Chapter 14

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*Time Skip*

*Steve and I have been dating for 3 years and it has been the best. I met his family 4 months in our relationship and he met mine after a year. We spent 2 weeks in Virginia with my family and they all love Steve. Five0 is still active but one member left. Adam found a new girlfriend and moved with her to the mainland. Steve recruited another girl called Tani Rey and she joined us 2 years ago. Junior and her are a couple since a few weeks and they are the cutest. Oh and I moved in with Steve, but I still have my house just incase.*

*Present Time*
*Today is our day off and the whole team decided to go to the beach and spend some time together. I have been awake since half an hour and prepared breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon and some fruit.*

Y/N : Morning Commander *I say as I see Steve entering the kitchen*
Steve : Morning Agent *He wraps his arms around my waist and gives me a sweet kiss*
Y/N : Lets eat. We have to be at the beach in an hour.
*We sit at the table and eat our breakfast. After cleaning the plates, I go upstairs to change into a bikini. I see shirtless Steve in our bedroom searching for some swim trunks.*
Steve : *notices me standing in the door frame* Have you seen my blue trunks? They are my favorite and I want to wear them today.
Y/N : I think they must be in the bathroom because you wore them yesterday for your morning swim. *I walk in the bathroom and see his trunks. I get them and give them to Steve.* Here they are. *I smile at him and he smiles back. He gives me a kiss and thanks me*
*I go to my wardrobe to search for a perfect bikini*
Y/N : Steve *I call him and his head pops out of the bathroom*
Steve : Yes babe.
Y/N : I can't decide which bikini I should wear. Can you help me?
Steve : Baby *he walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist* You look gorgeous in any of them.
Y/N : Thank you Steve. *I smile at him and give him a quick kiss*
*He smiles back and return to the bathroom. I smirk to myself and decide to tease him a bit today. He is quite jealous and doesn't like it when I wear something revealing.*

*Your Bikini and dress on top*

*Your Bikini and dress on top*

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Y/N : Steve are you ready? We need to leave

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Y/N : Steve are you ready? We need to leave.
Steve : Yes lets go

*We drive to the beach in his truck and meet Danny and Grace in the parking lot*
(Grace is about 14 in this)
Grace : Y/N !! I haven't seen you in so long *she runs over to me and hugs me*
Y/N : Its so nice to see you Gracie.
Steve : Okay lets go to the beach please. We are already late.
*We all walk up on the beach and meet the others. We talked for a while*
Tani : Grace, Y/N do you guys want to surf?
Y/N : Yes please. *I get up and undress my dress. As soon as my dress is off, I feel Steves eyes on me. I want to start walking to the surf boards but Steve grabs my hand. He stands in front of me*
Steve : What do you think you are wearing? *he kinda glares at me*
Y/N : *I look down to my body and smirk at him* Im wearing a bikini. Isn't that obvious?
Steve : I don't want all the guys on this beach looking at what's mine. Go change *he says with a serious voice*
Y/N : Sorry but I don't have another bikini with me *I smile at him and start walking to Tani and Grace.*
Steve : You are going to be the death of me
*I look back at him and blow him a kiss*
Tani : Teasing your boy I see
Y/N : My favorite hobby. *We share a laugh and start surfing for about an hour*

*We go back to the others. And I lay down next to Steve to tan. At first, I lay on my back, but as soon as I turn on my stomach to tan my back, Steve puts a towel over my body*
Y/N : What do you think you are doing boy? *I ask with a questioning look*
Steve : I don't want you to show off your ass. *he says*
Y/N : But I have a great ass. *I push the towel off of me*
Steve: Yes the hell you do, but *he puts the towel back on me* This ass is only for me *he smirks at me*
Y/N : Okay okay. *I leave the towel covering my ass, but pull Steve down to lay next to me.*
Steve : What are you doing? *he asks laughing*
Y/N : I want to cuddle *I lay on top of him (in a non-sexual way) and cuddle with him. He puts his arms around my waist and give me a kiss on top of my head*
Steve : I love you baby *he whispers*
Y/N : I love you too Commander

*We stayed at the beach for a couple more hours. and ate dinner at Kamekonas. We decided to leave at 9PM. We say our goodbyes and leave to the house.*
Y/N : Im going to take a shower. *I say as I make my way upstairs*
Steve : Oh.. Im joining *he smirks at me*
Y/N : I don't think so *I say smirking and lock the bathroom door*
Steve : You are mean. *I hear him say through the door.*
*I shower and put on one of Steves shirts. I open the door and see him with wet hair laying in the bed. I assume he took a shower in the guest bathroom.*
Y/N : Can we sleep? I am kinda tired.
Steve : Of course. Come here. *he opens his arms for me to cuddle with him*
*I lay in bed with him. He pulls me on top of him and he grabs my ass. He rests his hand there*
Steve : Thats my ass *he gives it a little squeeze and I chuckle at his action* Understand?
Y/N : Yes Commander *I joke*
Steve : Good. Now lets sleep. We have to get up early tomorrow.
Y/N : Night babe
*We fell asleep cuddling and Steves hand on my ass*

A/N : I know this Chapter was a bit boring but the next will be more interesting

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