Chapter 18

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*Next day*
*10 AM*
*Today is a day off again and Steve and I decided to go swimming in his backyard today. I prepared some breakfast and brought it outside where Steve was waiting for me.*
Steve : Finally. I am starving *he says while taking his plate out of my hands*
Y/N : You could've helped me you idiot. *I laugh*
*We start eating and soon finished.*
Steve : Can we go swimming now? I am already wearing my trunks *he says while pointing at his lower half and I laugh*
Y/N : I will go back inside and change into a bikini. You can already start swimming if you'd like. *I smile at him and he nods. I head inside clean the plates and change into a bikini.*

*your bikini*

*After changing, I head back outside and see Steve already in the water

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*After changing, I head back outside and see Steve already in the water. I head towards him and get in the water with him.*
Steve : Hey gorgeous. *he smiles at me and grabs my body. He holds me in his arms and kisses me passionately.*
Y/N : What was that for? *I ask him after releasing from the kiss*
Steve : Just because I love you *he smiles*
Y/N : *I chuckle at his actions and kiss him again* God I am so happy to have you
Steve : Same here

*we swim for a bit and after 2 hours we went inside to cook something*
Steve : I will cook something today *he says before I could start*
Y/N : What a gentleman *I smile and sit down at the kitchen isle*
*While Steve is cooking I read a magazine. We ate until Steve started speaking*
Steve : I have a surprise for you this evening. *he says and I smile at him*
Y/N : Oh *I say surprised* Where and when?
Steve : At 8PM at the beach. Danny will pick you up*he smiles and heads to the kitchen cleaning our plates* Oh and dress cute.
Y/N : I will be there Commander *I laugh*

Steve left a few minutes ago and I decided to get ready*

*Your outfit*

*7:45PM**I hear a knock on the door and head downstairs

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*I hear a knock on the door and head downstairs. I open the door and see Danny there smiling.*
Danny : Hi Y/N. You look beautiful. Steve won't be able to take his eyes off of you tonight.
Y/N : *I chuckle at his words* Thank you for picking me up.
*we head to his car and he start driving to the beach. 15 minutes later, we arrived at the beach and he takes me to a pavilion where Steve was waiting for me*
Steve : wow *he looks me up and down* you look gorgeous and sexy.
Y/N : *I laugh lightly and hug him* Thank you, you look handsome
Steve : So the reason why I wanted you here tonight is because I want to do something I wanted to do for a while. *he says while looking me deep in the eyes*
Y/N : Okay, its nothing bad right? *I ask him slightly worried*
Steve : No, no of course not. So um ... *he rubs behind his back nervously* I remember the day we met. I was an asshole that day, but you were still so nice to me. Ever since that day I started liking you, but still I was so mean to you. I broke your heart several times but you still forgave me. *I laugh slightly* We are together since more than 4 years and those have been the best years of my life. *I start to tear up a bit knowing what is coming* You helped me through a lot. The time with Catherine, than the time with my mom. You were there the whole time and I am so thankful for that. You helped me through the hardest times of my life. You are my best friend, my lover and my soulmate. *I was crying by now* So I wanted to ask you *He kneels down on one knee and pulls out a black velvet box with a beautiful Smaragd ring inside. I gasp and cry harder* Supervisory Special Agent Y/N Brown, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me? *he asks also tearing up a bit*
Y/N : Oh my god Steve. Of course I will marry you
Steve : So thats a yes? *he asks happily*
Y/N : Its a yes! *I say and he hugs me deeply. We pull away and he puts the ring on my finger.*
Y/N : You still remember? *I ask pointing at the ring*
Steve : Of course. How could I forget you telling me a thousand times that you love smaragd rings? *we share a laugh* and now we will go to a restaurant.

*your ring {already wirh wedding ring}*

*we head to a restaurant where all of our friends where waiting*All : CONGRATULATIONS!! *they all scream*Y/N : Thank you guys so much *I say and Tani walks up to me hugging me*Tani : Show me the ring *I show her my hand and she squeals

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*we head to a restaurant where all of our friends where waiting*
All : CONGRATULATIONS!! *they all scream*
Y/N : Thank you guys so much *I say and Tani walks up to me hugging me*
Tani : Show me the ring *I show her my hand and she squeals.* I am so excited for your wedding.
Y/N : I am too, but now I am really hungry, so can we eat? *she laughs but nods her head*

*we all eat and at 11PM we all headed back to our houses*

*Steve. and I lay in bed cuddling like usually.*
Y/N : I am so happy you asked me *I say looking at my ring and caressing it softly*
Steve : I am too.
*we cuddle for a little more and fell asleep quickly*

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