two (rewrite)

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corbyn walked in expecting something weird, but the dorm living room was mostly normal, besides a playpen, "do you have a kid?"

daniel chuckled making corbyn's face flood with color for asking such a silly question.

"no, darling, i don't have a kid. i'll explain everything to you once i set your stuff down. you can take a seat on the couch until i come back," daniel guided the younger to the couch to let him sit.

normally this wouldn't be allowed without daniel's supervision, but today was an exception. corbyn began thinking to himself about why daniel would have items for babies without actually having a baby. he came up with nothing but a headache.

"alright, darling, i'm done. i can explain everything to you now."

corbyn nodded his head, and began listening.

"this school is supposed to teach you discipline, and manners, so we use ddlb. i will care for you, discipline you, and teach you. and before you ask, yes you will be put into a younger headspace, so you can be retaught," daniel explained to a gaping corbyn.

"i'm not a little kid, i don't need to be here," corbyn shouted getting up off of the couch, and turning to face daniel.

daniel took both of the boys frail wrists in one of his hands, "there's no need to get upset. just talk about what's bothering you, okay darling?"

"does my mom know what this school is," corbyn bit his lip.

"yes, she knows what this school is. she thinks it will be perfect for you," daniel frowned at the boy's reaction.

"sh-she thinks i act like a baby?"

daniel pulled corbyn into his lap and stroked his hair, "no, honey, she doesn't. she thinks that a lot has happened to you causing you to deter from your morals. she wants you to be back to how you used to be."

"i want to go home!"

corbyn landed on his bum as he flung himself out of daniel's arms. the boy stumbled until he got flat onto his feet, rushing to the door and pulling it open as quickly as he could. he ran out and into the hallway, looking for somewhere to go.

"corbyn, i know you're upset, honey. but there is no reason to do this, i promise you that," daniel was kneeling by their door, so he could be eye level with corbyn when he came back.

corbyn turned to daniel, tears running down his face. his face was bright red as he sniffled, he couldn't get away, not yet at least.

daniel pulled corbyn into his arms and hushed him softly, "it's okay, darling, i know this is a lot to take in. it's going to be okay."

"i n-need to call my mom," corbyn hurried.

daniel nodded, "you can go into the kitchen, it's right in there," daniel pointed to a walkway.

corbyn shuffled into the kitchen and grabbed his phone from his bag.

the phone rang a couple of times before his mother picked up, "hey, baby!"

"why did you send me here?"

"because it's going to be good for you, corbyn."

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