Chapter 4

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*your outfit*
3Weeks later
Y/N Pov
The last few weeks went by very fast. I talked alot to my family in Virginia and to Governor Denning. He told me he would take care of Steve but I said I'm old enough to take care of it by myself. He left it and told me he would support every decision I make . I also talked to my older sister a lot. She said I should forget about the argument and talk to Steve. He should be able to explain himself but after that we should forget about the fight. I told her that I really love my job at Five0 and also the other guys. So that is excactly what I did.

Today is the day I want to talk to Steve. I get ready and drive to Iloani Palace. I arrive 20 minutes after and start walking in. Before I open the glass door I take a huge breath. I open the door. The first one to notice me is Jerry
Jerry : Oh thank god! *he walks up to me and hugs me* I'm so happy to see you
Y/N : Thank you Jerry! If I'm being honest I missed you.
*We break the hug and walk up to their HighTec Computer table*
Y/N : So, where are the other guys? Do you have a new case?
Jerry : We worked the whole night to solve the case we worked on 7 months ago. *he takes a huge breath and continues* Its the Rodriguez case again.
*I inhale sharply*
Y/N : Oh my- did you guys find the missing girls? Please tell me you did?
Jerry : *he smiles* yes we did. They were being held in a abandoned house for the last 5 months and last night we found them, thanks to an informant. The guys just arrived there.
*he shows me their GPS signal on the computer and lets me listen to the conversation. Suddenly we heard loud shots. I hear the guys talking
Y/N : Oh my god. How long does it take me to get here? *I say quickly and look at Jerry with fear in my eyes*
Jerry : What are you doing? You don't have a badge you can't go there!
Y/N : I have no choice. They are my Ohana. Jerry please tell me!
Jerry : *he takes a deep breath and sighs* okay it will take you 10minutes. But please take SWAT with you.
Y/N : I will be there in 7. And of course. I have a friend there and he is the best.
*I get over to the closet with the guns and bulletproof vests. I quickly get myself a vest and put it on. I take a gun for my thigh holster and a machine gun.
Jerry : Be careful! And take the earpiece please.
*he hands me an earpiece and I put it in*
Y/N : Thank you Jerry.
*I quickly run out of the Headquarter and call my friend from SWAT*

On the phone:
S= Swat officer
S : Captain Timothy Monoko?
Y/N : Tim? It's Y/N. I need your help! It's an emergency.
*I get to my car and get inside, buckle up and drive away*
S : Hey Y/N! What's up?
Y/N : My friends are getting shot at by 10 active shooters at Waimanolo drive 10/17. They are 5 guys with just small guns. I need you and a team.
S : We're on our way! Meet you there and please wait for us! *I roll my eyes and chuckle*
Y/N : You know me. I can't do that. Please just hurry!
S : We will. Take care!
Y/N : Will do.
*I hang up and arrive at the house. I see the shooters and the guys. And oh my lord one of the guys lays on the floor with blood on their abdomen.*
*I run behind Dannys car and see Steve laying on the floor with a huge puddle of blood under him*
Y/N : Oh my god Steve! What happened?
*I push my hands on his wound and he immediately groans due to the pain*
Danny : He thought he's bulletproof. And then he got shot right under his vest. He lost a lot of blood
*Right after he finishs his sentence SWAT arrives*
Tim : SWAT move forward. * he runs over to me* Are you okay?
Y/N : I am but he is not. He got shot right into his lower abdomen. He needs help right now.
Danny : Please stay here with him. I will take your gun and we move forward.
Y/N : Yes go and save the girls
*They begin running in the house and I stay behind. I put pressure on Steves wound and he wakes up*
Steve : Oww!! What happened? *he groans in pain*
Y/N : Steve! It's okay. You got shot in your abdomen but I'm right here. Everything is going to be fine.
Steve : Y/N... I'm so sorry for what I said. Please... *he groans again* Please forgive me please! We need you! I need you.
Y/N : *I look into his eyes and I know he is being honest. He is truly sorry* It's okay I forgive you. I'm sorry that I left.
*sith that being said he closes his eyes and inhlaes deeply*
Y/N : Steve HEY... *I give him a light slap in the face* Fuck ... *I look up and see the guys coming out of the house* GUYS STEVE IS UNCONSCIOUS! HE NEEDS AN AMBULANCE NOW OR HE WON'T MAKE IT.
Danny : Shit! I will call an helicopter.
Y/N : *I check his pulse and its very low. I suddenly start to tear up.* Steve please you can't die please. Im sorry okay Im sorry. I forgive you its all good now.
Danny : The helicopter is here.
*two paramedics arrive and take him.*
Paramedic : One of you can come with us.
*I look at all of the guys and they nod*
Y/N : I will go with you
*I rush to the helicopter with the paramedics and we get inside*

