you'll stay in there."

"no! i want to get out," corbyn screeched, trying to unbuckle himself.

daniel didn't give a reaction to corbyn's outburst, he was not going to get his way. although he didn't know their rules yet, he would be learning them soon, and there was no way daniel was going to give him what he wanted. he let corbyn yell, but he stopped within two minutes of starting because he realized he wasn't getting a reaction.

"here you go, love," daniel smiled as he placed a plate of pancakes on the tray of corbyn's high chair.

"uh, thank you," corbyn thanked.

"you're welcome."

corbyn wasn't hungry, he never ate much, especially not for breakfast. he played with the food that sat on the plate for a few minutes before daniel decided to say something, "corbyn, love, the food is there to eat, not to play with."

"i, uh, i'm not really hungry," corbyn shrugged.

daniel shot him a confused look, "honey, you need to eat something, even if it's only a couple bites."

corbyn sighed and looked at daniel with tired eyes, "really, it's okay. i don't eat in the morning, it makes me sick."

"that's not good for your health, love, you're going to eat just a little bit. i'll be proud even if you only eat two bites," daniel moved his chair in front of corbyn's and picked up his fork.

daniel brought a piece of the pancake up to corbyn's mouth and the boy blushed a deep scarlet. corbyn knew there was no getting out of this, plus it was a one time thing, they'd forget about it sooner or later. he allowed daniel to feed him three pieces of the pancake before he stopped, "no more."

"alright, sweetheart, we'll just have more for lunch, yeah?"

corbyn just nodded slightly, he probably won't eat that much then either. daniel pulled corbyn out of the high chair which he was thankful for.

"time for the rules."


i hope you like this chapter! it took me a while because of school. i love all of you, but please do not comment things like "update" constantly because it makes me less motivated. thank you!


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