Chapter 5

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Your Pov

We all arrive in Steves room and see him hooked up to many different machines. Danny and I have tears in our eyes. The doctor is still behind us and starts explaining
Doc : So we were able to get the bullet out without him having any problems. But he indeed lost a lot of blood. He has to take it slow for the next 4 weeks and I mean this. His wound is still very sensitive and needs a lot of attention. Daily cleaning and a new bandage. You need to make sure of that okay? If he won't do that his wound could infect and he could die. All hypotical of course. So please take care of him.
Y/N : I will take care of him. I promise I will take care
Danny : You don't need to I can.
*I look at Steve and take his hand in mine*
Y/N : No its okay I will take care of him. But that means you have to kick criminals asses without us two.
*all of them nod in agreement*
Steve : Do I get to say something? *we all look at him in shook* What if I don't want that? *he smiles at me*
Y/N : No one else will do it. So you either accept me or you can die. *I say to him with a stern but sarcastic voice*
Steve : No I was kidding I'm fine with that. How are you guys?
Danny : Seriously? you are the one who got shot not one of us. *he is clearly annoyed by Steve*
Steve : I was just trying to be nice but okay if you don't want me to be nice.
*we all start to laugh and enjoyed the rest of the day together*

Danny : Okay as funny as this is I have to get home. I will see you tomorrow guys. Bye everyone
Steve : Bye and don't forget my breakfast tomorrow morning. Thank you Danno
Y/N : Bye Danny
Junior : Adam and I will leave to. We have to get up early tomorrow. But we will come back in the evening. Bye Steve. Take care!
*Lou comes back in the room after taking a call*
Lou : I have to go. René just called. The kids want to do a family evening. Bye guys
Y/N : Have fun Lou. Enjoy your time with your family
Lou : Oh and Jerry should I drive you home? I know you came with Adam before.
Jerry : That would be so nice of you Lou. Thanks. Okay Bye guys.
Y/N : Bye guys. See you tomorrow
*after they all left, there is a awkward silence between me and Steve*
Y/N : ehhmm okay so I think I should leave too
*I stand up from the chair and turn around, ready to leave. Just before I could leave, Steve grabs my hand to stop me*
Steve : Can you stay a little please? I want to talk to you. Please *he looks at me with a pleasing look. Thats the McGarrett look nobody can resist*
Y/N : Okay I will stay. *I sit back on my chair and he takes my hand back in his like I did earlier when he was unconscious.* And we still have to talk about how we will do this after you get released out of hospital.
Steve : Look I want to explain. *he sits a bit up adjusting himself to be comfortable again* What I said that day wasn't okay and I now that I hurt you. The last year was really hard for me and I took that out on you. That has nothing to do with you or your character. It's because you are a woman-
Y/N : Wait a minute .. What do you mean by that?
Steve : Can I finish please ?
Y/N : Yes sorry.
Steve : Okay what I wanted to day . I broke up with my longtime girlfriend. We met in the navy and she left because CIA recruited her. I wanted to marry her and she left me. It wasn't the first time she left. *he gets tears in his eyes and I take a harder grip on his hand* She broke my heart everytime. But sfter she left this time I had the feeling I could never feel again. I thought I wasn't loveable. *he stops staring at his hands and looks me in my with tears filled eyes* But then you came inside the Palace. From the first second I saw you I knew you were a good and perfect person. Generous strong and independent. And thats the problem. You can love everyone without a problem. And I don't deserve love. Thats why she left me.
*Now his tears start falling and he starts crying*
Y/N : Hey Steve. *I take my thumb and brush his tears away* You deserve love. Everybody deserves it. And you do too. You are such a strong and lovely person. You may not show that very often but you are and I know that. And I tell you I forgive you. I forgot this words the minute I saw you laying on the floor wirh blood everywhere. I forgive you
*We stare into each others tears filled eyes and start laughing*
Steve : That was the most honest conversation I had in the last year. Thank you so much!
Y/N : No problem. I will always be there for you. Can I hug you?
Steve : Yes please
*I stand up from my chair and give him a hug*
Steve : I have a question *he whispers*
Y/N : Yes what is it?
Steve : Can you stay the night? Please? I don't want to be alone. *we let go of the hug and I look at him*
Y/N : Steve... do you think thats a good idea? I don't know about this.
Steve : Please *he looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes*
Y/N : Okay I will stay.
*I sit back on my chair and start adjusting to find a comfortable position. I start to close my eyes but then I hear a chuckle. I open my eyes again and see Steve smiling at me*
Y/N : What is it? Why you laughing?
Steve : Its just... you look funny trying to sleep in that tiny chair. *he starts shifting in his bed and moves to the right side. He pats the now free left side* Come here you can sleep beside me
Y/N : Oh *I start to think* I mean the chair is kinda uncomfortable so okay.
*I lay in his bed beside him and take care so I won't touch his wound*
Y/N : I don't want to hurt you Steve.
Steve : I'm a Navy SEAL you can't hurt me. *he chuckles*
Y/N : Okay. So good night Commander. *I smile at him*
Steve : Good night Agent. *he smiles back*
*I switch off the light and lay back and close my eyes. After a few minutes I hear light snores from Steve that make me smile. Suddenly he started to move around and put his arm around me. I lightly smile to myself and lay my head in his chest. Soon I fall asleep cuddling with my boss*

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