Chapter 11

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*Time Skip*
The next few weeks were all the same. You worked with Junior but you still get to do all of the paperwork. You talked with Danny and Junior about it and they talked with Steve but as we all know him, he is stubborn and wouldnt let them talk to him. 6Weeks after Catherine and Steve got together they started acting weird and she actually left Five0 which also means McGarrett is my partner again. All of the guys asked why she left but he didn't answer so we let it be. Today is my day off and I decided to have a chill day at the beach by Kamekonas so I can eat there again

*your bikini*

*3PM*I have been at the beach since 6 hours

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I have been at the beach since 6 hours. I was surfing swimming and I ate at Kamekonas. It was the best day I had since I saw Steve and Catherine making out on the couch. I am laying on my towel right now to tan. Suddenly I hear a voice*
?? : Hey. Didn't expect to see you here.
*I look up at the person and see a wet and shirtless McGarrett sitting down next to me and damn his body like omg*
Y/N : What do you want? *i ask with a annoyed tone*
Steve : I just want to give you some company *he smiles but I just chuckle*
Y/N : You didn't care for me while Catherine was here so I'm actually good being alone. *I close my eyes again and lay back down* You can go
Steve: *he sighs* I broke up with Catherine
Y/N: *I look up at him and I must say even though I'm mad at him I still care for my Ohana. So I decided to talk to him about it* Oh... What happened?
Steve : I found out she cheated. But that wasn't the reason why I broke up with her. I understood that I don't love her anymore and that she just manipulated me. And I'm so so sorry that I hurt you again.
Y/N : *I sit up and put my hand on his shoulder for some comfort* Oh Steve. I'm sorry to hear that. But maybe it's for the best.
Steve : Yes maybe it is *he looks at me and smiles*
Y/N : *I smile back* I know I said I don't need company but I think you need some
Steve : *he laughs* That would be great

*We spend the rest of the day together and it is really great to have back the old McGarrett. I returned to my home at 8PM and I immediately got a call. I don't look at the Caller ID and just answer assuming its McGarrett*

*On the phone*
Y/N : Miss me already? *I laugh while I sit on my couch*
?? : Im sorry but I think I'm not the person you think. *I frown* It's FBI Unit chief Clint Reynolds.
Y/N : *Oml it's my former boss* Oh Clint it's you. I didn't excpect you to call me. How can I help you?
Clint : We need you for another undercover work.
Y/N : Its about the Russian Mafia in London right? You're still searching for Garig Dobrian.
Clint : Yes thats right. You have already been undercover there and nobody else can do it. I know you told me you have a new job and that you will never return to the FBI but we need you. Please
Y/N : For how long would I be away?
Clint : just 3 months
Y/N : Okay I will do it but I have to tell my boss about it
Clint : No you aren't allowed to tell Commander McGarrett. I talked to the governor and he agreed. He is the only one who knows and it stays like this. You understand?
Y/N : Yes sir I understand. *I sigh knowing that they will be so angry* When am I boarding?
Clint : in 2 hours at Honolulu International directly to London. SA Trevor will pick you up. I will see you there bye
Y/ N : Okay bye
*I hang up and sigh. I start packing a bag and head to the airport without telling my Ohana and especially Steve that I will leave for months. I'm noting better than Catherine, great*

*quick background story*
Garig Dobrian is the head of the Russisn Mafia in London. Y/N was undercover 3 years ago and they weren't able to get Dobrian, because the mission got to dangerous. She nearly got killed by one of Dobrians man. They never found out that shes an undercover FBI agent, so thats why they need her back*

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