10Minutes later
We arrive at Tripler Hospital and Steve gets rushed inside. Soon we arrive at the door to the OR rooms
Nurse : Im sorry. You can't come inside
*She rushes inside and I am left alone in the corridor.*

30Minktes later
Danny, Lou, Adam, Junior and Jerry arrived in Tripler and saw me crying.
Danny : Hey girl we are here now. He is strong he got this. *he sits beside me and side hugs me*
Y/N : I know, but I wanted to stay mad at him. But I can't. The minute I saw him laying there in his blood, I knew I couldn't stay mad at him. *I sobbed in Dannys chest*
Lou : Thats a good thing. You are the most generous person ever. You accepted his apology and you are friends again.
Junior : That means you can come back to Five0 and we can start kicking criminals asses again. Together. We miss you. You were the only girl in the TaskForce and you were the best. God *he lets out a little chuckle* Do you remember that one time, when we fighted about who of us would kick down the door? *I laugh and nod*
Junior : I miss this. Us two arguing about who will kick down the door. *a few seconds silence*
Lou : Remember that one time you beated my ass in golf? That was the worst day in my life.
Y/N : The best day of my life
*We all laughed*
Adam : I will always remember the day you saved my life. You killed the dude and saved my life. Distance 500 meters like damn ... You are the best lifesaver.
* I just smile*
Jerry : I remember the three weeks you helped me in the Headquarters. I knew you didnt like it but it was good having somebody with me.
Y/N : I wanted to be there. You teached me more in those three weeks than I learned at Quantico.
*we all laugh*
Danny: Why are we having deep talk right now? But okay nevermind... I remember that one day when you saved Grace.
*everybody stops smiling and starts listening to Danny*
She was kidnapped and you found her. That was the worst day of my life and I thought I would loose her. I was scared that I couldn't keep the promise I gave her, that I will always protect her. *a little tear left his eye and my eyes start tearing up for the hundreds time this day* And only because of you, I could keep my promise. So thank you.
*i start crying*
Y/N : Group hug?
*we all share a group hug. After that we wait for Steve to get out the OR*

8Hours later
All of us were still there. All of us are tired. All of us are scared.
I sit on one of the chairs in the waiting room wirh Danny, Junior and Lou beside me. Adam and Jerry went to the cafeteria 5 minutes ago to get something to drink and eat.
Y/N : God why is this taking so damn long. *I stand up and pace around the room*
Danny : The time won't go by faster when you pace around this room. *he chuckles a bit*
Y/N : I'm sorry. It't just ... I'm scared okay? I don't want to loose him even though I still kinda hate him at least a part of him.
Junior : I understand you. I sometimes hate him too but please *he looks at me and Danny* don't ever tell him that.
Y/N and Danny: Promise!
*we all laugh but get interrupted by a doctor coming in the room.*
Y/N : Oh my... Doctor is everything okay? Is he alive?
Doc : Yes he is fine.
*we all let out a huge sigh of relief*
Danny : Thank god.
Doc : But he did lost a lot of blood. He has to take it easy for the next 4 weeks.
Danny : We will take care of it, thanks doc!
Doc : No problem. You can see him now.
Y/N : Yes please.
*We follow the doc to Steves room and get inside*

*We follow the doc to Steves room and get inside*

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