four (rewrite)

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"what do you mean rules?" corbyn asked with his eyebrow raised.

daniel sat back on the couch with corbyn in his lap, "we have rules, punishments, and rewards around here for your safety."

corbyn whined and tried to get out of daniel's tight hold. "i don't need rules."

"yes you do, honey, they're only to make sure you're safe. you'll be rewarded as you follow them," daniel smiled pushing a stray piece of corbyn's hair out of his face.

corbyn frowned, "i'm not a little kid, i don't care about your stupid fucking rewards."

"well then, punishments will be your best friend, this all revolves around you. this is all for you," daniel explained, rubbing corbyn's side.

"you're weird!" corbyn screeched batting daniel's hands away from himself.

daniel tightened his grip around corbyn's waist, "calm down, corbyn, it's okay."

corbyn hit daniel's chest trying to escape his grip, this was weird he didn't like it at all. daniel pulled one of his hands away from corbyn's waist to grab his flailing wrists. "corbyn, there is no need to get worked up, you're fine."

corbyn huffed, cheeks turning a deep shade of red, "i want to go home!"

"this is your home now, darling," daniel cooed softly at the distraught boy.

corbyn whimpered and looked up at daniel through his eyelashes, tears brimming his eyes. he'd never cried so much in front of another person, especially one he'd just met. his anxiety was at an all time high being here, he didn't know if he was safe.

"hey, what's got us upset, hm?" daniel let go of corbyn's wrists and pulled him into a hug.

"i-," corbyn couldn't get his words out before he started crying.

"my poor baby," daniel sighed as he rested his head atop corbyn's.

corbyn's small hands clutched the fabric of daniel's shirt while he cried into it. he was just so overwhelmed, it wasn't unlike him to get worked up, but he usually kept composed. daniel whispered sweet nothings into his ear and rubbed his back. from what daniel could tell corbyn liked physical touch, even if he denied it.

daniel placed a kiss on the boy's head and tried his best to soothe him, "it's okay, love, let it out."

corbyn allowed himself to do just that, but when he was done he sniffled, "i'm sorry."

"hey," daniel grabbed the boy's chin lightly and made him look up, "you don't need to apologize, it's completely okay and normal to be worried."

corbyn nodded and laid his head on daniel's chest, hearing the calming sound of his heartbeat. he didn't know why, but he felt completely safe when he listened to the elder's beating heart. daniel made him feel safe yesterday by helping him with his panic attack, so he grew attached to something that had comforted him.

"you're safe here, corbyn. you always will be. i guess the rules will have to wait after such a big stressor, hm?" daniel laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"mhm," corbyn mumbled, his eyes fluttering shut.

daniel ran his hands through corbyn's hair, soothing the boy further, "is my baby tired?"

corbyn didn't respond, he was already asleep. daniel smiled, he was already making progress with corbyn. he couldn't have been happier.

corbyn woke around an hour later, still in daniel's lap, the elder was on his phone. corbyn guessed daniel covered him with a blanket while he was asleep because he was engulfed in a warm gray blanket.

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